WHO Poll

Mr Anon 10:19 Sun Aug 15
David Moyes.
Has the best win rate percentage of any full-time West Ham manager in our history. It's what he does!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Eerie Descent 11:28 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
From what I say, he seems to have the balance of probably being the most likeable bloke of all the top level managers, but he also don't take no shit.

I saw an interview with Big Dunc, and he said that Moyes is the only bloke that has proper fronted him, when he let him go as a player Big Dunc went mad and he proper gave it back, but he said the next time he saw him years later, he shook hands and said water under the bridge.

What a geezer.

JOHNNY V 11:22 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
I liked Moyes from his first stint, for me it was obvious that we were much fitter and that Moyes was tactically very astute compared to what has proceeded him. He always needed a pre season and a couple of transfer windows, I think he will go on to do very good things at the club and he deserves our full support.

Sydney_Iron 11:20 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
LeroysBoots 10:31 Tue Aug 17

Idont! But FWIW, i dont think Moyes would have signed a contract with us unless he had concrete promisis of funds to improve the squad, plus all the reports are saying he had a change of heart on Milenkovic.

I also dont buy into the bollocks (IMO) that the board are trying not to spend, i think its Moyes either not wanting to buy for the sake of it or dithering too much...

Just my opinion though.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:13 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Ridikzappa 11:28 Sun Aug 15
Re: David Moyes.

Turn it in.

There's a whole thread for that bollocks.

On the rare occasion we talk West Ham United. Actual. Positive West Ham United FACTS. lets keep to the subject matter in hand.

LeroysBoots 10:31 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Sydney, how do you know it's Moyes dithering and not Sullivan playing silly buggers ?

⚒️ 10:28 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
scott_d 9:35 Tue Aug 17

We used to sing ‘Alan Pardew’s claret and blue army’.

wd40 10:25 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
I would kiss John Lyall but only shake Moyes's hand

funny lips .

JayeMPee 9:57 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Great manager and team, pity about the lying garbage in the boardroom who can claim no credit whatsoever for our performance on Sunday!

BRANDED 9:50 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
I think some managers are happy to be short term and others longer term. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Moyes say he still wants to manage a big club BUT that he also sees huge potential in us. I see that as ambitious. He had a brief chance at Man U and it didnt work out. He now has half an opportunity to at least get back to Everton type success and maybe even more with some extra investment in the squad. I dont think he’ll manage a top European club though unless its us.

scott_d 9:35 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Am I right that Harry Redknapp was the last manager that we sung about ?

Is it too soon to be singing David Moyes Claret and Blue Army?

Manuel 4:41 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Proper bloke, proper football manager. And agree he does have charisma, he threatened to slap a female reporter, ffs :-) I'm pretty sure he's be good company at the pub over a couple of pints.

A football manager is without any doubt the most important person at a football club, or at least at English clubs. Imagine if he left now? Unthinkable. He has put a lot of pride back into the club. We are walking around with our heads held high, thanks to Moyes.

chim chim cha boo 2:42 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
I'm not going to pretend to know fuck all about football but when he kept us up, said he'd love to stay and build something but the culture at the club and particularly the leaks getting out to the press (likely a dig at the Sullivans) I think that they acted very shabbily (for a change) in letting him go.

I like this 'non-West Ham' manager a lot and it is a refreshing thing to see the club not run as a circus. I don't agree that he lacks charisma either and the players seem to like him and his methods. They're probably frightened of him too which helps.

I've never seen a fitter West Ham in the 45 years I've been going and it's brilliant to see. In the second half of the Newcastle game we were noticeably more full of running than them and they caved.

Remarkable. I love him. Now he just needs to prise the owner's pockets open.

Sydney_Iron 1:31 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
I like Moyes, well I have warmed to him since he arrived, like others wasn’t that keen at first but has proved he is more than capable and deserves a lot of credit for turning us into a decent outfit.

BUT, I do think he is his own worst enemy when it comes to getting players in, he seems to be over thinking or chopping and changing, yet when he first arrived in that first window he was decisive and knew who he wanted and we got them.

Needs to sort it out, or could be his downfall.

Dithering Dave just about suits him right now....

Nagel 12:00 Tue Aug 17
Re: David Moyes.
Not sure why you two can't seem to grasp what I'm saying. I never said that he had an advantage over other teams. Just that any manager taking over midway through a season would be lucky to get effectively another pre season halfway through, to work on fitness, style of play, morale, etc.

Here's what he said himself:

"I think since lockdown we've improved greatly," he told Sky Sports in an exclusive interview. "The period of lockdown, I could nearly have called that a long pre-season. When we got players back obviously it all started in ones and twos but it gave me the chance to be closer to the players and it gave me a chance to try to build the team spirit, which I thought needed help with as well."

Jaan Kenbrovin 9:11 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
Moyes didn’t train them during lockdown. They trained on their own. Moyes went home to Lancashire until after mid May, a few weeks before the restart.

The break may have given players time to refocus, but no different to any other club.

DagenhamDave 8:33 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
And every other team in the league...

Nagel 8:25 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
No Jaan. You're wrong. Moyes himself said that the COVID situation allowed him to do more one on one training than he'd normally be able to. It's not a criticism of him anyway. It was only to reinforce the point that the situation gave him more time to work with the players.

Jaan Kenbrovin 4:13 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
‘was lucky enough to be given months to work on the team when COVID struck.’

I’ve been no real fan of Moyes but that is some proper bollocks. Players trained individually until a few weeks before the restart, the same as every other club. You’ve just created that as an advantage out of nothing.

Takashi Miike 2:10 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
he was set up to fail, when fergie lined him up as his replacement. that squad which had won most things multiple times must have felt like they'd just got a supply teacher, in comparison to sir alex, and clearly treated him with very little respect. the two brief spells after that in the north east & spain must have dented his confidence, but this second spell with a settled coaching team & identifying the right type of character of player has rejuvenated him. it clearly takes a certain type to thrive in his system, which seems to rely on fitness, movement, work rate and zero primadonnas. I was glad to be proved wrong, and the team has never looked fitter or happier. it takes a lot of skill to get a group of multi millionaires to buy in to your philosophy, but he's done it. now it's down to the owners to hold up their end and back him

Darby_ 1:58 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
Generally speaking, I think there are two types of successful managers. The charismatic ones who can get a team playing better immediately, but may struggle in the long-term after their 'magic' has worn off. Harry Redknapp might be an example of that. And managers that rely on longer-term means like systems, training, fitness, building up team togetherness and so on.

Moyes I think is an example of the latter. He's not charismatic, so it didn't really surprise me that he couldn't turn the tanker around halfway through a failing season.

He needs a bit of time, but as Nagel said, he's never really been given it since Everton.

I hope he's going to be as good as Fergie thinks he is, but we'll see.

Nagel 1:58 Mon Aug 16
Re: David Moyes.
Yeah, fair comment. Although the improvement on Pellegrini was minor that season. 20 points in 19 games for Moyes vs 19 points in 19 games for Pellegrini (most of which Fabianski was injured for), and as I say it was the mid season break which probably saved us and helped get us those 12 points from the last 7 games.

More than results though, the way we play now is good to watch and the most impressive thing for me. Long may it continue.

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