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Irish Hammer 12:05 Fri Jun 11
Liam Brady at West Ham.
Heard a radio interview with him the other day, speaks very fondly of his time with us, loved the clubs ethos and the fans.

Great picture of him walking out onto the Boleyn for his last ever career game


And his contribution to that game ….


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

billywhitehorse 11:33 Sat Jun 12
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
I spoke to him once walking towards Barnet FC, where Arsenal used to play reserve games. I told him I saw his greatest goal, he guessed several goals incorrectly, all for Arsenal. He looked surprised when I said it was for West Ham, but then guessed the Wolves goal.

yngwies Cat 11:21 Sat Jun 12
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Oh to have a player like him in his prime at the club now

Special player, great way to sign of your last game as well.

Manuel 11:01 Sat Jun 12
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
He is/was worshiped at Arsenal. Had a left foot like a wand. He was good for us but def past his best.

Lato 10:55 Sat Jun 12
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Great player, gave us good value in his last playing days, unlike some of the washed up dross we have signed in the past.

swindon hammer 9:06 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Brady was only 31 when he joined us and it was for 100 thousand pounds.

Anyone over 30 was considered old back then.

RM10 8:40 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Great player I enjoyed his stay!

wd40 5:17 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
He then became a football agent and got Stuart Slater to moved to Celtic

Always another side to the story.

, 11:49 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Played 89 games for us and is often overlooked when comparing our best midfielders of the past.

We could do with a player like him right now.

WHU(Exeter) 9:51 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
He was absolutely brilliant, a lot of the footage of him concentrates on some superb goals, but I equally liked the way he'd split open defences with a surprise pass that defenders didn't see coming.

cholo 9:46 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
I remember planning to go to the wolves match but a mate convinced me to go camping instead because "girls" would be there.

Well I ended up regretting missing a great moment and didn't get laid either.

I remember Barry Davies commenting once on Brady for us - "lost a yard of pace but still got the guile". Very clever player with a fantastic left peg.

PostmanPissed 9:28 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
As everyone else has said past his best, but, still the best player we had at the time.

I was at his first and last games, his first goal against Arsenal was in front of their fans and he sort of gave it to them before running and hugging fans in the Chicken Run. His last goal in his last game was special as well, hot summers days, came on to a standing ovation, pinged one in from 30 yards then got mobbed by fans streaming onto the pitch from all directions.

Eastside surge 9:27 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
I'm on the video when he scores his goal against wolves, patted him on the back jumped about on the pitch for a minute then dive straight back into the chicken run.
Happy days indeed and I miss them.

Mike the Hammer 8:44 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Sublime left foot, and worth it all even if it had been just that one moment of delirium when he scored that goal against Wolves!

Northern Sold 2:34 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
One of the better Ex Gooners for sure... yeah was way past his brilliant best but showed flashes... was up at Derby when he scored a 30 yard curler... always up for a scrap as well... yea good time with us but fuck me i would have loved it if we had him 12 years earlier

crotty32 2:33 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
A fantastic player who despite what others say was one of the most skilful to have ever worn the shirt.I love watching West Ham in the eighties and remembering the players we had ,back to Liam I remember when he won the ball spun round and played the ball into space only thing was no one was on his wavelength.

SDKFZ 222 2:07 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
My ex Mrs was a big Arsenal fans and her idol during the late 70’s was Liam Brady. Obviously, my favourite player was Sir Trev and we would often argue as to whom was the better player. On the morning of the 1980 cup final we were having one of our usual ‘discussions’, which ended with me saying, “Today, we will find out once and for all.’

I then went off to the match and the rest is history.

chim chim cha boo 1:48 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
The best £350000 we ever spent.

A genius footballer aware of everything going on around him. Amazing vision, much like Sir Trev.

chevy chase 1:47 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
I met him when he first signed. I was in a kids 5-a side tournament over wanstead flats. He introduced Allen McKnight as our new keeper.

Allen was charging a fiver to take 3 penalties against him and if you scored you got a prize. It was all gonna go to charity and it was just us kids taking them so we never had a chance. Think he’d let the odd one in. Some fat Adult decided to have a go but McKnight was saving all of them. Bloke kept coming back. Must have done about 50 quid.

southbankbornnbred 1:27 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
He might have been past his very best, but he was still a fine player when he joined us. As people have already said, he created so much time on the ball and rarely wasted a pass.

A proper craftsman.

Takashi Miike 1:11 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
genius player, and my one regret is being on the north bank for his last game. like trevor/dev, he always had so much time on the ball. there's some great footage out there of his time at juventus, he was great for them -winning two titles in his two seasons and only leaving because of the arrival of platini. He would have been great in any era

Bishopsfinger 1:08 Fri Jun 11
Re: Liam Brady at West Ham.
Was at that game. I remember the wreath.

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