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riosleftsock 4:05 Thu Apr 14
Musk buys twitter?
After taking a 9.2% shareholding and refusing a position on the board, he's offered 54 USD per share valuing it at 40bn USD and says if they don't accept he will sell his shares.

Either way he makes money. If they refuse, they will need to find another buyer for more money which means his shares go up in value before he sells.

Twitter employees are having a complete meltdown, he even suggested turning the Twitter HQ into a refuge for homeless people.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 12:27 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
" Delete The App…" ???






What do you NOT understand?

Ronald_antly 12:03 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
This is not going down at all well with the Twitter workforce.


Fo the Communist 11:55 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
People need to stop believing Twitter is in anyway an instrument of democracy. It is in fact the reverse, concentrating the power of information in the hands of the few to the deception and exploitation of the many.
It is nothing more than the modern day version of the toilet wall on which people used to write graffiti and no owner - whoever that may be - is going to change that.
The sooner people stop venerating and using this awful medium the better. As someone once said, Twitter is no place for a human being.

goose 9:33 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
If this goes through I’ll be straight on there to announce that:
1. Michael Jackson WAS a paedo
2. Men do not have periods

Texas Iron 4:29 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Delete The App…

Great advice…


bruuuno 2:29 Thu Apr 28
Re: Musk buys twitter?
I’d long ago given up hope for the world but this whole business gives me faith.

I don’t know much about musk but I like the cut of his jib.

Fuck the woke

13 Brentford Rd 10:57 Wed Apr 27
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Sleaford Mods - Tweet Tweet Tweet


BRANDED 9:35 Wed Apr 27
Re: Musk buys twitter?


Alwaysaniron 12:10 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
What makes me laugh a bit about the Musk purchase is the left wing mindset that freedom of speech will go bonkers and everybody will be able to say what they like and post what they want. If they don't like it; do what I did and delete the app. My life hasn't altered one iota. If they want a more 'policed version then wait for somebody to set one up. I'm sure they will, and if people prefer it then it'll become the more preferred option to post on and Musk will have to buy that one too.

Kaiser Zoso 12:06 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
It seems to be pissing off exactly the right people

I'm IN

Lee Trundle 11:21 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
"I hope the true fascists create their own platform out of anger, it'll be funny to see just how badly it does. Like CNN+"

What an almighty failure CNN+ is/was (depending on when you're reading this). $300m for 150k subscribers and they lasted a month.

You'd have thought that someone would have realised that if hardly anyone (apart from Capitol They) was watching their free content, then they'd hardly bring in the numbers if they started to charge for it.

BRANDED 11:18 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Twitter works on every level that publishing works. Plus general bantz and trash chat. You cant undo the principle.

Northern Sold 11:11 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
People that use Twitter are cunts… the world would be a much better place without BOTH Twitter and Twitterers or whatever they are called… put the phone down… stop twittering…. And do some fucking work…. Cunts.

FatboyChelseaScum 11:01 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
threesixty 6:32 Mon Apr 25

Im sure they'll know that if he simply dumped his almost 10% of stock, the share prices would go into freefall.

BRANDED 9:45 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
In a law court. In front of s jury.

Alfs 5:15 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
goose 4:05 Mon Apr 25

Appeal and tell them that you wrote it in anger after only getting a draw against Burnley. And that you were joking.

That was enough to get Musk off his Paedophile slur against the Thai cave rescuer.

Jaan Kenbrovin 3:53 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?

Jaan Kenbrovin 3:52 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
The benefit of freedom, democracy and capitalism is you get to create or choose what you support. The downside of socialism and communism is you get what your given and have to accept it or else.

I hope the true fascists create their own platform out of anger, it'll be funny to see just how badly it does. Like CNN+

This could easily backfire on Musk, but I don't think it will.

nychammer 3:20 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Not ideal that one person has ended up having so much power, but I like what he is saying and it's better than a bunch of shady executives with political leanings deciding whose voices shall be heard at their own whim.

Nutsin 12:42 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Musk for president!!

riosleftsock 12:40 Tue Apr 26
Re: Musk buys twitter?
Loads of twitter executives apparently stormed out early today and jumped in their Teslas and drove home.

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