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Irish Hammer 12:20 Wed Feb 9
Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat

Club clearly put points before principles here, but they could at least announced a heavy fine or some form of sanction imo. He's bang to rights, he's admitted it. Now deal with it swiftly. Blokes a fucking scumbag in my book for doing that.

Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat

West Ham manager David Moyes has defended his decision to start Kurt Zouma in their Premier League game against Watford this evening.

Zouma, 27, will face an internal disciplinary hearing at the club after he was filmed kicking and slapping his pet cat.

A video obtained by The Sun shows Zouma dropping the cat from chest-height, and kicking it as it lands. He then chases it around the living room, at one point throwing a pair of shoes at the cat, before slapping it in the face.

Zouma’s brother uploaded the footage to Snapchat on Sunday afternoon.

Moyes, speaking to BT Sport ahead of the match, said: “He is one of our better players. But it is certainly ongoing and the club are dealing with it, so that is a separate matter.”

West Ham condemned the footage in a statement on Monday night and The Athletic understands that Zouma will face a hearing at his club.

A statement from Essex Police read: “We are aware of a video circulating on social media relating to an incident involving a cat which members of our communities may find distressing.

“We have recently been made aware that this incident may have taken place in Essex and we are liaising with the RSPCA and urgent enquiries are ongoing.”

Adidas, who sponsor Zouma have also said they are investigating the incident.

A statement from the sportswear brand said: “We are aware of a deeply upsetting video circulating online. No animal should be subject to cruel and unwarranted abuse, and we are investigating the incident internally.”

The east London club's statement on Monday night said: “West Ham United unreservedly condemns the actions of our player, Kurt Zouma, in the video that has circulated. We have spoken to Kurt and will be dealing with the matter internally, but we would like to make it clear that we in no way condone cruelty towards animals.”

Zouma added: “I want to apologise for my actions. There are no excuses for my behaviour, which I sincerely regret. I also want to say how deeply sorry I am to anyone who was upset by the video.

“I would like to assure everyone that our two cats are perfectly fine and healthy. They are loved and cherished by our entire family, and this behaviour was an isolated incident that will not happen again.”

“This is a very upsetting video. It's never acceptable to kick, hit or slap an animal, for punishment or otherwise,” an RSPCA spokesperson said.

“We are so grateful to people who report suspected animal suffering to us and we would like to reassure people we will always look into and, if necessary, investigate any complaints made to us about animal welfare.”

Chief Executive of the Professional Footballers’ Association Maheta Molango said: “It is not for us to discipline him, it is for the employer to discipline, but our role is to tell the player this type of behaviour is not acceptable.

“I haven't seen the video but I read he has apologised, which is hopefully a sign from him that this type of behaviour is not acceptable.”

Zouma has made 15 appearances for West Ham this season, having only just returned from a hamstring injury which saw him miss 11 games.

Zouma added: “I deeply regret my involvement in the video that has been widely circulated and unreservedly apologise, not only for my actions, but for the upset and distress this will have caused to so many people.

“I am now taking time to reflect on what I have done but wish to assure everyone that this was an isolated incident and not something that I am proud of.”

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ted fenton 9:29 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Was Zouma playing for Chelsea when he scored the Catrick ? I've googled it but can't find when it actually happened.
We have people in Bedfordshire with this countries first ever case of Lassa fever (Bleeding From The Eyes) with one death yet the media still want to slaughter Zouma.

eswing hammer 9:22 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat

Kaiser Zoso 9:22 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Was the cat injured?

Did it need a vet?

I’m assuming the answer is no to both

eswing hammer 9:19 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Just had the bbc news on the radio ,……..David Moyes has decided to pick Kirk Zouma for Sunday’s game at Leicester blah ,blah , ….Zouma was fined £250, 000 , blah blah ….,petition for Zouma to be blah,blah, there’s been calls for blah ,blah …..and was filmed kicking his cat , blah ,blah ….. RSPCA still investigating, blah ,blah …..,
Its like something out of the fast show now !

