WHO Poll

The Stoat 6:35 Mon Aug 9
Pedro Obiang
Very poorly by all accounts :-(


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Lily Hammer 7:20 Wed Sep 1
Re: Pedro Obiang
I may be wrong, but I think Pericarditis, which involves the sack around the heart, can heal, but what is certain is any damage done by Myocarditis, which involves the heart muscle, can never heal. You can only hope damage is limited as much as possible and you then have to live with the damage done.

As said, 12-15 year olds next week, solely to protect the vulnerable, who, let’s not forget, exceptions aside, are typically 80+ year olds with 2 comorbidities.

Personally, I don’t want any children to take the slightest risk to their lives in order to protect an old git like me, and I’m only 50. I’ve lived well and couldn’t complain if I snuffed it tomorrow.

zebthecat 6:45 Wed Sep 1
Re: Pedro Obiang
My mother had viral Myocarditis (she thought it was a bad cold) but went to hospital when she started getting out of breath and had heart palpitations.
40+ years on and she is still on blood thinners as one her atria never recovered and it barely works.
Hope Pedro Obiang gets better.

Serious Drinking 6:38 Wed Sep 1
Re: Pedro Obiang
I wish him well. I have suspected myocarditis & pericarditis for 6 weeks and counting following my jab. This is a side affect that particularly hits those that are fit and healthy and the young it seems (i.e those least at risk of Covid anyway).

I doubt he'll be playing for a lot more than 6 months, he'll be very lucky if thats the case. I know people jabbed in April who still have constant pain and no end in sight.

master 6:30 Wed Sep 1
Re: Pedro Obiang
Been told to not play footbal for at least 6 months. Probably ends his career. Sometimes the risks don't outweigh the benefits, but obviously we shouldn't ever discuss that. 12 year olds next week.

Alfs 1:25 Wed Aug 25
Re: Pedro Obiang
Mountain made from an ant hill. A course of anti-biotics and he'll be fine.

Crassus 12:48 Wed Aug 25
Re: Pedro Obiang
I liked him as a player, had a moan on here when he went, felt he had scope to develop
All irrelevant now, sad news and hoping the lad makes a good recovery

Lily Hammer 12:12 Wed Aug 25
Re: Pedro Obiang
He’ll always be remembered fondly for this screamer, and he seems like a really sound young man in this video, which I could watch daily….


Mr Logic 11:23 Tue Aug 24
Re: Pedro Obiang

Lily Hammer 11:07 Tue Aug 24
Re: Pedro Obiang

This article says Obiang has myocarditis to go with the viral caused lung problem reported a few weeks back.

Here’s the google translation…….

Pedro Obiang, Sassuolo midfielder, struck by myocarditis after the vaccine. "The Truth" interviews the doctor: "Discovery after resonance"

Updates on the case of Pedro Obiang, the Sassuolo midfielder affected by myocarditis after the administration of the anti-Covid vaccine. It is still the newspaper "La Verità" to provide further details about the news, which emerged following a contact with the director in charge and health of Mapei sport Claudio Pecci, former doctor of the Italian national cycling team: "The boy came to us the week before leaving for the retreat to make the usual annual checks for the confirmation of competitive fitness, without having any symptoms (negative swabs, ed). We noticed anomalies that did not convince us and were not justified. The antennae were raised and I planned a heart resonance, the next day, at the Humanitas in Milan".

During the resonance, myocarditis and unilateral pneumonia emerged that raised big doubts, "because such a thing in an athlete who was also asymptomatic... The day after, on Friday (July 9), in agreement with the doctors of Sassuolo, we had him hospitalized at the Polyclinic, where he remained for about 10-15 days and where there was confirmation of myocarditis and unilateral pneumonia thanks to the subsequent investigations made in an exemplary way both from a cardiological and pulmonary point of view ". No one can say, according to Pecci, if it is a myocarditis from Covid-19 and even if it is from vaccine. Interpretations, evaluations, researches on etiology leave the time they find. No one can give an answer. Obiang, however, had been vaccinated "three to five days before coming to us, like everyone else". (update by Alessandro Nidi)

…..Whatever the cause, I hope the lad gets well soon.

El Scorchio 12:31 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
I'm sure you're right. Hopefully it's nothing serious.

Vexed 12:29 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
He hasn't. Relax.

El Scorchio 12:24 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
You say that, but last year there was a wrestler in the states who was suffering from an 'undisclosed lung issue' and then died two months later. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Totally unrelated to Covid.

Really hope that's not what Pedro's got.

Vexed 9:44 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
This is only some viral thing, why so newsworthy? Will surely be 'diagnosed' as long COVID soon enough.

Rossal 9:35 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
Sad to hear, always thought he was underated by us. Worked hard and our best passer of the ball. That goal against Spurs would be replayed a lot more if De Bruyne or Gerrard had hit it. The amount of power in it was insane

Hello Mrs. Jones 9:31 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
Hope he gets better. Could use him now. In exact the reverse of the usual scenario.a player gets a potential career ending ailment after we've sold him

the exile 1:14 Tue Aug 10
Re: Pedro Obiang
Top man! Get well soon, Pedro.

Hammer and Pickle 8:55 Mon Aug 9
Re: Pedro Obiang
dolph 8:16 Mon Aug 9

Yep. And a legend for this https://youtu.be/fR88skjggx8

eusebiovic 8:32 Mon Aug 9
Re: Pedro Obiang

Get well soon

dolph 8:16 Mon Aug 9
Re: Pedro Obiang
Good player. And seemed to be a decent guy with a great attitude. Wish him a speedy recovery.

On The Ball 8:05 Mon Aug 9
Re: Pedro Obiang
Get well soon, Pedro!

He reads WHO, right?

zico 7:22 Mon Aug 9
Re: Pedro Obiang
Always liked Obiang and we shoiuld have kept him as a squad player. Get well Pedro.

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