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FOMB 5:47 Sat Jan 8
Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Had a text from the barmaid at Dough Daddy sports bar jist outside Stratford international and theyve heard rumours Leeds fans are gonna try and take over some of our pubs, Neighbourhood bar opposite have booked 4 bouncers

Anyone else heard anything?

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Lato 7:17 Tue Jan 11
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
I believe its 10% for League Cup so Spurs done us out of around a 1,000 and FA Cup is 15% so 9,000 was bang on. I have no idea why the percentage is different.

ornchurch ammer 6:58 Tue Jan 11
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Dunno mate but is away allocation same for League and FA Cups?

rumford 5:59 Tue Jan 11
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
ornchurch ammer I agree but why was it that Leeds were allocated up to 9000 at ours when we were only given 5000 + at spurs when the ground was only 2 thirds full.

ornchurch ammer 11:42 Tue Jan 11
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
To be fair Leeds we’re no different to us taking big numbers to an away game.

A large percentage just want to have an enjoyable day out whilst there are others who want to play up and act like cunts.

ATBOG 4:35 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Three coachloads at the Sultan in Waltham abbey yesterday. Never seen that pub so busy.

Northbanknorm 4:24 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Around 20 of the scumbags penned in outside westfield entrance on the way back to the station with about 40 OB escorting them away. All handbags tho.

The bowl was well quiet apart from bubbles at start and end of game, and when we scored, that was it.

Far Cough 1:37 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Bunch of their fans were singing you can stick your fucking bubbles up yer arse, near to the club shop, which I thought it would lead to it kicking off?

Not by me though, I'm too old for that shit

FOMB 1:26 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Was in Dough Daddys yesterday

About 15 leeds fans came in before the game but was good as gold

No trouble anywhere around that way but I did think if it went off then it would probably be the other side of ground near carpenters

Glenn Roeder 1:18 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Some sort of disturbance at the entrance near the Mittal Tower, lots of noise and running of police, even the program seller and his stall got knocked over.

Dan M 12:01 Mon Jan 10
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
A big group were drinking at The Duke of Wellington on Epping High Street yesterday morning.

That's the third time I've seen Epping used as an away staging point. Barnsley and Sunderland have invaded our pretty little town before.

Dr Matt 9:11 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Heard they took Franco Manca at Westfield

ak37 9:01 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
The barmaids growler must look like a clowns pocket by now

John Paints Pants 8:55 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Zero issues anywhere today, unsurprisingly.

Dr Matt probably still hiding behind his sofa

The Stoat 6:21 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
arsegrapes 3:14 Sun Jan 9

Can't believe how many flares were on the pitch ;-)

mallard 6:19 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
How much did them four bouncers cost?

Hello Mrs. Jones 6:11 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
FOMB Any update from the barmaid?

RM10 3:33 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Yeh that’s a good place, will be there Wednesday

BRANDED 3:27 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Plenty at Beer Merchants Tap

All drinking good beer

Lato 1:44 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
arsegrapes 3:14 Sun Jan 9

" You'll never take South Bank "........and no one ever did!

Manuel 7:38 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow
Scrapping on a Sunday lunchtime? Rather uncouth, one would have to say. Then again..

arsegrapes 3:14 Sun Jan 9
Re: Rumours of trouble tomorrow

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