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Pentonville 10:42 Sat Feb 26
Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
So I'm.at hospital still and fly back Tuesday but as some as you know I caught a bad version of omicron. Prob cos my immune system would be fucked due to my drinking.. I havnt drunk since last Monday and have been in hospital. They have confirmed omicron and say that this, coupled with my withdrawals is a bad mix.
I'm having total abdominal pains, can't hold food down at all so have had nothing apart from a very watery soup once a day. Good news I can take water.
Other symptoms which are omicron related rather than withdrawals are brain fog, headaches (severe), chest pains on my left which they say they belive to be the very top of my stomach rather than Heart and did an ecg on me which they were happy with with obviously they keep checking blood pressure.
Another odd symptom of this omicron is my tongue is full of ulcers.
They just keep pumping me with valium stating there is nothing really to give for omicron. I've had some immunity yop drinks delivered and am downing them.
Anyway my big worry is my fit bit. My resting bpm at the times when I've been on benders were about 73 on average and when not drinking and healthy it's around 63. Currently it's showing daily averages of 87 and yesterday and today hit highs of 137. Should I be pacnikcing. They have done ecg and say my heart is ok to them but I no longer trust the frogs and suddenly want the NHS so much.
Can any one put my mind at rest or tell me are these dangerous levels (average 87 and daily highs of 137 whilst on valium)?
Thanks in advance big time

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Cabbage Savage 7:59 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
juss try putting the vally yum in your arnus see if it helps

Pentonville 3:16 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:42 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
If a high heart rate and too much excitement are a concern....

...Home games are the place to be :-)

Pentonville 2:29 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
just checked in (24 hours b4)

goose 11:53 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
keep going Pents.

get yourself on that plane and back over here.

Pentonville 11:45 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
To show the panic I'm still in, I've spent all night looking at the route rhe plane takes lol. 24 hours more.
Who wants to meet at Southampton lol (joking)
But I do fancy the next home game if anyone wants tk get in touch nearer the time.

Fifth Column 11:21 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Great to hear you're on the mend Pentonville. As long as you're not flying over Kyev I reckon your flight should be OK.

Wils 2:05 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Ask for a blood test to check on your thyroid. It could be that. Nothing to worry about if it is, they can sort it out. Quite common.

Pentonville 1:22 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
If that plane goes down I'll pop all the valium so don't worry lol

Pentonville 1:22 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
What a fucking journey I've been on.. along with many many of you. Life eh.

Pentonville 1:21 Mon Feb 28
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Feeling much better.
Fit to fly tuesday! Arrive at Heathrow at 13.50 just in case u wanna set up a welcome 😄
All my luggage this time and a nice pack of 60 x 10mg valium :-)

Thanks everyone. Excited! My 3 year old is meeting me there!!

Gonna be touching base with alot of u over coming weeks but slowly slowly catchy Fornals and all that.

LongTimeUser 8:20 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
I'll take any Valium you got left off your hands on Tuesday.
WHOmail me

Fifth Column 12:34 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
French hospitals are better resourced than the NHS. The staff there will most likely have fewer patients to treat per head than in NHS. So lie back and enjoy ogling the nurse who looks like The Fallen Madonna, With The Big Boobies.

That was a thing in Allo Allo and I haven't just made it up have I?

Bungo 10:56 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits

Here is a link to a relevant paper that confirms that use of Valium/diazepam will result in an increased heart rate.


Conclusions: In healthy subjects, diazepam taken as a hypnotic agent induces a significant HR increase, possibly mediated by a decrease in vagal tone. This effect might be of clinical relevance due to the role that HR plays as an independent cardiovascular risk factor.

Mex Martillo 9:47 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
That would do it for me Leroy!
Get well soon mate, some interesting West Ham nonsense coming up that you can suffer with us all.
I'm sure them doctors know what their doing.

LeroysBoots 9:20 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Maybe the French nurses in their uniforms may have an impact on your resting heart rate !

Darby_ 7:39 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Hope you're feeling better soon, Pent.

Mickey Rat 2:51 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
My family including my 98 year old mum are recovering from omicron, it's been like a mild cold, we're all fully jabbed which I was told by my Doctor has make a massive difference. hope you soon feel better

Westside 2:24 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
Peroni - missed that.

He's in the best place.

Where they can advise/treat/ re assure about his heartbeat.

Pentonville - recover quickly.

peroni 2:11 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits

He’s in hospital mate. Literally no one could get medical advice/help quicker….

Westside 2:05 Sun Feb 27
Re: Panic Question. Regarding heart rates and fit bits
How is your blood pressure?

If the Diastolic (bottom number) is above 90, seek medical help/advice, bloody quick.

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