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wd40 10:29 Tue Jun 8
GB new news channel
GB News will launch at 8 pm on Sunday 13 June

Andrew Neil,
Kirsty Gallacher.
Alex Phillips.
Alastair Stewart.
Dan Wootton.
Rosie Wright.

Must be a better watch then the BBC in the morning .

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fo the Communist 11:03 Sun Jul 4
Re: GB new news channel
If the the state broadcaster is hideously biased, what excuses do the usual state apologists have for the failure of the state to regulate it properly?
For 'state' let's - for arguments sake - say those in in power for the last decade.

arsene york-hunt 10:35 Sun Jul 4
Re: GB new news channel
mashed in maryland 1:12 Sun Jul 4

I complained to the BBC about having her on QT. If they have a communist they should have a NAZI for balance. I got a long reply saying how well qualified she is, but they never really adressed the main issue about having left wing extremists like her and others. on a programme that is supposed to reflect a variety of views.

mashed in maryland 1:12 Sun Jul 4
Re: GB new news channel

Hermit Road 1:17 Wed Jun 30

Ash Sarkar's grandparents fought against the British empire. Her mother was a communist activist who met Mao. Her hatred of Britain is generations deep.

If Britain were any iota the regime she makes it out to be she'd be in prison at the very least.

Instead she's given spots on state telly.

Its subversion, and its deliberate.

paulon 10:50 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
I’m seeing a lot more ex Sky News on screen on it than BBC but crack on anyway mate

Wils 9:14 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
paulon wrote...

Re: GB new news channel
Google ‘Ofcom’ Wils

Fair point, Ofcom hold them to account for their stated mission. But even the journalists like Andrew Marr point out the BBC has a cultural bias and Ofcom is powerless to do anything about it. We even have a new channel of which this thread is about, GBnews, that was set up by BBC journalists who left because the BBC is so heavily biased.

So yeah, Ofcom.

Mr Kenzo 9:12 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Wils - Logout and go and get a pint down you, you Moby

Darlo Debs 9:09 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Comparing remainers to.muslims in terms of numbers is bizarre.

They are accountable via ofcom.as Paulon has outlined

Wils 9:00 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
"Wils what planet are you
living on? We pay for the BBC of course its accountable."

Really, in which forum are you holding them to account?

"Also if the Tories are islamophobic and people are in the main ok with that apart from the group.marginalised who are in the minority, please explain how they are really and effectively accountable?"

The tyranny of the majority is something we are all vulnerable to. Muslims are no exception. Remainers make the same complaint.

Darlo Debs 8:29 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Wils what planet are you
living on? We pay for the BBC of course its accountable.

Also if the Tories are islamophobic and people are in the main ok with that apart from the group.marginalised who are in the minority, please explain how they are really and effectively accountable?

paulon 8:16 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Google ‘Ofcom’ Wils

Wils 8:06 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
"Well.you are quick.enoigh to criticise the BBC for being institutionally anti-Christian. Do.you nit think.its as bad or worse for a major political.party to be accused fairly (by your criteria) of being institutionally anti Muslim?"

No I don't think it is as bad. They are a democratic party standing for election. We can vote them out if we don't like them. They are accountable. The BBC isn't.

Darlo Debs 7:45 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Well.you are quick.enoigh to criticise the BBC for being institutionally anti-Christian. Do.you nit think.its as bad or worse for a major political.party to be accused fairly (by your criteria) of being institutionally anti Muslim?

Didn't ever notice you calling them.out on it

Wils 7:35 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Darlo Debs wrote...

Re: GB new news channel
"What's more Googling examples of anti Christianity in the BBC came up.with far fewer examples compared to.the amount of examples of Islamaphobia the Tories were investigated.for. By your argument if the BBC are institutionally anti Christian, the Tories can be fairly accused of institutional Islamaphobia?"

Maybe they could. And what about it?

Darlo Debs 7:19 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
They aren't Wils I am.just pointing the flaws of motivational.reasoning.

Darlo Debs 7:17 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
What's more Googling examples of anti Christianity in the BBC came up.with far fewer examples compared to.the amount of examples of Islamaphobia the Tories were investigated.for. By your argument if the BBC are institutionally anti Christian, the Tories can be fairly accused of institutional Islamaphobia?

Wils 7:15 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Darlo Debs wrote...

Re: GB new news channel
"Yes I just reversed it."

And the consequences of that clearly going way over your head.

Darlo Debs 7:12 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Yes I just reversed it.

Wils 7:11 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
Darlo Debs wrote...

"The same people on here that would accuse others of race baiting if they genuinely perceive something is being said which is racist going woke because they are offended by The Vicar of Dibley."

That argument works in reverse.

Darlo Debs 6:53 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
This is too funny for words.

The same people on here that would accuse others of race baiting if they genuinely perceive something is being said which is racist going woke because they are offended by The Vicar of Dibley.

Brilliant stuff wils.

paulon 6:53 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
There’s some absolute PEARLERS on this thread

ray winstone 6:52 Fri Jul 2
Re: GB new news channel
''BBC was anti-Corbyn because it wanted Labour to win.''

My head hurts.....

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