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Soylent Green 11:49 Thu Oct 21
Tonight’s game v Genk
Has anyone received a digital ticket for tonight’s game?
Me and my son are club members and are going tonight but haven’t received a digital ticket via email.
Has it reverted back to the “credit card” club member/ season ticket thing, or do I need to contact the ticket office.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

oioi 6:45 Fri Oct 22
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Man City ticket arrived & is now in my phone wallet with my spurs ticket. I’ve stopped printing paper back up tickets, the digital tickets on my phone have been working just fine.

The Mercernary 1:44 Fri Oct 22
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
My Man City e-ticket has arrived this morning.

riosleftsock 7:56 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I think we should deploy a male heron on the sidelines for tonight's game instead of a mascot.

Trust me, it will work.

Burnhammeronsea 7:45 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I didn't get the e mail with the ticket attachment. Forgot might be the wrong word. Technical problem more likely. First time it has happened to me.

Gary Strodders shank 4:56 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Im still waiting for my City E ticket.
Have recieved tickets for other games approx 10 days before.

El Scorchio 4:45 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I got my spurs ticket last friday as well, and the Genk one two days before that. haven't had to chase them for any yet.

oioi 4:37 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
They forgot to email the spurs tickets?

They emailed my spurs ticket last Friday.

Burnhammeronsea 4:16 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
They forgot to e mail the tickets for Spurs. I was surprised it only took 5 minutes to answer and send them. Seems a waste of paper though when they could just activate membership cards.

The Mercernary 4:07 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I got my Spurs one last Friday. Not got the City one yet but presumably it's carrying on in the same vein re email until further notice.

Burnhammeronsea 3:46 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I haven't got my Spurs tickets either. I presumed that as I bought them when on sale to Claret members only I could use my card.

simon.s 3:21 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Still waiting on a City ticket Brand0. I reckon it could be a paper one in the post.

BRANDED 2:02 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Anybody got Man City tickets yet?

Russ of the BML 12:20 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
No worries. COYI

Soylent Green 12:11 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Cheers Russ. Have contacted them and they’ve re sent them.

Syd Puddefoot 12:11 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
I have them for both Genk and Spurs. Have you checked your Junk?

Slim Shady 12:10 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Got mine over a week ago but yet to receive my Spurs tickets.

Russ of the BML 11:52 Thu Oct 21
Re: Tonight’s game v Genk
Got mine about a week ago.

Bell the ticket office. May be an issue with your e-mal address.

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