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shitbag 8:44 Mon Jul 26
Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1

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gph 4:19 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Of course I wasn't being entirely serious about a West Ham pre-season game against a gph XI.

Though I would be up for it.
Especially if they gave us a fair start, 30-40 goals, maybe.

Nagel 2:52 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Yeah, I do broadly agree with the point you're making, chim, and there's no real benefit to playing against clearly better teams in pre season except bringing in a bit more dosh. And you're right about Spurs. Been quite a few seasons where our performance against them has turned things around.

chim chim cha boo 2:35 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Nagel 2:20 Sun Aug 1

I agree that there are other factors involved and it's more nuanced than I'm making out but you've got to give yourself every advantage going into a new season and playing Man City isn't one of them.

For instance I think our season REALLY got going after a 3-3 draw with spurs last season which on paper looks like a decent but not spectacular result. The same in the great escape season when for all the world it looked like we'd be relegated and the turnaround, belief and fight actually started after LOSING to Spurs 4-3 at Upton Park. Tevez got off the mark and showed we actually had some football in us.

w4hammer 2:30 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
enjoyed the day out - cant see anything other than pain ahead for brentford - they have no creativity and will get gubbed on a good few occasaions I rekn

Was ben johnson ever a good player or did we believe our own hype? Had a poor season last season and was even worse again yesterday,.,.gets back to how thin this squad is...sort it ahhht

Nagel 2:20 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
We played Man City in another bullshit cup in Asia 2 years ago and got battered even worse than in Iceland. We then got battered 5-0 by them in the 1st game in the league. We got 3 wins and 3 draws from the next 6 games and we were in 5th place, so it didn't seem to fuck up our confidence that much. Of course Fabianski then got injured for months and we nearly got relegated but I don't think the pre season friendly had anything to do with it.

chim chim cha boo 2:10 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
gph 1:20 Sun Aug 1

Being a bit naughty there Geep as you know that's not what I was implying.

As it happens Brentford are just about the perfect team to play in the run up to the season. If we'd put 6 past them yesterday do you think THEY would go into the new season with their heads up and 'it was only a friendly to assess fitness levels' ringing in their ears? It's GOT to knock your confidence.

I thought playing Man City in a bullshit cup before the season kicked off was a fucking stupid idea but we all know why we did - Sullivan shoving the short money into his sticky paw.

Manuel 1:43 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Kaiser Zoso 12:59 Sun Aug 1

I can't see why he should, unless Soucek or Rice aren't available''

That's my thinking, I IIRC after the last world cup many England players didn't re-appear until the 2nd or 3rd game, not sure he will chuck both Rice and Soucek back in, and can't see him starting Coventry.

Nagel 1:19 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Until we improve the squad this will almost certainly be our 1st choice 11:






fraser 1:09 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
No way will he play Benrahma and Johnson on the left IMHO.

Niether would I

twoleftfeet 1:05 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1




Kaiser Zoso 12:59 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
I can't see why he should, unless Soucek or Rice aren't available.

I would think that we'll play 3 at the back, Areola between the sticks, and Benrahma will be man of the match.

Mad Dog 12:56 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
He'd better fucking not

Manuel 12:37 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
I reckon Noble will start against Newcastle.

gph 1:20 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
"It's a sport where confidence is paramount and you need to take a winning mentality into a new season."

So, really West Ham should be playing against the kind of team I'd get into...

Alfs 1:18 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
I played rugby at a fairly high level. That was over 30 years ago but friendlies were all about fitness, trying players in different positions, seeing if any of the youth are ready to step up.

As the first game drew closer there was less experimentation, and the last couple was so our coach could see his best XV. If you weren't in the team for the final friendly you knew that you had a season ahead, fighting to get back in.

chim chim cha boo 12:55 Sun Aug 1
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
I don't agree that it's all about fitness and the results don't matter.

A couple of seasons ago we ended up playing a friendly in a bullshit competition in Iceland (or somewhere fucking cold) and getting battered by man city who walked right through us and it affected the players for fucking ages once the season started and we nearly got relegated.

It's a sport where confidence is paramount and you need to take a winning mentality into a new season.

fraser 11:07 Sat Jul 31
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
daveyg - understandable in Oz with their always empty stadiums.

Noticed the Olympic stadium in Tokyo is the same and at first view I did think there were people there.

Mad Dog 10:41 Sat Jul 31
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1

Well I didn't like it.

yngwies Cat 10:36 Sat Jul 31
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Good day out, thought we controlled game for first 20 and went a bit flat

Both teams never Really got out of 3rd great. Great goal by Benny .

Cracking little ground and that place will be buzzing if the results go there way. So nice to be so close to the pitch unlike the donught. Biggest fuck up ever to get get West Ham playing a mile behind the pitch

Express Tavin Great pub as well.

daveyg 9:41 Sat Jul 31
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Mad dog...sit down boy.
It's a thing copied from Australia to make you there is a crowd in a stadium when the cameras are on.
When first viewed in Oz I thought there's a good crowd there but did think that everyone looked to be dressed very similarly.

Sven Roeder 9:03 Sat Jul 31
Re: Brentford Friendly - Live on BT Sport 1
Sorry , should have said MATCH FITNESS
Can train all you like and obviously modern players are physically fit but thats different to playing in a match

Mentioned that the likes of Coventry have the chance to impress but most regulars are going to tick over and do what they need.
To be honest I'd play friendlies behind closed doors and not report the 'scores'.
We got absolutely EVISCERATED at home by Championship Bournemouth in the last friendly last season.
Wouldnt take any result good or bad to heart but hopefully against Atalanta we can put out the team we plan to take to Newcastle.

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