WHO Poll

Woodford Green 11:02 Thu Dec 9
Remembering Gavros
Lost him 2 years ago today.

Liked or loathed him, WHO isn’t the same without him.

*Holds one egg up to the sky*


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Lily Hammer 9:20 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Gavros was a top man, great sense of humour, could lauigh at himself, and proper West Ham who would go well out of his way to help a fellow Hammer.

He truly represented many of our fans, in so much as he totally bought into the stadium move, was very excited about the possibilities, only to be ultimately disappointed and full of regret. He really was gutted about how it turned out and joined Hammers United to fight for change not long before he sadly passed. Very sad, as he would have been a great member to have in our trench.

RIP Gavros, son.

DANNY66 9:10 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
He irked me somewhat on here but that probably says more about me than him.
I gave him pelters for his flip-flopping on the OS but judging by some of the comments from others it sounds like he was ok.
The Duchess was a fucking horrible mental cow though.

kylay 8:51 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
fraser 7:30 Thu Dec 9

The one right under my nose :0)

learn something new every day

bruuuno 8:38 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Gavros sexually assaulted me

WHU(Exeter) 8:18 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
I liked his utter enthusiasm for things, he had a real passion and belief and he came across on here as an individual with his own opinions.

Leonard Hatred 8:10 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros

Yeah I went in there after the Atalanta game.

It was fucking shit.

Tomshardware 7:38 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Echo the sentiments on here, remarkable how much he went out of his way to help others. Won't be forgotten by many.

Hermit Road 7:34 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Was just thinking about that. The Pie Crust AKA The Diseased Flea Pit.

He fucking loved that place.

Leonard Hatred 7:32 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
What was the name of that Thai food gaff in Stratford he was always on about?

fraser 7:30 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Kylay - it says show in chronological order in blue font under the op

Haz 7:13 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Just sitting in Needo's, Whitechapel eating curry before tonight's match. This was Gavvy's go to foodery before a match. RIP.

Noah 6:22 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Met him a few times and helped out with his effort to revive Thames Ironworks and put barges on the water around the OS. There were a few of us from on here helping out. Good lad in person - not like his WHO persona.

The world's worse off for his passing. And you can't say that about every fucker.

RIP Gav.

kylay 6:00 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
This place is certainly poorer without him. What a sad day.

Mattie Mulshun 3:36 Thu Dec 9

How do you get the thread to render in earliest to latest post like that?

Westham67 5:52 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
2 years has flown RIP Gav far too young to go

collyrob 5:39 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
I didn’t know stomper had passed away. RIP

On The Ball 5:27 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Ah, Gavros. I liked him. The thing that really struck me about his death was that it could have been any one of a big chunk of us on here. I know that's true of most deaths but his felt closer to home.

ManorParkHammer 5:27 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Was a top bloke.

Helped a thick bloke like me pass several economics exams and was always good company at a booze up.

⚒️ 5:25 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Pentonville 5:10 Thu Dec 9

Is it you?

fraser 5:20 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
R.I P Gav

2 years and how the world has changed

Pentonville 5:10 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros
Someone on this thread is a massive wanker.
Let's see if they recognise it.

Manuel 4:46 Thu Dec 9
Re: Remembering Gavros

SecondOpinion 11:20 Thu Dec 9

''A few posters on here should hang their heads in shame in the way they treated him''

Oh do fuck off you drippy cunt. Rolling out the old guilt trip?? Gavros gave as good as he got on here, and wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Prick.

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