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Fortunes Hiding 10:38 Thu Nov 11
Employers monitoring WFH
If I log in on work’s laptop at home.

What can my employer see?
What files I’ve worked on or just that I’ve logged on ?

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Fortunes Hiding 3:00 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
One of my mates is currently doing two jobs WFH.

There is a way to remotely move your mouse....or I could actually do my job

Sven Roeder 11:57 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I think most companies need you to meet deadlines & its obvious if people are swinging the lead.

I was always curious during the pandemic about the number of people who pretended to do their normal job while home schooling one or more children.
A now former employee of ours whose wife was also in a senior job elsewhere told me they did shifts where he worked at home 9am til 1 while she looked after their 3yo and switched in the aftenoon.
So he basically worked half as much as normal for months on end.

Not sure if its still used but someone in Customer accounts told me their boss is notified if they are inactive for 10 mins ie not on a call or using email. Had to book that they were off to the toilet

Am hoping as part of our review of how we work in the future is going to include some way of staggering hours to work 4 days a week.

Bungo 11:07 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I was told a while ago that we have something in our system that will tell you how often somebody's mouse has moved, whether they are in the office or working remotely.

I did ask around, and as far as I'm aware, none of the management team in my division have felt the need to use this facility so far. Output always being far more important than inputs.

Alfs 3:21 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I have a business that runs with remote workers and have read up on a lot of data driven results during Covid.

Interestingly, remote workers actually achieve around 20% more productivity than being in the office, often doing less hours.

It's the future for sure.

To answer your question, if you're delivering as much as, or more than when you worked from the office, then you won't have a problem, so no need to worry about the monitoring..

gph 2:38 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
*awaits gph = slacker post*

gph 2:31 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
It's a FACT (feel the nostalgia for FACTS IN CAPITALS?) that in certain jobs, working flat out all day is less productive than working at peak creativity and then resting before going again.

Mike Oxsaw 2:27 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
If your files are on a shared workspace - some people call this "the cloud...the CLOUD", a trigger may be set to notify certain people when the file has been accessed/updated and by whom - I know GoogleDocs/Sheets has this facility because I have set it up for people.

I assume the Microsoft equivalent has the same ability.

If you are that fussed on something like this, you can write a little bit of code that will open random files throughout the day, make changes to them and save them.

Personally, I find it easier to just do the fucking job I'm being paid to do.

Fortunes Hiding 1:51 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
Cheers Jonah

Jonah Lomas 1:37 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I think this is what you need FH


On The Ball 12:02 Sat Nov 13
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I get the feeling that your concern is that you think someone's noticed that you've gone offline? Possibly Teams/Jabber is showing you as away because you haven't pressed anything as you're out mowing the lawn etc?

I think the level of investigation that your employer would go to would depend on who you work for - ie. Google might know more than the NHS. As others have said, I suspect it'll be output that'll be noticed - and whether Teams etc is showing whether you're active.

Dicko75 10:48 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
Work on the basis pretty much any key stroke and any search or file is traceable.

If it’s your productivity you’re worried about because you’ve been slacking then try doing your job or swallow the consequence. A lot of people would soon be moaning if employers started reducing the pay of people working from home who spend half their day dossing.

gph 10:20 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
A lot of workplaces have the philosophy that people work better if they take small breaks. Depending on the nature of the work, I think there have been studies which confirm that they do, within limits, of course.

However, even if they are happy for you to do this, they may not be happy about what you actually do in those breaks. This is where they might get nosy.

angryprumphs 8:11 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
Pretty sure that they just know that you are slacking because you are not getting your work done. Like i said, if they have not clearly outlined what they monitor (although i believe this could be done within a company handbook) then they CANNOT monitor anything and if they do, you can take them to a tribunal if you get in any trouble.

Mex Martillo 8:09 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
If you’ve been warned I’d say your employer will either be watching what you actually do or what you produce. Maybe a good idea to put on a good show on both, working hours and producing whatever they expect. Not sure if the computer on pressing the space bar will cut it? If you produce all they expect, while using your space bar trick, perhaps you can get away with it.

Mike Oxsaw 8:08 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
The ability to stamp around inside somebody's computer has been around since the first PC appeared but only became an issue once they began joining them up - "networking" - I believe is the technical term.

Oh, and if your work computer is being monitored and you've got it hanging off the same home Wi-Fi subnet as your personal computer/security camera/door lock/baby alarm/heating system/mobile phone, they are probably being monitored, too.

Thanks, Bill.

Fortunes Hiding 8:05 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
That would mean that they could see I was online?

angryprumphs 8:03 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
Unless your job is 'pressing a space bar'.

They will know you are not doing anything by the fact that you are getting nothing done.

angryprumphs 8:02 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
If they say you are slacking then it is probably because your work output is low. Unless they have specifically told you they are monitoring you pc.

Not sure what you think the space bar will achieve?

Fortunes Hiding 8:00 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I’ve been told that I’m been slacking, not putting the hours in.
Which I know employers can see.

BUT now, if I have my laptop logged on have a a small object on the space bar.

Can they see that?

Mex Martillo 8:00 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
I work with animal reproduction and use lots of words like sex, sperm etc.
About 10 years ago the IT guy told me he had be told to use some software that highlighted employees that used these type of words and that it flagged me, but they realized it was part of my job and a waist of time. If they could do that about 10 years ago, I am sure they can do much more now. I guess it’s more a question of if they’re interested in monitoring you for some specific reason or if you do something not normal that could attract attention.

angryprumphs 7:56 Fri Nov 12
Re: Employers monitoring WFH
Fortunes have your company outlined what they are monitoring on your pc?

Legally UK companies can monitor pretty much everything digital BUT they must clearly outline to employees what they are doing. If they dont and they give you some sort of disciplinary due to stuff they find they are in pretty serious breach of both employee data protection and more general data protection.

I had a situation when i took on 6 apprentices to do digital marketing and development, turned out one of them just watched porn all day. I found out by checking his browsing history. Turn out I couldnt fire him, could only give him a verbal warning and explain his activities would be monitored moving forward.

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