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bigfrank 9:37 Sun Nov 28
Carlton Cole
In hot water here after comparing our defeat to man city to the holocaust.

Don't want to see him punished but if it is happening to whitey surely it has to be the same outcome for him

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Fo the Communist 11:00 Thu Dec 2
Re: Carlton Cole
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:49 Thu Dec 2

All equally true of course.

Although if those remarks were made in the original inquiry held - and published - by Yorkshire CC, then he would not have that privilege and could indeed be sued.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:53 Thu Dec 2
Re: Carlton Cole
I'd be a little more believing of the known racist, liar and pederast's accusations if he would make them outside of parliamentary privilege and open himself up to defamation actions.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:49 Thu Dec 2
Re: Carlton Cole
Fo the Communist 6:50 Wed Dec 1

'If Vaughan did say what is alleged (“there’s too many of you lot, we need to do something about that” then he (nor me) can have no complaints about BT's actions. It is not an uncorroborated claim either is it?'

What did he mean by 'you lot'? Nobody has spelt it out yet. Why? Because unless there was nobody in the group he allegedly addressed the remark to who wasn't Asian, then it isn't racism. And unless there is nothing that links that group other than their race, for instance all being young, uncapped or fringe players, then it isn't racism.

But, of course, the usual suspects not only believe Vaughan said it, but there is no possible way that 'you lot' can be used other than in a racist connection.

bigfrank 8:10 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole

Exactly, same with the Michael Vaughan scenario 👍🏻

mallard 8:03 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole

bigfrank 7:46 Wed Dec 1

People are making it about race when they don't need to

bigfrank 7:10 Wed Dec 1

White Person gets sacked for something which there is no evidence of.

Wonder if the same will happen with coley or will he get let off because of his skin colour.

bigfrank 7:50 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
On the ball

Glad you prefer wome

Question is do women prefer you? 🤔

bigfrank 7:46 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
On the ball

The same thing Vaughan then. People are making it about race when they don't need to.

Desperately failling? Ok 😂

On The Ball 7:35 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
So if Cole is let off because of his skin colour, why was Barton let off?

It's because what they said wasn't considered that bad. Simple as that. Race doesn't come into it.

You can ONLY compare what Cole has done with Barton - nothing else, because no-one else is being accused of saying what he said. You're just desperately trying - and failing - to make it about race when it's not.

And I've told you that I prefer women.

bigfrank 7:10 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
On the ball

I make it easier for you to understand.

White Person gets sacked for something which there is no evidence of.

Wonder if the same will happen with coley or will he get let off because of his skin colour.

If you want me to compare it with joey b, fine. Both said the same thing. Joey shouldn't be involved in football full stop for his history.

How old are you by the way are you a liberal?

On The Ball 6:52 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
You're wrong because you're insisting on comparing apples with oranges - you could compare apples with apples, but you refuse and can't explain why.

Why won't you compare what Carlton said with the exact same thing? They committed the same 'offence', they're getting the same 'punishment'. Why are you trying to make more of it than it is?

I've proved that I don't like people bullshitting, that's all.

Fo the Communist 6:50 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
Eerie Descent 5:09 Wed Dec 1

If Vaughan did say what is alleged (“there’s too many of you lot, we need to do something about that” then he (nor me) can have no complaints about BT's actions. It is not an uncorroborated claim either is it?

And I think Rafiq has got off lightly - but not scot free - as there is indeed an imbalance in the way issues of race are reported. That's said, you can't really talk about like-for-like punishments because he is not employed as a commentator. Like Vaughan, his reputation has been sullied though for sure - just look at the comments on here and elsewhere.

bigfrank 6:02 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
On the ball

What am i wrong about son?

Vaughan sacked for something that he may have or haven't said(no evidence)

Carlton Cole - will he face the same treatment?

bigfrank 5:59 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
On the ball

You have shown your age and mindset there son. 😂😂⚒🇬🇧

BillyJenningsBoots 5:28 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
What's your point Auntie?

Auntie Thermite 5:24 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
Holocaust [hol·o·caust]

A religious sacrifical offering to the Gods
a "burnt sacrifice" or "an offering wholly consumed by fire."

Like one could describe the events in Hiroshima or Dresden in WWII, for example.

Eerie Descent 5:09 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
How about what BT Sport have said about why the are cancelling Vaughan?

And I'm assuming the BBC will take an even harsher stand against Rafiq himself?

More importantly, do YOU think the punishment handed out to Vaughan fits the crime?

And how has Rafiq seemingly got off Scott free from his litany of misdemeanors?

Fo the Communist 3:08 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
According to the BBC he was stood down because he was at the centre of a issue that was likely to discussed during TMS and, as such, his impartiality was tainted (my word) by that.

I don't know whether he will get paid. I assume he works as a contractor and therefore wouldn't if he is not providing his services.

My point was not the rights and wrongs of the issue - I was merely questioning the notion that he was sacked. There is a whole lot of nonsense spoken from both sides of the race debate and I just think its important that the facts of the matter at hand are not left behind. Not a particularly exciting or conclusive standpoint I grant you but one that is honestly held.

On The Ball 2:55 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
Eerie Descent 2:04 Wed Dec 1

Why? What's the got to do with Carlton?

Bigfrank said that "whitey" would get punished for saying what Carlton said - but the FACT is that whitey DID say it a couple of weeks ago - and got moaned at and then forgotten, just the same as Carlton.

Bigfrank is wrong but won't admit it because he wants to make a different point. Bigfrank is upset about something that didn't happen, yet called me a hypocrite and a snowflake - oh, the irony.

All I've done is point out that he's wrong. I haven't passed any judgement about anything else. No crusade here.

Eerie Descent 2:54 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
Why has he been 'stood down'?

We he be on full pay for the duration?

Fo the Communist 2:40 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
Eerie Descent 2:04 Wed Dec 1

You can take it at face value or not but MV has not 'had his career ruined' has been 'stood down' from TMS coverage of the Ashes. The language of the BBC statement hints that he will return after the current furore dies down. A contrite interview he has already given to the BBC is probably part of that redemption.


There was similar outrage on there that Ollie Robinson's career had been 'ruined 'by suspension by the ECB following the discovery of some injudicious Tweets, He soon came back when the fuss had died down and I expect MV to do the same.

Eerie Descent 2:04 Wed Dec 1
Re: Carlton Cole
I said to ignore the point at hand.

Why has Michael Vaughan had his career finished for being accused of saying 'You lot' 12 years ago, but Rafiq, for whom there is categorical, actual evidence of racism (I won't mention the other stuff) is being held up as a hero?

What's gone on there, On The Crusade son?

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