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oldtimer 5:22 Sat Jan 29
Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Watching the Fulham/Blackpool game and it has been stopped for a medical emergency in the crowd.
Have you noticed that this seems to be happening more often these days.

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chim chim cha boo 7:14 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
After the poor man died behind me at the FA Cup final in 2006 right in front of his son, I felt my heart beating like a haywire clock. It was doing 100mph.

A week before the Blackpool playoff final I think someone put up a thread on here that asked if anyone had the shits? Virtually every poster had them.

As I stood in the stands at Wembley, partly to remember the man that died and partly to see the state I was I touched my chest and it was beating like fuck. I was surprised my strawberry didn't explode.

It's a fucking great stress being a football supporter.

Mike Oxsaw 5:05 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
It's quite possible that, in sports, we've actually reached the limits of what a human body can endure and the demands to go that extra mile are revealing problems in people that would never be an issue in normal activity.

It COULD (but doesn't have to be/doesn't have to not be) Covid related; without a proper study, nobody will know either way.

yngwies Cat 4:31 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
On the other hand, makes you think if the bloke, bird next to you collapses, would you.knoe what to do.

Pedro 2:06 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
RIP to the guy

Medical emergencies have always happened at games. Remember the poor chap at the 2006 fa cup final.
The game was not stopped before. I remember announcements at Upton Park asking for any doctors to go to gate 6 etc

Think difference now is that if the club physios and doctors get involved the game has to stop as their is no medical help for players available.

Side of Ham 1:44 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
goose 11:03 Sat Jan 29

They stopped goose, no warm down and some of them may have just given up on everything in between due to it being a fucked up time, any professional athlete is at risk and most would have just got advice as at the start of that first lockdown it was stupidly strict. Like you want it to be the jab it could easily be covid itself, but the above is looked at with sports professionals who have heart problems as a possible factor for it as well.

riosleftsock 12:29 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds

Paul Parish, lifelong Fulham fan. 63 years old, no age really. RIP.

Steady 12:20 Sun Jan 30
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
The poor bloke at Fulham sadly passed away, RIP

zebthecat 11:59 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
...or have had Covid.

All bollocks of course.

twoleftfeet 11:37 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Someone has a heart attack at a football match and the jab is blamed? I don’t like to upset your claims but people have been having heart attacks for years.

Plus how many people are attending matches who might not have been alive but for the jab?

Mike Oxsaw 11:07 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
...and don't forget similar data for each of the preceding 12 years.

Alex G 11:05 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
goose 10:19 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Maybe but something is definitely going on, the numbers are through the roof.

Can you give a quick summary of these numbers... how many players in the top four divisions of the English league have had heart problems in the past twelve months, how many had had the Covid vaccination, how many of them had tested positive for Covid, how do these numbers compare with previous pre-Covid seasons as very basic starters.


goose 11:03 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
They finished in March, then came back & did a preseason before the restart. How is that any different to a normal season?

Side of Ham 10:36 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
The stopping of sports activity from being competitive and not easing down is a well known factor…..lockdowns are exactly this….

Mike Oxsaw 10:31 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
How many times must it happen before it warrants investigation - always one more then however many times it has already happened whenever the subject is formally raised?

It only took 2 Boeing 737 Max to fall out of the skies to have them grounded and a full investigation.

riosleftsock 10:23 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds

Side of Ham 10:21 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Well what you are suggesting is a maybe….

goose 10:19 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Maybe but something is definitely going on, the numbers are through the roof.

Side of Ham 10:11 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
goose, that sudden stop can be a factor from full on competitive to nothing….

goose 10:06 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Alex - the players got a decent break when covid hit in Feb and the league stopped until the summer.

Only a very small number of professional footballers played at the euros so that won’t wash either.

The incidents are happening across divisions and across countries.

On The Ball 9:46 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
Heart attacks etc have been going on at football since the dawn of time. Stopping the game to do something about them is completely new - which works nicely for the confirmation bias of some.

Alex G 9:29 Sat Jan 29
Re: Medical Emergencies At Football Grounds
goose 8:15 Sat Jan 29

With the way the end of the 2019/2020 rolled into the 2020/21 season which then rolled in to the Euros which then rolled in to the 2021/22 season, might the increase just be due to the fact that many players haven't had a proper break in a heck of a long time?

Has a similar increase in heart problems been seen in other sports? Or is it merely a statistical quirk coupled with more active reporting of such issues?

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