WHO Poll

Sarge 8:04 Thu Jul 22
Last famous person - or personality you met
Ian Darke umpired a game I played in last night.

Lovely fella

Good commentator too.

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rubble 6:52 Sat Jul 24
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Not the last, but I met John Springate (who?) the bass player in The Glitter Band, in the Cadem Palace, who my cousin was mad over. This was after they'd split up and Gary was banged up. I said/screamed over the noise, 'You're John Springate and my cousin Pat fukin loves you!' He shat himself and I turned back and continued drinking with my mates. About ten minutes later, I get a tap on my shoulder, I turned and looked down (cos he is small) and he's with a woman 'Can you tell my wife what you just said?' he asked.

Alfs 2:16 Sat Jul 24
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met

LeroysBoots 12:56 Sat Jul 24
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Burns, I recall the aftermath of that

Guys in the office were saying he was shocking !

oioi 10:33 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Tony Way. Found myself sitting next to him in a pub. Got chatting. Lovely bloke. I only knew him as Lenny the photographer in Afterlife but he pops up in loads of tv stuff. Found out after that he is a big West Ham fan. Season ticket holder.

Tomshardware 10:28 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Bill Oddie.

Briano 8:35 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Declan Donnelly

Bungo 8:14 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Or even 'England's No 6'?

southbankbornnbred 7:45 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Not the last folk I met, but I have interviewed four prime ministers, and many "famous" folk through work, of course. But I don't count any of that shit. It's just work.

Prefer random meetings with "famous" folk. Bumped into Robert Green in a coffee shop not long after his World Cup error. He didn't know I was a West Ham fan, so I think he thought I was going to give him grief. Instead I just said said: "Still the best keeper in England, fella."

He looked happy enough.

Pentonville 7:15 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
u described urself as the bloke who makes up his own jokes for the joke thread hahahahahaha

MaryMillingtonsGhost 7:15 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Haven't met many cee-lebs. Had my photo taken with Jose Fonte, just after getting his barnet cut in Sevenoaks. Must've been about 4 years ago.
Before that, only BA Chairman Willie Walsh (extremely briefly, a hand shake and a hello), and Tamsin Greig (a 5 minute chat) in The Sutton Arms, Barbican, back when I worked in town. I didn't watch Black Books and hadn't a clue who she was, but she was EXTREMELY nice and very personable.

Pentonville 7:15 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Aalborg, id have u down as one of my famous people...end of season boat party 2 seasons back ;-)

Aalborg Hammer 7:12 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
A bit obscure but Mrs.A and I were in a Paris restaurant near the Bourse about 5 years ago and in a booth opposite to us was the French actor Daniel Autelle (sp?) who played Uggolin in Jean de Florette - I speak very little french and it was only when one of the staff told us that we realised.
Nice chap and with an older woman (maybe his agent?) but shook hands and said 'au Revoir' when they left

Mr. Burns 7:04 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Boots when I working at Liberty, Wehn was the star attraction at the company summer party at the Natural History Museum, he absolutely bombed (no pun intended). Felt a bit sorry for him, loads of city wankers not getting the gags. Still I’m sure he got paid well enough.

Justin P 7:00 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met

Lee Trundle 6:32 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met


LeroysBoots 6:54 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Also my immediate neighbour is Beyonce's European tour manager. Has worked for her for 18 years.

His place is covered in photos and gold discs signed by her

Calls her Be, and doesn't talk much about her


southbankbornnbred 6:49 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
But you're Lee Fucking Trundle.

Just put "Occupation: Llanelli Town legend".

LeroysBoots 6:48 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Yngwies cat

He's as down to earth as you could wish for, top bloke, for a German !

Lee Trundle 6:32 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
I think I may have told you this, Justin P, but I used to put STUNTMAN down as my occupation on immigration cards to make me look cool.

Justin P 6:31 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Eerie Descent 5:22 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met

You won't be buying my autobiography then lol

southbankbornnbred 6:12 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Actors and music types are a strange breed because many of them are always "performing" even when they are not.

One of Mrs Southbank's friends used to be married to a big-name actor. We went for a drink with him several times. He was a nice fella, but treated all of his stories - even his bog-standard pub tales - as a Broadway performance. He was always "on". I watched the Ghana v Uruguay World Cup game with him a few years ago. God, that was a fucking tough night. I just wanted to watch the football, not have somebody commentate on the game in a Shakesperean voice.

There are exceptions to this rule, of course.

Fifth Column 5:54 Fri Jul 23
Re: Last famous person - or personality you met
Pre-Covid I was at a gig in Camden Town and sitting in the People Who Can Afford Tickets That Keep Them Away From The Riff Raff section (not VIP section - can't remember what they called it).

Will I Am was standing about a foot or two away from me. I didn't speak to him because I don't give a shot about Will I Am so so didn't "meet" him. Various people very politely came up to see if they could get a selfie or autograph. Not "in your face" or shouting etc but being polite and well mannered. He completely ignored them and got his several large body guards to warn them off. Seemed like a massive cunt. When the young waitress woman at the venue then took his drinks order he suddenly became all friendly at this early 20s bird with her tits out. I wonder why that was.

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