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charleyfarley 7:39 Fri Oct 29
⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2

    London Stadium
    Sun 7th Jan 16:30 GMT

Craig Pawson: (7) - 26 1

Fabiański, Johnson, Zouma, Ogbonna, Cresswell, Rice (c), Souček, Bowen, Benrahma, Fornals, Antonio
Subs: Areola (GK), Fredericks, Coufal, Masuaku, Dawson, Diop, Král, Noble, Lanzini

Firmino, Milner, Keita & Gomez are out
Curtis Jones late fitness test

West Ham 15/4: Draw 16/5: Liverpool 4/6




https://daddylive.me/stream/stream-130.php - Sky Sports PL

https://daddylive.club/stream/stream-61.php - beIN Sports

https://daddylive.me/stream/stream-43.php - NBCSN











Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 4:53 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Is the full match available for download anywhere?

I fancy an evening of pretending I don't know the score and watching as if it was live...

arsene york-hunt 2:51 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
All of the highlights videos I have seen have airbrushed Salah's cheating dive out of them. The only places I have seen it is in the full length SKY replay and WHUFC official site extended highlights. Why the fuck are they keeping this a secret?

Westside 2:50 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Does anybody know/understand the way own goals v a a goal for the attacking player is decided?

From what I'd read previously any shot, on target, no matter how wickedly deflected/kicked/headed by a defender, would be a goal wared to the attacker. In other word, the goalie/defender on the line is ignored.

That assumption seemed to work. Yet Sunday, Fornals's corner, I'm sure would have gone in, without Allison's intervention, but went down as an own goal. Plenty of players have scored direct from corners and been credited with the goal. Don't see why Fornals isn't, in this case.

Northern Sold 1:00 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
I like Klopp… teeth and all… met him a few years back and he was very complimentary over West Ham… real nice approachable bloke and you can see why the Mickeys absolutely love him… BUT… he lost the plot on Sunday in that post match interview… I think it was more a case of he had been out thought by the Moyes… and he thought… fucking hell.. Moyes is MASSIVE…

Pedro 12:54 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
One thing Klopp won’t like is us exposing Alison as being rubbish on corners. Plus their shocking zonal marking rubbish.

Antonio mentioned it after the game and said we targeted him.

Coaches don’t like being out coached!

I did wonder why cresswell didn’t take corners but looked liked we were always going for in swinging ones so it was fornals and Bowen.

Sir Alf 12:46 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Would be nice to hear a different perspective Nutsin I agree.

Thing is the huge sums of money in the Premiership pays armies of pundits, ex-players, TV and radio hosts etc.. Its like a "closed shop" or cartel where no one steps out of line and points out the proverbial "white elephant in the room" ( sorry in these Woke times I should perhaps say just "Elephant"?) . Everyone probably knows the "table is tilted" the game is rigged to a point but too much money coming their way to "bite the hand".

Take TalkShite for example, they must filter the calls and only allow the emotional, hard of thinking types on there?. After that Rondon boot into Soucek's face the other week or these incidents on Sunday with the Salah dive or Jota elbow, there is plenty of YouTube footage and links in SLOMO to send to Talkshite and just ask them to discuss for a few minutes with the suggestion that Salah is diving or that there is a disguised elbow from Jota. Surely fans send these things in? I imagine they are just ignored, they don't fit the narrative? Can't start suggesting the players are all coached to cheat can we? I mean in the pundits words its "clever" or the player "had to take the chance to suggest there was a foul". Anyone with half a brain who looks at a lot of what now goes on can see its cheating or at best not what we would could call "sporting" but money corrupts. The game is corrupt end of. The players, managers, owners, pundits, FIFA, Premiership, UEFA etc. Too much money flowing into the trough and far too many fat pigs feeding from it. They are not going to suggest a change of direction and attempt to clean it up. Don't want the rich clubs not winning everything as their brands need to grow in Asia etc. otherwise could mean a slow down in the growth or even a drop in TV subscriptions from China and overseas? Cynical? Qui moi?

So West Ham like every team has to go along with it and follow the "when in Rome" motto. That said, only Fornals and Bowen seem to be light on their feet when challenged and even then not as blatant as a lot of other players. C & B bottle glass specs? Yeah a bit maybe :-)

Nutsin 11:59 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Next time Moyes has a press conference I’d like him to address Klopp post match remarks.

He needs to stand up for Cresswell and Ogbonna and he needs to dig out the media’s constant hard on for everything big four.

Push back and name known bias pundits. Expose the useless cunts, they’re part of the problem.

Also he needs to make a big issue about Saleh’s diving…… If he doesn’t it’s an opportunity missed and everyone will accept Klopps post match bollox as gospel.

Fergie would do it…….

wd40 11:33 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Like most warmed to Klopp at first a football man
and understand winners are not always nice but that's why they win so respect given etc
But them interviews after Sunday were a low point and just detest him now and them fucking teeth!

Did he really say we need help from referees on set piece on MOTD and not one football show picked up on it ?

