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Block 11:05 Thu Jul 22
NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
It's always easy for people to give opinions on things where we're not actually involved in ,but here's my take.

The blanket 3% is totally wrong IMO, even some dentists are getting a pay rise who have been furloughed as their surgeries have been shut.

For me, ALL front line staff, nurses, porters, cleaners, matrons, paramedics should all receive a pay rise, however there's a lot of staff who are getting payrises without really contributing as much as these people who've been undoubtedly "under it" for the last 17 months.

Also, 3 % for someone on 20k isn't all that much, but when you go higher up the ladder the 3% becomes a lot more sexy.

For me, this is the issue with the NHS being run as an institution instead of being run like a business, pay rises should all be performance related.

What's your thoughts?

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riosleftsock 6:06 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
GPs are independent organisations that are contracted to the NHS, individual doctors are employees of the practice, not the nhs.

Block 4:32 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
All good mate!

chim chim cha boo 4:21 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Block 3:53 Fri Jul 23

Sorry if I come across narky mate, I don't mean to be.

icwhs 4:08 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
People choose this profession.

It’s always been notoriously badly paid at the bottom end of the scale.


Mike Oxsaw 3:55 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
chim chim cha boo 3:51 Fri Jul 23

Cummings' mindset clearly left an impact on someone in the government PR team then...

Block 3:53 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Chim, not sure why you're getting so narky mate, we're just having a debate.

chim chim cha boo 3:51 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Did you not notice that the app was called 'test and trace' until it went seriously wonky and they rebranded it 'NHS test and trace'?

It's sometimes hard to believe how easy it is to hoodwink the British public.

Anyway, let's leave it there as I do like you as a person normally Bolt.

Block 3:38 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
We wasn't talking about test and trace, we were talking about the structure of the NHS.

Also, the T&T was completely built from scratch and needed to be done at speed, it again shows the incompetence of the Govt.

You think I love this Govt, I don't, they're cunts. But to blame them for the NHS being the way it is, quite frankly is wrong,

chim chim cha boo 3:36 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Bolty, shut up with the semantics will you?

Thirty seven BILLION POUNDS spent on test and trace and you STILL defend the cunts and put it down to Labour who have been out of power for what, twelve years?

Mike Oxsaw 3:30 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
I'm not sure it's incompetence, more that they've got placing contracts with companies with which they have a personal connection down to such a fine art, that it's almost impossible ti unpick the favouritism.

A lot of the blame for that lies in those tasked with auditing the NHS spend - and guess what flavour foreigner they are, too.

Block 3:29 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Which parts of the NHS are run by private companies, CCCB?

The NHS might sub-contract work out to private companies. but they do not run parts of the NHS to my knowledge.

chim chim cha boo 3:25 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Oh do fuck off Block. You must be the last person in Britain to not see that the NHS has been secretly (and not secretly) hived off to private companies who of course have 'a duty to shareholders' blah blah fucking blah.

My hospital has about 4 different companies running the ambulance service, the blood test room is full of private nurses (you used to be able to walk in, wait half an hour for a blood test then go home. Now you do it all online which must be great for older people) and there's a 3 WEEK WAIT for a fucking blood test.

Stop talking out of your arse mate.

Block 3:07 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
CCCB, why does the door lay at the tories? They had to cut spending because of the mess labour left the countries finances in.

However, to suggest they've not invested is just utterly stupid, they have and it just goes back to the point that the people running the NHS and it's procurement are completely incompetent.

chim chim cha boo 3:04 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
My doctor's surgery has been run down to shit. The doctors don't feel appreciated and I certainly don't appreciate them either.

When I put in a repeat prescription there's a 30% I will get some of the medication I order. It's a constant fucking battle as some cunt of a locum GP will think he/she knows better than a palliative care consultant who has known me for 20 years.

Then it's another round of 'you are number...20 in the queue'.

It's the latest sick trick in the let's let GP surgeries fail so we can privatise them and make some real money Tory shitcunt plan.

My advice to you is don't get sick and don't get old in this country.

Block 3:02 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?

I'm not saying the NHS isn't a mess. I am saying if you want the best people in it and stable departments then pay them better, build a better pay structure that doesn't favour the lazy freeloaders at the top and they have to be more accountable for the money and investment failures.

FCJ - The issue is, you're going to potentially raise the pay for the incompetent pricks that are still there, they undoubtedly should be paying more and advertise jobs at better salaries which will attract more people to the jobs and industry. If people can see a great career which is rewarded financially, naturally you're going to attract the right people.

But the NHS because it isn't run like a business will never, ever happen. It's just a money pit waiting to die, sadly.

Mike Oxsaw 1:25 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
I'm not sure the do want the NHS to fail - it's just about the only thing they can hold up as something "Great" about the UK; they were goaded into building HS2 because HS1 kept getting referred to as a short SNCF siding off the goods yard at Calais and not a proper high speed line.

They will keep pouring more and more money into the NHS because 1) it's not their money, and, 2) anything else will cast them as pariahs in the eyes of the media (mainstream and social).

Full Claret Jacket 1:01 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Block, I've seen good and very bad sides of the NHS. Yes large sums of money just disappear to big business and pharma. Trusts always seem to be bankrupt and waiting lists obscene.

I've had to deal with the NHS mental health trusts this year as a close member of the family tried to kill themselves. They are an utter shambles full of some rather unpleasant people mixed in with a few overworked and disorganised angels. I've had to complain several times all the way up the chain and all you get back is weak excuses and deflection.

I'm not saying the NHS isn't a mess. I am saying if you want the best people in it and stable departments then pay them better, build a better pay structure that doesn't favour the lazy freeloaders at the top and they have to be more accountable for the money and investment failures.

I know plenty of people that work there that can see what needs doing and are desperate to improve care but are never given the resources or power to do it.
Like I said, I think the government wants it to fail so they can get rid bit by bit and people will accept it to get some level of service.

Mike Oxsaw 12:59 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
I think that their nuclear defence is that "You don't need to know how to do the job if you're managing those who do know how to do the job."

Total disconnect, right there because they seem to be confusing "doing a job" with "delivering a service", and you DO need to know all about the service you've agreed to deliver if you are to have any chance of success.

NHS Trusts need to become "Hands off" then fuck off.

Block 12:52 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
My issue with the "trusts" is that the people at the top of it, from how they run them have never worked on the shop floor - I could be wrong just how it appears.

Mike Oxsaw 12:38 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Block - very much so. They also appear to all be "old boys network" entities, dominated by old university friends and relations of those responsible for staffing them - or their offspring.

It's almost as if the government of the day realised that they had a big bunch of graduates coming through the top universities who had been promised a career in government but now had nowhere to put them.

Create the Trusts and they give the impression to the country that they are "doing something for the NHS - at last", but in reality they've simply hitched and filled a few dozen carriages to the Public Sector Gravy Train.

Block 12:28 Fri Jul 23
Re: NHS 3% Pay rise - Thoughts?
Mike, Do you think like me that these "trusts" are fucking pointless and cause issues when it comes to funding, recruitment etc?

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