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vilasecammer 8:43 Sun Dec 26
small crowd today
I was shocked by the poor attendance today. 30,000? I'm watching Villa play now with a near full-house. Was it mainly Covid factor, or transport?

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whu 12:35 Tue Dec 28
Re: small crowd today
lot of debate here. it was the fucking trains. both overlands in essex not running into london. most go in by train. add reduced parking at stratford on the day. we've done 50k on a wet wednesday against nobody. people saying it wasn't the trains have been on the purple tins.

Jasnik 12:20 Tue Dec 28
Re: small crowd today
the crowd didn't turn up so neither did the team .

Stepney.Ammer 12:17 Tue Dec 28
Re: small crowd today

Actually, when you put it into context like that it makes you think how we have come attendance wise. What is deemed really low now is what our capacity was only 5 years ago.

Norman 12:11 Tue Dec 28
Re: small crowd today
So crowd was around 35k which would he a full house at Upton Park..a lot of people have tested positive for Covid and unless you live on a tube line was hard to get there. Also as said some people are too scared to upset the inlaws

Northern Sold 10:55 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Was offered freebies from 2 different people... was busy... Kempton Park... seem to recall not too many trains going on Boxing days in the past... always ended up driving

Percy Dalton 9:34 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Back in the old days they were always full houses.
We didn't live in Essex/Kent then it was a ten minute walk for me the old man and brother.
11 o'clock kick offs then into East Ham working mens club to drown our sorrows after another Boxing day defeat.

Rusta 7:14 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
I was there yesterday have always loved Boxing Day football. It was a shame there was so many empty seats but made getting a beer easier

british is best 6:01 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
As much as I detest spurs and believe me I do . At least they put the real attendance out us and the goons don't .

Iron Duke 6:00 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
For at least 364 days anyway.

british is best 5:58 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
It was always gonna be a shit crowd yesterday . Yet so many who called on social media for a boxing day fixture wouldn't have turned up . I doubt if we will have another one anytime soon .

chajonbubble 5:10 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
can they request them. I assume they can only not request them.

master 5:05 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today

Don't think the club will bother requesting home boxing day matches for quite a while.

master 5:02 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
~34k yesterday according to my woman on the inside, and not a lot of concessions purchased at all.

wd40 3:34 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Thick thick thick.
Not much more to say to that

chedylan 2 3:23 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Why are people not going because of covid ?

Worried about catching it and getting very sick?

Take a fucking vaccine then, or a booster if you are older.

You are going to catch it at some point regardless, so unless you are about to travel. Sounds like you are brainwashed

MTC 2:34 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Think the 3 o’clock ko didn’t help either,would of been much better 12-12.30.Having an 8pm ko on boxing day is just ridiculous.If anything shows how the tv doesn’t give a shit about fans who go to games this is it.

bruuuno 2:23 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
A couple of mates wives wouldn’t let them go. Wtf

Pedro 2:18 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Saw spurs was 40k. Brighton looked half full.

Not sure of our crowd but assume it will be 58k which is tickets sold rather than fans in ground.

Pedro 2:16 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
As I mentioned Boxing Day games only ever good when 11.30 or 12 noon kick offs. Also should be derby matches. Atmospheres never great but good excuse to get out and see mates

Everyone then in pub or home early.

DaveT 2:09 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Fuck all to do with transport links. Railways don't run on Boxing Day anywhere. At least the tube does. I had to drive yesterday and put up with a huge delay on the M11 and fucking idiots who only seem to drive once or twice a year when the sales are on

Grumpster 1:29 Mon Dec 27
Re: small crowd today
Got about 30 mates who are season tickets and only around 10 of them went yesterday.

Others could only get there if they drove which isn't really an option.

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