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Sydney_Iron 9:14 Thu Dec 9
New Zealand to Ban Smoking
I dont smoke any more but this is a step too far IMO and another erosion of freedoms, wont be long before these do good health types get certain foods banned, Alcohol is on the hit list i bet, how about heading in football, and sports like boxing banned altogether, even Rugby could be targeted.

What an awful world we are seeing develop.


New Zealand has announced it will outlaw smoking for the next generation, so that those who are aged 14 and under today will never be legally able to buy tobacco.

New legislation means the legal smoking age will increase every year, to create a smoke-free generation of New Zealanders, associate health minister Dr Ayesha Verrall said on Thursday.

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mashed in maryland 9:51 Sun Dec 12
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking

nychammer 6:41 Sat Dec 11

That's actually a really good point.

As tobacco has been phased out, the social and legal acceptance of weed has increased.

Never thought about it like that before.

riosleftsock 12:21 Sun Dec 12
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
I quite like this story from RT (its almost certainly bollocks, but who knows these days.

"A New Zealander has ended up under investigation after he allegedly got up to 10 Covid-19 vaccine shots in a single day, impersonating other people reluctant to get vaccinated for cash."

Hermit Road 12:19 Sun Dec 12
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Jonah Lomas 11:00 Sat Dec 11

I just listened to what she said and took her at her word and what she said was that she was funding journalists to write pieces that she agrees with.

Jonah Lomas 11:30 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Yeah, he uses his fishing shows to influence the public into voting Labour.

Sydney_Iron 11:17 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Lost me im afraid Jonah???? Or should i call you Clarke...........LOL

Bit of irony that he works in media!

Jonah Lomas 11:10 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Sydney_Iron 10:55 Sat Dec 11

So, the "bullshit" I posted could very well be true? You don't seem to have a very good counter argument.

Labour have tried to save lives during covid. They've tried to stop us from being overrun and suffering thousands of deaths. They've recognised our vulnerability down here, and have sought to mitigate it. And they've been very successful.

Now, they've decided to try and save thousands of lives again by stopping smoking.

That's not a "nanny state", that's sensible leadership.

Jonah Lomas 11:00 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Hermit Road 10:42 Sat Dec 11

Are they though?

Tell me, how has it changed the media landscape here?

Are the critics less critical?

Is there less criticism overall?

Is the criticism more or less balanced than previously?

I do understand what you're saying, but in reality, it's simply not the case.

Sydney_Iron 10:55 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking

Been a few years since I lived in NZ so really don’t know what the Nationals policy is, last I heard was they were a bit of a mess but not sure what that’s got to do with the media being right wing in NZ?

I don’t lean left or right, here in Aus I would vote Labor at State level but would maybe lean to the liberals at federal level but we do get the same comments on the media as you stated, its all stacked against the left (and some is), all Murdoch’s fault etc, surprised you didn’t mention him?

FWIW, when Jacinda first came to power I thought she did a good job, but the past couple of years it seems to have gone to her head bit and I stand by the comment about her wanting to Mother the nation.

Hermit Road 10:43 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
“ OK, so how did it gain so much traction in society? It would have all been word of mouth back then.”

Most likely because it was adopted by the wealthy elites initially and as the price came down became more widespread first amongst the middle classes and then the working classes were most likely last to the party.

Hermit Road 10:42 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Jonah Lomas 10:14 Sat Dec 11

That logic is deeply flawed. Going on what you have said, they will be paying critics as long as those critics agree with them. Put another way, they will be paying critics not to criticise them.

If you can’t see the problem with governments funding journalists to say things that governments approve of then fair enough.

Jonah Lomas 10:38 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Sydney_Iron 10:28 Sat Dec 11

OK, so, tell me about how neoliberalism has been positive for NZ then?

Jonah Lomas 10:36 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Of course, the money is directly from the government to the media outlet either. Its handed out by NZ On Air, who are the independent funding agency responsible for locally produced content.

Sydney_Iron 10:28 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Jonah Lomas 10:14 Sat Dec 11


Odds on you lean very much to the left? As thats the typical bullshit that gets spouted, NZ, Aus and the UK or take your pick of any western democracy...........

Mike Oxsaw 10:23 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
gph 10:19 Sat Dec 11

OK, so how did it gain so much traction in society? It would have all been word of mouth back then.

gph 10:19 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Er, the establishment didn't embrace tobacco.

James I propagandised against it, and slapped a heavy tax on it, several European countries banned it, and probably the one thing the Pope and James agreed on was that it was bad.

Jonah Lomas 10:14 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking


The vast majority of the MSM in NZ are very much right leaning, if not right wing.

So, the government are actually funding their opposition.

Which won't matter, because they're neoliberal pricks staggering from disaster to disaster.

Sydney_Iron 9:52 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Hermit, Yes that is well fucked up! In my opinon Jacinda Ardern is out of control, she seems to think she is mothering the population and has to impose this nanny state on them to keep them safe, not only by stopping the future generation from having the choice of what they can or cant do but shit like this and paying the media to report the right sort of COVID storys and tow the line as she sees it.

Mike Oxsaw 6:51 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
What was the smoking substance of choice before tobacco was introduced to the west?

I'd hazard a guess and say that it was locally grown weed and that most of the working peasantry across Europe were stoned out of their little tinies before lunchtime every day. Add that to the beer used as a refreshment of choice and...

Tobacco allowed them to "go through the motions of a smoke" but remain productive until the sun went down, so pretty easy to see why the establishment embraced it to veraciously.

RM10 6:43 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
I hate smoking but will fat people be banned next?

nychammer 6:41 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking
Its anti social, will almost certainly kill you over a lifetime's use and is a drain on health resources, but how can you ban smoking an legalize pot in the same breath? I'm not saying that's happening in New Zealand but people here in the US are going out of their way to legalize pot use and soon we'll likely have licensed sellers like tobacco. You already cant walk a block here without catching the stench of it and I'm pretty sure its at the root of a lot of antisocial behaviour.

Hermit Road 6:31 Sat Dec 11
Re: New Zealand to Ban Smoking

gph 2:10 Sat Dec 11

That is a good point. Although I think with smoking it will be more effective because the trade off is much lower. With smack, crack and anything else you get a significant high, with smoking you get fuck all.

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