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the exile 4:20 Mon Nov 22
Team for Rapid Vienna
A difficult call to predict the exact line-up for this one. We need to bounce back from a poor performance and Moyes will be wanting the points to ensure we finish top of the group sooner rather than later.

At the back I expect Zouma to be partnered with Diop, who owes us a good performance after one or two wobbles in Genk. Coufal in for Johnson and the ever-dependable Cresswell at LB.

Soucek seems to have gone off the boil. The question is whether he needs a rest of to use this game to play himself back into some kind of form. I would rest him. Rice has to play but after looking out of his depth in Genk, I wouldn't have Noble anywhere near this, (not sure Moyes will agree.) Surely it's time to give Kral a start.

I expect Lanzini to start in place of Fornals, with Benrahma and Bowen either side of him. Up front, I could ask the same question about Antonio that I asked about Soucek, but I'm not sure that we can afford the luxury of resting him. But I don't expect him to do 90 minutes.

Coufal Zouma Diop Cresswell
Rice Kral
Bowen Lanzini Benrahma

Subs: Fabianski, Johnson, Dawson, Baptiste, Noble, Soucek, Fornals, Vlasic, Yarmolenko.

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Dr Matt 12:32 Thu Nov 25
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
With Barca, AC Milan, Dortmund and Sevilla all potentially dropping in to the Europa, need to avoid 2nd place.

slartibartfast 10:36 Wed Nov 24
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna





the exile 9:21 Wed Nov 24
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Antonio hasn't travelled, according to Moyes in his presser. So I suppose it'll be either Bowen, Yarmolenko or Vlasic up front.

Bowen has done some great work for the team this season but his finishing has been abysmal, so I'm hoping it's not him.

Yarmolenko is Yarmolenko - can't get too excited about that.

I would like to see what Vlasic can do. I reckon he's got a goal or two in him.

Fo the Communist 3:25 Wed Nov 24
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Coufal Diop Zouma Johnson
Rice Kral
Bowen Fornals Benny

Need the win and rest them all for the last match.

ludo21 3:20 Wed Nov 24
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Coufal Dawson Diop Johnson
Kral Noble
Yarmalenko Lanzini Masuaku

Subs: Randolph Fredericks Baptiste Chesters Bowen Benrahma (+ a few more U23s)

I wouldn't make the likes of Rice, Soucek, Zouma, Antonio etc.. travel. Let them watch it on tv and prepare properly for Sunday.

Give Coufal 45 mins (he played twice for the Czechs over the Int. break anyway) and then brink him back into the first team on Sunday.

El Scorchio 8:17 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Yeah it was a real shame actually because as you say he was really good in that game!

I'm glad he's still with us too. Think he's slowly rediscovering some passion and form. Great squad member.

Mex Martillo 5:20 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Right-y-o El Scorchio 2:26 Tue Nov 23, if I remember well it was when Rice was out, makes it more of a shame that Lanzini didn’t get a run as he was quite good in that one game.
Have to say, I’m glad we still have Lanzini, good player.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:42 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
New European away kit might be a hindrance:


Lato 2:39 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Would like to see Dan Chesters involved at some point, he won two crunching tackles in the home tie against Genk, we may have unearthed a special player.

El Scorchio 2:26 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Mex Martillo 8:01

He got injured either at the end of that game, or in the next game, as far as I remember. By the time he was fit again he wasn't needed to play there.

legrandefromage 1:15 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Should play Zouma and Diop as the central defensive pairing to see if it looks any more convincing than Zouma and Dawson

Dr Matt 9:41 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Ashby Diop Alese Longelo
Lanzini Kral
Chesters Vlasic Okoflex

Mex Martillo 8:01 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
gph 1:21 Tue Nov 23, I also remember Lanzini having an excel game as defensive midfield. For someone remembers what game? I think it’s unfair to say he didn’t follow it up, as it was more he wasn’t asked to do it again.

Takashi Miike 1:45 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
coufal - baptiste - diop - cresswell
kral - noble
yarmo - vlasic - jimmy

SDKFZ 222 1:35 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Zagreb can still overtake us if they win their last two matches (the last one against us) and we achieve less than a win on Thursday.

We need to avoid the play off two legged matches in February against the ECL rejects as this will cause even more fixture congestion. Going into the last 16 in March will give us nearly 3 months off from the Europa, so we can put this to bed on Thursday, without the pressure of having to avoid defeat against Zagreb.

This will all be moot if Zagreb fail to beat Genk, but we know that they have a performance in them when required, as was shown against Tottenham last season.

I agree that we should rest our most influential players for the Man City game, but we really do need to get a win.

gph 1:21 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Good reasons to play Kral, Vlasic, Coufal and Areola - get/keep them up to speed.

Good reasons to rest Rice, Soucek and Antonio - but I think resting both Soucek and Rice would leave us a touch vulnerable. Maybe Lanzini can do a job as a defensive midfielder - my memory's letting me down, but didn't he have one good game there, but failed to follow that up?

Anyway, want a strong bench, even if only for emergencies. Don't want to lose this one, as it's important to finish top.

Alfs 1:05 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
I also agree with 13. Rest as many first teamers as possible.

daveyg 12:31 Tue Nov 23
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
We need to go at them from the start.
Antonio owes us a goal.
The usual mixture.
It will depend on Rice's fitness if he has fully recovered. Didn't look like it agaisnt Wolves.

Coufal Zouma Diop Cresswell
Kral Rice Lanzini
Vlasic Antonio Masuaku

Johnson Randolph Baptiste Alese Ashby Soucek Noble Yarmolenko Chesters Perkins Benrhama Bowen

Jasnik 10:10 Mon Nov 22
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
As others have said win this and we can rest everyone for the final game.

Mex Martillo 9:40 Mon Nov 22
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
Nice one Exile
I’d go for resting most of the underperformers from Wolves and hopefully get them sorted for Man City at the weekend.

Coufal Zouma Diop Cresswell
Kral Noble
Yarmolenko Lanzini Vlasic

marty feldman 9:21 Mon Nov 22
Re: Team for Rapid Vienna
I think it will be close to full strength as possible with the exceptions of soucek Antonio and zouma . I would love to see sonny Perkins on the pitch at some point. He's gonna be a player .

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