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Bishopsfinger 3:59 Wed May 5
GSB out

He’s pretty categorised it all on this thread.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

nychammer 4:02 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Cash in. Sell up. Simple as that.

Crassus 3:37 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Yes, to March 2023
But it need not be their cost, it would a cost to the business
That’s the basics but of course the Devil is in the contractual detail and I doubt the Czech is not on top of that given his pedigree in real business matters

Side of Ham 3:33 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Sold, normally I'd agree with you on that logic, but we just want a squad to have options with... not feel this great team when all fit did its very best and if only we had.......another striker to take the pressure off Antonio so he can play with that swagger again, a decent central midfielder that could give Declan & Soucek a rest in some games to far or a Left back that can defend & give a bit of an attacking threat as well when Cresswell is missing or a Centre Half that slots in and doesn't look like he nervous Nerys in Only Fools & Horses......

Mike Oxsaw 3:27 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
So their only outlay is the minimum it takes to give us 2 more years at the top table and everything else is an unrequired cost?

Crassus 3:24 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Too many double negatives in there mate to navigate but if you are suggesting that they can pull the plug on the Czech then, from my understanding, you are wrong
The deal is they hold no option and the price is fixed, the option is purely the other way
That includes cash on account being irrelevant

Northern Sold 3:01 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Back in the day a successful transfer day was keeping our star players...

I'm never that over bothered about doing business in january...

nychammer 2:55 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Last time we protested they panicked and spent a fortune. Largely wasted on pellegrini and fancy Dan misfits, but they spent.
If injury misfortune hits, and it likely will, and we go on a poor run and It of both cups because we can’t field a capable team, I fully expect protests again.

Mike Oxsaw 2:45 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
I don't believe that they don't HAVE to sell - if, by some miracle - we get 3 years in Europe (any flavour) and 3 top 10 finishes, they may well have an "'old on!" moment and decide to hang around to profit from the extra bunce.

Niblets 2:13 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
All the jokers wanting to protest again all of a sudden, where were they last time when things were going well on the pitch?

Our fan base is far too fickle for protests to ever work these days.

chav_corner 2:10 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Protests can work.When we got 8500 out they were really worried,I promise you.We thought we would get 15000 on the next one then covid hit.When protests dont work is when you only get 400.My personal view is that the next protest needs to be supported by 10000.If I do not believe we can get that then I would prefer not to call a MASS protest.-But at the end of the day i do as I am told by the members.

Pub Bigot 12:53 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
I don't think protests are the way forward, unless it hits them in the pocket.

muskie 12:39 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
Big respect to the 400 who turned out at the last demo and had the intelligence to understand the good form was only temporary.

We probably got the transfer window we deserved.

Pub Bigot 11:26 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
They have mugged us off massively, and they're laughing all the way to the bank.

I like Simon Jordan; he called out their phantom bids for players we don't need and have no chance of signing, but where I did take umbrage was his assertion that if Moyes is happy with the squad as it is, why aren't we?

Because we have a lack of depth than all West Ham fans can see, a few injuries derail us. We have patchy form, a striker out of form who looks knackered and no replacement. Anyone with two eyes can that progress is stunted because we lack options.

GSB are a cancer, career chances who wouldn't give a toss about the club. Well fuck them. Their legacy is mud.

Westham67 6:30 Wed Feb 2
Re: GSB out
The Czech will buy because his shares will plummet if we go down and stay down

MaryMillingtonsGhost 11:03 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
In the boards eyes it's just 2 more transfer windows to navigate (or willfully ignore) and then off they hopefully fuck come March 22 next year. As long as PL status is maintained till then, it's mission accomplished in their eyes.
I bet they can't believe their luck with regard to the value of Rice (and possibly Bowen and Soucek). Extra unexpected bunce in their pockets before they ride off into the sunset.
When the Grim Reaper comes-a-calling, I hope he takes his merry time with both of the cuntstains.

Queens Fish Bar 10:47 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
scott_d 7:19 Tue Feb 1

Mate, GSB are asset strippers.

Kretinsky knows this.

All the above will rip the tax payers off with this deal.

Johnson did a sweetheart deal with Cons per Lady Brady on the bowl.

All part of the deal.

Westside 7:41 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
The key word is "option."

If we are relegated, or fighting relegation, Kretinsky probably won't exercise the option.

Should we be heading for Champions' League qualification, he probably would.

Crassus 7:24 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
It’s a purchase option at a pre determined share price

scott_d 7:19 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
People seem to believe that it is a given that the Dildo boys have sold the club to the Daniel Kretinsky already.

If that is actually true, and a price has been agreed, then do we really believe that Kretinsky’s purchase is unconditional?

A football club is not a house. The value is far more volatile and can change at a much quicker and greater rate so I cannot believe that DK is stupid enough to agree a flat fee regardless of performance and value over the next 18 months.

If a deal has been agreed then I would imagine the value will depend on where West Ham are at the date the ownership is due to be transferred.

DK will expect D&G will try to balance investment on future returns for the sale but investing zero into the club will surely lead to a decline in fortunes on the field and a reduction in the overall value of the club.

Side of Ham 6:57 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
So we're going to need a public outlet without rising to their bait........ :-)

All we need to do is keep turning up to these walks in numbers....then going to the games....if we can make this clear to the likes of Jordan what they are doing and that these protests are going to keep happening until they are gone.

Call it the supporters way of escorting them OUT.....

RBshorty 6:40 Tue Feb 1
Re: GSB out
Side. I’m with you 100%. I feel they never given a monkey’s. But now they can see light at the end of the tunnel. They will do everything they can to put the boot into the fans anyway they can. As for the media. As long as they can get more clicks. They are more than happy to poke a angry bear with a stick..

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