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Far Cough 7:23 Tue Feb 15
Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Had to cancel mine, was gagging like a fucker, I've had one before although it was uncomfortable it was completed.

Might have to go the sedation route

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

eusebiovic 5:11 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Endurance found after 106 years...

tonka 3:27 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
I had one. They gave me fentanyl as a sedative. the 30 mins on the trolley after was absolute bliss.

Chopper Toshack 2:44 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Its the strapadyctomy you want to be worried about.

gph 1:44 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Not even had a startoscopy*

*I checked the first two pages. Couldn't be arsed to go further back

Northern Sold 12:57 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
So you done deep throat Cough son?? Urghhhhhh... well gay

Far Cough 12:52 Thu Mar 10
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Hope you don't mind me giving an update? Yesterday I had a second try at the camera down the old gullet, this time it worked a treat as I had chosen to have a sedative, in fact, I don't remember a thing. Anyway big shout out to joe royal for accompanying me back home as they won't let you leave without an escort, cheers joe.

plankton 10:01 Fri Feb 18
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?

zico 1:44 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
What amazes me is all this technology we have and these cameras are still attached to what is a bleeding hose pipe!! I thought we would have little cameras the size of a pill we could swallow by now as per Dennis Quaid in Inner Space!!

Funny you should say that...


Northern Sold 9:48 Fri Feb 18
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
michael 11:35 Fri Feb 18

No mate... went to the quacks for years doubled up in pain... got told it was growing pains... at one stage in my teens I was scoffing 2 packs of rennies a day and probably drinking 2 or 3 pints of milk...just to ese the pain... my doctor was a cunt

azel senior 11:36 Fri Feb 18
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Yeah, nowhere near as bad as I'd imagined it to be.

michael 11:35 Fri Feb 18
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Northern did you know you had an ulcer then it burst?Been on omeprazole for over tens years no problem s touch wood.

nychammer 8:31 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
They put you out over here. I didn’t know a thing. I don’t know why the NHS likes to keep you awake for it (colonoscopy that is)

Northern Sold 5:21 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Far Cough 1:41 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
sold, are you still on Lansoprazole? I'm on Omeprazole for gastric reflux.

Yes mate... will be on it for life... if I go one day without it I am curled up in agony... daily I can eat and drink what I want (as long as I don't go overboard on fruit which for some reason my stomach hates)... been an absolute game and life changer for me... being as I was one of the youngest surviving burst ulcer survivors I had to go through all the trials to see whether it was any good or not... to begin with they was hoping that as it's bacterial the drug would completely cure any burst ulcers but not the case... it just allows some sort of life normality and I never had that in my first 17 years of life (until stomach perforated).

Pentonville 5:12 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
I've had it all.
It's weird and invasive. I refused it and had an mri but then had to have one based on my mri

Look at it this way. We are all mortal. U could get the c word news tomorrow. It will kill you. We all think we will live forever. Take a valium and get it done

When I was blocked and killing myself (failed) I had an mri and they told me there was nothing in my bowls or tummy that worried them.. the relief of that made me feel strong. It got me through that night although I shat myself loads literally and probably documented it on here.

Get it done. Take a valium. If it comes out just news then there is help here. If it comes out blank then u can go and get on it.

Gents this is my lucid 2 hours.

Far Cough 4:45 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
By the way, Homerton is the hospital, King George is nearest but they have to many covid restrictions so that's out

Far Cough 4:42 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Trouble with sedation is, you must have someone to take you home and it's hard to find anyone available on a working day, all my mates are in Herts and have no family to speak of, so that's out. Anyway, I might go the sedation route but I'm still worried I might start gagging again

Lee Trundle 4:41 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Fucking hell.

I wish I never opened this thread.

COOL HAND LUKE 4:37 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
Had a cystoscopy during a bladder cancer check... First you have a glycerine like 'grease' forced down the penis with a gadget very much like a grease gun, then the actual probe is fed all the way through, past the prostate and up into the bladder... It is about as big round as a pencil... The surgeon had two good looking female assistants, I was a bit concerned I might get 'interested', but the procedure itself soon put paid to that...

Moncurs Putting Iron 3:59 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
If you need an Inuendoscopy

I'll give you one.

chim chim cha boo 3:56 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?

They say that Omeprazole is the safest drug in the whole of pharmacology. It lines your stomach which makes all the other medications less harmful for your gut.

Take the sedation (usually Valium) and the throat spray, shut your eyes and breathe through your mouth and you'll be peachy.

The first time I had one I grabbed the doctor as it felt like drowning, the second one was horrible but once I was told I could breathe through my mouth it became an inconvenience for ten minutes but in the great scheme of things it's not a big deal.

SDKFZ 222 2:49 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
I’ve had a Bronchoscopy, about 14 months ago. It was weird looking on the screen at my lungs. They put the camera up through the nostrils for those.

ted fenton 1:50 Wed Feb 16
Re: Anyone had an Endoscopy done?
FC just ask for the sedation you will get the option.

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