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GreenStreetPlayer 6:19 Wed Jul 21
Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Seems migrants pass through safe countries before they reach our shores, so however much we pay them we can’t rely on the French to deal with these. Perhaps claim the money back the more that make it here, but they’ll end up owing us money.
We are going to have to throw billions at this before we find a solution.
How do we stop this tide of people.
- Create wave machines where frequent waves hit the French coast at a height of four to six feet and scuppering any launches.
- Use the unsightly and often useless wind farms and tying huge elastic bands across these making progress impossible. They get pinged back five miles if triggered.
Any more ideas?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

riosleftsock 4:12 Sat Jul 31
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Green St. You're not supposed to mention that. Like the fact that despite man made carbon generation being reduced last year, the CO2 level went up. Or the fact that we've had historic CO2 levels around 750 ppm previously with lower temperatures. CO2 levels rise AFTER temperatures go up, sometimes by as much as 700 years and its caused by solar activity mainly. All you see is CO2 being released from the sea and absorbed by the sea dependent on temperature.

Its a con.

GreenStreetPlayer 4:09 Sat Jul 31
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Yes as we clean the air the temps are rising at a faster rate? Is this supposed to happen Greta?

Mike Oxsaw 4:07 Sat Jul 31
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
If (IF) man-made global warming is a real thing, can we just not wait until the extra heat expands all the water in the oceans and the sea level rises so much that the distance between France & the UK becomes too great to paddle a dingy across?

Greta says it will happen real (REAL) soon, baby.

Claret Badger 4:03 Sat Jul 31
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
set up refugee camps in the NEW FOREST
loads of room there

Mike Oxsaw 5:10 Thu Jul 29
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
ray winstone 4:55 Thu Jul 29

My comment is fine as it stands. I wasn't talking about you.

ray winstone 4:55 Thu Jul 29
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Ox, you missed 'Of The South' off the end of your comment.

Mike Oxsaw 3:01 Thu Jul 29
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
The RNLI have got more money that the Queen.

ray winstone 2:19 Thu Jul 29
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

Go on, you know you want to.

Crassus 7:02 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
I don't know off the top of my head mate
It was a segment on the wireless whilst I was driving with my lad rattling on, so I missed the correspondent and the name of the organisation behind it escapes me - but they were asylum seeker friendly in general, so not a right wing inherently anti position
These people work with the immigrants to help them and conducted the research to better understand their reasoning, it was interesting and not what I would have thought
And I'm not being facetious either, merely posting what I heard without judgement

Fifth Column 6:55 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

I'm genuinely interested - what report was this?

Crassus 6:44 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

Not so,it was a report conducted by a legitimate body who worked with these people to understand their wants and motivation - why the UK with the added risks of getting here rather than elsewhere in mainland Europe?

Let's be clear, as much as it is represented as 'free houses' etc, for most their lives here are no bowl of cherries and having placed themselves in the hand of criminal traffickers, challenged at the least

As I said, according to the report it was the NHS that differentiates

wmc3205 5:58 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
underwater mines

, 4:03 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
How successfully you have been worked such that everything that goes wrong is in some way due to people of the left.

Crassus you are being played, by the people in charge, like a Stradivarius and these people are running rings around you and your ilk.

You are acting almost like Bolty.

Fifth Column 3:58 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
" the single motivational factor for these illegal types..."

Right? So not the possibility of getting a job and sending money home and improving their lives? I'm not justifying illegal economic migration but the idea that these people are coming across solely for the NHS is mental.

Crassus 3:36 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
A report was aired upon the wireless over the week end, the single motivational factor for these illegal types is the NHS - free, open to all and no questions asked
That will be the NHS that in spite of being subject to massively increased funding, is constantly touted by the left as failing and needing more whilst simultaneously advocating that we accept more illegals
Go figure that one

riosleftsock 3:32 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Good point comma, but I think this year will be far higher.

Meanwhile, Serco, Mears win £2.9Bn refugee housing contracts.

, 3:29 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Why do people not mention the legal migrant number, which will top 300.000 again this year?

RoyalDocksGK 3:12 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
Water cannons in boats will do the trick. They've all got their french life jackets on so won't die.

riosleftsock 3:12 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

I read they cost approx 50k per year. This year is going to see 20-30k minimum.

MrSnoogans 3:08 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions
mashed in maryland 2:18 Mon Jul 26

Exactly, there is a reason no UK government has ever really controlled immigration. Put simply, they need the money from the populace for the perpetual growth that capitalism demands.

Think it was 32,000 internal population growth (births vs Deaths) in the UK over the last 6 months (maybe 12, don't quote me). That sort of population growth won't sustain economic growth at the best of times, let alone after a 18 month near shutdown of econ.

mashed in maryland 2:18 Mon Jul 26
Re: Migrant Channel Crossings Solutions

Block 12:30 Mon Jul 26

Rubbish mate. Lefty cunts like ray don't run the country. The Tory party do. Boris and Priti could stop the flow dead right this second but they won't, because they want it to continue.

Evidence for this claim? They haven't done anything to stop it and its increased massively under their watch.

Tory immigration policy is the same as Labour, Labour are just honest about it.

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