chav_corner 4:16 Wed Jan 19
Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
2:06 Wed May 18
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
1:46 Wed May 18
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
What happened?
7:19 Thu Feb 24
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Everton game on 2nd April now moved to the Sunday 2pm.
5:57 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Later and less frequent trains make a big difference to organizing such a big event from memory I joined at West Ham at 10 am and left from the gound 12 30ish
Woodford Green
4:13 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Johnson 1:22 Mon Feb 21 Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United. You seem confused between putting up and shutting up in your desperation to have a pop at HU, oioi.
3:13 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Just checked the official attendance for our last Sunday game, 2:00pm kick off against Leeds. It was 59,951. I know that number will be disputed but I was at the game and I reckon there was a decent turn out.
It does prove that there is no problem getting to the LS on a Sunday.
1:48 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Nothing desperate about it, I am of the opinion that holding on for a Saturday fixture could result in no available game for a protest. Sky will decide when we play and history shows 3:00pm Saturday games at the LS are very rare.
HU represent 18,000 supporters so if a massive 50% can't make Sunday because of the trains there should still be at least 9,000 at a Sunday protest.
So I say stop fannying about and go for it.
1:22 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
You seem confused between putting up and shutting up in your desperation to have a pop at HU, oioi.
12:14 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Trains on Sunday start later so a protest before the game would interrupt a pre-game pint or 10
11:23 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Only 3 games left scheduled for 3:00pm Saturday but April television schedule will not be announced until late March. We'll see.
There are fewer trains on a Sunday and that has never stopped approx 50,000 WHU supporters turning up for a game.
As for claiming that HU are the only ones who put up, tell that to the aforementioned approx. 50,000 who turn up and support the team for every home game.
10:28 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Oi Oi.There will be a Saturday,trains ARE crap on a Sunday,,and we are the only ones who do indeed put up..
12:26 Mon Feb 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
"it has to be on a saturday,Sundays just see too many problems with the trains."
Forget it then because there isn't going to be a Saturday game. There's nothing wrong with the trains on Sundays.
Put up or shut up.
Side of Ham
10:57 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
I’m sure I’ve seen us play Brentford at home and lose and their time wasting antics & general disruption of our play put me right off them….
7:06 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Burnley moved IF we get through in europa
6:55 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
I don't know how long t takes to notify the police. We have home games Saturday 2nd of April Brentford and Saturday 16th of April Burnley
4:42 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
I didnt count them but was lot nearer 100 than 400 mate It was the only one i missed as thought the timing was wrong
4:17 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Ernie,the turn out for the last protest was really disappointing,never tried to hide that.But there were more than 100 there,maybe 400.we WILL protest again but the timing has to be right-and it has to be on a saturday,Sundays just see too many problems with the trains.
1:08 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
67 another big stroll wont happen again, the momentum we had to push them out has gone disrupted by covid. The ladt march where less than 100 turned up proved it.
8:42 Sun Feb 20
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
I hate the board more than ever now. If there were any doubts about their intentions for our club then it's clear now no investment when we could have pushed on we are just a cash cow. Moyes must have given a list of players we need to Sullivan and Sullivan would come have come back with his cheaper options.
Just in case they are thinking of hanging or passing the club to Jack Sullivan we should go for another stroll in big numbers again
9:26 Fri Jan 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Mr Kenzo 5:07 Thu Jan 20 Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United. W4 - Now a Cockney Red son ?
hah never ever kenzo me old mucka! Got a freebie off a pal and its about a 30 minute stroll down the high road...
wierd thing is the mancs sang all night long, all of the songs were about them 20/30/40+ years ago- not a single song about the current era apart from a bit of ronaldo . wierd cunts
12:40 Fri Jan 21
Re: Going Forward.-Hammers United.
Fair enough then. I was just confused and concerned it would end up in another skip soon. Thanks for the clarification. I’m all for it in that case.