, 11:24 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Klopp got into a strop with a Rob Nothman of the BBC and said I am not your puppy. The reporter was asking about the incidents Klopp was sour graping about.

I remember when SirFerg banned certain reporters from questions or even their presence at some of his pre game pressers.

People like Ferguson and Klopp are never balanced in their views instead everything is viewed through their hugely biased lens of support for their team.

The real Klopp emerges to us from time to time but in football he is a known sphincter.

BRANDED 11:18 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Klopp’s a twat. As are Scousers. Bunch of twats.

nerd 11:12 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Klopp is a classless man , be gracious in victory and defeat. Reminds me of a manager about to be sacked like dean smith. Should've been when banned he's run on the pitch celebrating goals, no one else does not even mourinho. Slag the ref was a fine or ban for disrepute, now its the norm.

Hammer and Pickle 11:10 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Sir Alf 11:04 Tue Nov 9

Great post this - possibly the best I’ve ever seen on here.

Lato 11:08 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
I used to like Klopp but after 5 or 6 years on Merseyside he has now become " SCOUSED"

Always the victim(s) never to blame

Sir Alf 11:04 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Nutsin 10:39 Tue Nov 9

Tend to agree with you that that there could well be a motive for Klopp. Refs are human ( well most of them :-) ) and a media darling like Klopp, who Sky etc. fawn over, is going to have influence. If he highlights a ref's mistake ( he plays judge and jury ) the ref does not want that kind of attention ( unless its Dean who just wants attention ;-) ) even, as in this case, he ( the ref ) got it right.

So much gets missed or is not deemed worthy of attention by pundits too. I suppose most fans of clubs, especially the ones that are not part of the self appointed "rich 6" or elite super league ones, have a suspicion that decisions go their way since they are the clubs attracting all the foreign TV subscriptions and fuelling the "gravy train" that is the Premiership?

So you do start to get paranoid. Coufal gets kicked in the groin/nuts by Matic ( it looked deliberate ) and is out injured for a month. No mention of it. Soucek got clobbered for a penalty in that same game, clear as day, no mention. Soucek gets kicked in the face by Rondon ( ok he probably didn't mean to get his face but slow motion shows he stepped back to leave a mark on Soucek) , no mention. Now we have Ogbonna who Jota elbows albeit attempts to disguise and Salah's dive. Rice knew it was a dive and was telling the ref, to no avail, "I didn't touch him".

Like I say, probably all fans claim there is bias and their club gets the raw deal but when I have seen those tables, from past seasons, showing VAR decisions against and wrong decisions that went against teams, we are usually at the bottom or near the bottom.

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you ? :-)

Nutsin 10:39 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
“They need to make their fucking minds up.”

No we don’t!

A lot if this post game bollox is aimed at the FA and other Refs to try to get an edge the next time we play them.

To suggest that Klopp words carry no influence is folly.

He needs to get digged out and we need to point out the decisions that went their way to ensure the next ref isn’t influenced.

Also we need to go on social media and make a stink about the dive just to make sure the refs know what a cheating little cunt Saleh is….. otherwise it will be a dodgy penalty next….

Expose the cheating cunts and be loud and belligerent about it…… There’s good reason to do it!

Pedro 10:36 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Have watched back a definite dive from Salah. Jumped into Declan’s leg

Pedro 10:34 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
From my seat at opposite end did I really hear Liverpool fans singing “we are going to win league” when they made it 1-1?

Embarrassing for them if they did. We should have sung the same!

Also how quiet were their fans. We were loud but they were one of the worst sets of fans seen this season.

Pedro 10:32 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
Totally agree about Klopp. Happy jokey media darling when winning. Loads of excuses when lose.

Not a huge fan of Pep but he never moans and accepts defeats. He was very complimentary about us last week

Tuchel very balanced. Doesn’t play up too much either when winning or losing.

Klopp would definitely have moaned about the Jota elbow if other way around.

Sven Roeder 10:04 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
I judge the character of opposition managers on their demeanour and reaction when they lose.
Klopp is a classic Wenger type. All the jokey German until things go against him then he is a snide snivelling ungracious cunt of a man.
How on earth did he think there was ANY foul in the first goal?

Plus he has NOTHING to say about Salah's outrageous dive for the free kick for their first goal. Or Jota knocking Ogbonna out with a leading elbow.
He is a whining shit who I imagine soon will call for World War 2 to go to VAR to get the result overturned.

Manuel 9:55 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
fromage - I went back 2 pages and every post was either slating Klopp or the ref, banging on about this decision, that decision, boring fucking cunts. Fwiw, I quite like Klopp, yea he has a moan up sometimes, but that don't bother me, not sure why some get so enraged with him.

One minute I'm reading on here that modern football is shit and everyone has fell out of love with the game, but then many go on about it like it's life or death itself. They need to make their fucking minds up.

Mad Dog 9:41 Tue Nov 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Liverpool - Official Match Thread FT 3-2
1964. Don't think the stadium lights are too bright,

It was probably the glare off klopp's own stupid Day-Glo teeth

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