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chim chim cha boo 8:58 Thu Feb 3
Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?

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riosleftsock 1:35 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Every single time.


only1billybonds 1:07 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Karen son.

It should surprise no one that you are so unmoved by child molestation. It wasnt that long ago,back on the Rittenhouse thread that you were giving a character reference to the cunt that anally raped young boys.

riosleftsock 12:56 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
In the deluded, drug addled brain of your typical lefty, being banged up for raping 11 year old children with your two brothers or taking half a million quid from an totalitarian enemy state is equivalent to not following covid rules.

Sounds fair.

Capitol Man 12:47 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
WHO’d have guessed you’d be here with distractions for Bullshitting Boris Billy.

only1billybonds 12:45 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Are we allowed to mention that Labour peer Lord Ahmed has been jailed for 5 years for sexual offences against children. He is the 8th one from the red corner to be given a jail term in the last 10 years.

Toryvsleaze eh?

Fo the Communist 12:22 Sat Feb 5
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
"Interestingly, Boris Johnson will be the third Prime Minister in a row brought down by Boris Johnson."

WHU(Exeter) 11:47 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
I've often wondered about who can see what on the internet.

What colour socks am I wearing?

riosleftsock 11:34 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?

"He went full Rumsfeld. Never go full Rumsfeld"

Fo the Communist 11:30 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Mike Oxsaw 11:00 Fri Feb 4

"Nobody knows who knows what about them on the internet - and that includes those who post on WHO (in both the knowing and being known about factions)."

Fucking hell Mike. Have you been possessed by the spirit of Donald Rumsfeld?

Mike Oxsaw 11:00 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
"Firstly you know fuck all about me"

That's a hope, a wish. A simpleton's comfort blanket.

Nobody knows who knows what about them on the internet - and that includes those who post on WHO (in both the knowing and being known about factions).

It's the anonymity of the internet that stops you knowing. If you actually know in the real world the person claiming to know shit about you, you may have the semblance of a defence, but that is fuck all proof to anybody else - and no proof at all that said person does not know more about you that you would like.

It's all down to trust. Where is that trust satisfied when you read stuff on here?

BRANDED 10:51 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
I wonder if Farage is happy?

only1billybonds 10:48 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
"Firstly you know fuck all about me"

This is Swiss replying to (our) Johnson who had a bit of a dig and he may well have a point.

No more than an hour previous to this,Swiss declares that anywhere between 30-50 posters on here are 'ignorant,racist,white trash. This dosnt come across as opinion, it's stated as a fact andvyet he knows nothing about these people.

This cunts stupidity knows no bounds, he really is a fucking shambles.

Mike Oxsaw 10:39 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
I'm getting...I'm getting...it's very noisy but I'm getting...yes! The signal is coming through!

It says...wait...wait...this can't be true!

It says that there are people in the world still hoping that there is a fatal flaw in the whole Brexit process and as such it will be instantly nullified and the UK will wake to find itself back in the EU under exactly the same terms and conditions that existed before the referendum.

The Brexit bus has been scrapped as a statement of solidarity...brother.

marlonsrightsock 10:17 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Tobias Elwood the fervent remainer, who was sacked by Boris Johnson due to his constant undermining of the Brexit talks while he was a minister and who's now looking to settle old scores?

That Tobias Elwood

Fo the Communist 9:30 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?

Well that's his obituary sorted then.

riosleftsock 9:23 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Tobias Ellwood is one dodgy, perma-tanned fucker and part time rupert who heads up the 77th Brigade. A grade A cunts' cunt.

Great choice.

Leavemyarcelona 9:19 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?

Not exactly

Fo the Communist 9:17 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Tobias Ellwood.

Leavemyarcelona 9:13 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
Chimp cha boo

"Come up against politicians"

Like who?

chim chim cha boo 8:31 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?
He looks like he's aged about thirty years in the last two weeks.

That in itself talks volumes.

I think that it's great to see some entitled toff who's been able to bluster his way through life come up against (some) politicians who hate him lying to everyone.

I've always said that the idiotic public wouldn't vote him out, it would be his fellow Tories that toppled him from his mountain of hubris, just like they did with Thatcher.

Crassus 7:59 Fri Feb 4
Re: Anyone else noticing that the majority of this site has gone very quiet about Boris lately?

Oh yeah, no doubt about it
But he is a bright enough bloke to know he has enemies and he has presented a suicide pass across the six yard line
Should have 'fessed up and it would be over by now, it's the wriggling that has encouraged any aggrieved party to pile in - hence the wobbling within

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