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EdHammer 7:00 Tue Nov 16
Awards Speech
Got a corporate awards doo this evening.

Any good one liners?

Jokes for winning an award?

Share your comedy gold WHO.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

WHU(Exeter) 4:30 Wed Nov 17
Re: Awards Speech
You need something that will leave them speechless and dumbfounded.

Recreate an entire episode of 'A touch of Frost' via the medium of mime.

If they try and stop you at any point in the performance go screaming from the stage.

scott_d 3:56 Wed Nov 17
Re: Awards Speech
I once entered a premature ejaculation competition.

Unfortunately, I came second.

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:43 Wed Nov 17
Re: Awards Speech
I'll leave you all with this thought: "Are the Corporate Awards racist?"

Don a tin hat, wipe nob slowly across the dais and moonwalk off.

BRANDED 11:29 Tue Nov 16
Re: Awards Speech
Evening Cunts!

West Ham are Massive.

Right. The best fence post goes to........

BillC79 9:58 Tue Nov 16
Re: Awards Speech
Did you win it or are you presenting it?

PlaistowIron 7:41 Tue Nov 16
Re: Awards Speech
I won an award for the furthest ejaculator in south east London once.

Thankfully I don’t live next door to the nursing home anymore

EdHammer 7:35 Tue Nov 16
Re: Awards Speech
Yes …and I do get your point.

However, these corporate events are quite boring to say the least. There must be some comedy geniuses to come from WHO!

Nurse Ratched 7:27 Tue Nov 16
Re: Awards Speech
You are seeking advice of this nature from posters on WHO?


Are you trying to get sacked?

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