Stevethehammer 8:41 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Pdbis, I can't disagree, I just completely disagree with the media witchhunt and double standards.
We have had players asked for their views, calls for sackings etc
If Zouma had done this whilst at Chelsea, would the witch hunt be the same? Where was the media frenzy over Suarez being a racist, there was more said about him not shaking Evra's hand a their next meeting. Him biting another player lasted all of 5 minutes. Never will I condone Zouma's actions but I cannot condone the actions of the media too.

pdbis 8:34 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Stevethehammer: Regardless of who he played for at the time he is still a cunt for doing it.

Nagel 8:32 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
I doubt those rumours are true. If it was in the past then that would have formed part of his immediate apology. In any case, it's irrelevant where he was contracted to at the time, seeing as it's fuck all to do with football or his employer.

Stevethehammer 8:18 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Rumours doing the rounds that this happened whilst he was playing for Chelsea. I wonder if this is the reason Moyes is sticking to his guns and anymore media backlash, the club can say they have acted swiftly and fined him etc but at the time he was contracted to Chelsea.

BRANDED 8:08 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Media milking this or should I say creaming it?

Barty 7:38 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Well done Moyes!!!

Full Claret Jacket 7:32 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Well done Moyes and West Ham. Not giving in to media pressure, making your own decisions on punishment and who is going to play.
Media are running out of avenues to make a story from it and it will blow over.

Side of Ham 7:16 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Jimmy Saville used to kick cats.....maybe that's why Kier wanted him dropped as well?

twoleftfeet 6:10 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Well done West Ham, defending our player.

Let's not forget Tony Adams was banged up for 4 months and came back to continue his career with Arsenal and England.

Lee McCormack killed innocent people whilst driving drunk, he served his time and came back.

Zouma kicked a cat up the arse, a cruel thing to do but the cat has nine lives.

Time to move on and start protesting about a football club owned by a country that kidnaps, murders and cuts up it's opponents.

Lee Trundle 6:00 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Just when you think he couldn't be more of a cunt...

cambsiron 5:46 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Thank God Starmer has waded in with his opinion. I was getting seriously worried that there was going to be a bandwagon that he missed.

Sir Alf 5:42 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
He's is now getting psychological support / help, is remorseful and it ( albeit via Moyes ) sounds genuine. He is paying fines and they are going to the correct charities. The concern is always that the lack of empathy towards animals and whether it could be a wider problem (in other wofds, not just animals ) but by attending classes, getting support, and showing genuine shame this IMHO should now lead to a chance for redemption and rehabilitation for Zouma. Most people deserve that aside from the kiddy fiddlers, rapists and women bashers ?. To not allow that would mean people showing an intolerance and lack of empathy / forgiveness. The irony of that may be lost on many but it makes them equal in some ways.

The problem of the internet connected, modern day world is that it now leads via Tweets and people virtue signalling etc. to a kind of "kangaroo court" and as often parodied in "The Simpsons" where torch welding mobs bay for blood for almost anything.

As mentioned, there is always the concern that the abuse of animals is just part of a psychological problem Zouma has that extends to lack of empathy generally and part of some narcissistic personality or other disorder. The fact he is essentially getting some councilling via the club/RSPCA etc. is actually a positive in all this but the self interest of so many others ( media, celebs, influencers or whatever they call themselves) is now resulting in a huge bandwagon effect and backlash that does not fit the crime. Again IMHO.

This will run until the RSPCA gets its reports out unfortunately. Moyes may as well use it to create a "seige" mentality for the team in the way Fergie and others did back in the day.

Lee Trundle 5:04 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
goose 4:07 Fri Feb 11
"Moyes says he's available to play at the weekend.


i hope he scores."

I did wonder how his interview would go had he got man of the match against Watford.

Eerie Descent 4:59 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Thank fuck for Stewie Griffin, a lifeboat of sense in an ocean full of fucking idiots.

Mike Oxsaw 4:49 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Side of Ham 4:19 Fri Feb 11

How about if they start crying when they show it pictures of black men? Will that prove they're fucked up?

Far Cough 4:36 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
Well done Michail, you're famous in another way now , as a nominee on:


Side of Ham 4:19 Fri Feb 11
Re: Moyes defends decision to start West Ham's Kurt Zouma despite condemnation over kicking pet cat
I don't know Mike but I hope it's not a FRAIDY.....

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