WHO Poll

13 Brentford Rd 9:11 Tue Aug 10
Bitcoin trader app...
Yes or no?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Russ of the BML 1:06 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Be careful. A family member got stung to the tune of about £30k. £10k of it was legit but the company he used continue to take money from his account. He got the £10k back but the bank have said its basically impossible for him to recoup the lost £20k. The cunts still have the cheek to call him asking if he wants to invest any more money.

13 Brentford Rd 11:40 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Cheers again chaps, appreciate the advice. Will check out the other recommendations.
Was only gonna try £250 on the app to see how it goes.

Vexed 11:11 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Binance now implenting KYC rules is a bit of a pisser. As for getting your sterling in, I'd sign up to coinbase get yet dough in, spend it all on Stellar and then transfer it to Binance (if you can stomach the KYC bullshit). Then the reverse for cashing out. Minimal transfer fees.

Brenters that app sounds dodgy as fuck.

Dicko75 10:22 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
13, the chances of losing money are extremely high. They’re extremely speculative and regulators and government hate them as they’re hard to control and riddled with financial crime. Plus the firms that offer services are not regulated so even outside the actual asset price there is a very high risk of getting ripped off. But with that comes the potential for extremely high returns. My personal view is they’re here to stay and if you are prepared to sit for next few years you’ll make some serious money. But I wouldn’t be putting my pension in it and only money that I can swallow if I lose it. If you can’t swallow the loss then there are probably better investments out there

13 Brentford Rd 12:45 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Apparently yes. The app I was asking about is minimum £250. Read a few reviews about how that turned into 6k two weeks later. The app does all the trading for you, apparently it runs a tenth of a second faster than other similar apps which gives it an edge. Sounds too good to be true but it is legit apparently.
That's why I was asking on here.

Alfs 12:26 Wed Aug 11
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Do any of these trading software things actually work? I'd be a little nervous about depositing 5k and pressing 'go'.

13 Brentford Rd 10:28 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Cheers chaps. Bit of an obvious question but what's the chances of losing money?
From what I've heard people are making good profit, but I can't work out how everyone who trades can make money?

Dicko75 8:57 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Binance are no longer taking £ payments. I think they are unable to use the Sterling payments system as the regulator is upset with them and banks pulling the plug. I have tried to send them £ through both a credit card and direct bank transfer and both bounce back. I also can’t transfer money I have with them back to my bank account at the moment.

So I think either need to wait until they solve it or use another currency or another provider. Coinbase look okay or if you want something more mainstream and happy to pay much bigger spreads then Revolut. Don’t know Bitcoin trader app

Irish Hammer 4:13 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...

Mt. Gox

End of thread.

Beat Freak 2:10 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Best crypto trading platform/app is Binance. Not heard of the app you mention so I'd probably say "no".

Vexed 11:02 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...

goose 10:24 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...
Ask Camel, he’s the Bitcoin expert on here.

Vexed 9:36 Tue Aug 10
Re: Bitcoin trader app...

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