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Johnson 2:00 Fri Apr 29
After everything that had been said about the last time we played these in a Euro semi at home and after all the big up fanboys of the stadium have given it….

You should all be ashamed.

We might as well have been playing fucking Burnley for all most people cared.

Empty seats by me, half the ground seemingly up and down from minute 5 getting shit or having a piss, an absolute shambles from a fanbase in their first Euro semi for nigh on 50 years.

Lyon wasn’t like that. I think we all know why that is.

The players had nothing to go on and subsequently were shit too. Funny that.


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Side of Ham 9:29 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed

BRANDED 8:28 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed

Side of Ham 7:55 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Football due to the costs to go etc is about comfort you get a SEAT ffs now the toilets are NICE, the food is NICE, everyone expects to be sheltered from the rain.....WE'VE ALL GONE SOFT......add in the younger fan who's known none of the rawkus experience where a clump is likely at away games, where terraces were sometimes a fucking mud hill with a thin coating of concrete which could be thrown if attacked and you were 95% exposed to the elements.


There's your fucking atmosphere.......

goose 7:54 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Why would they need a link to the east end? Plenty of our fans come from much further afield. How much noise they make has nothing to do with where they come from.

At least they aren’t spastics like you I guess.

⚒️ 7:41 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
goose 6:22 Tue May 3

Well yeah, but they must have some link to East London no matter how tenuous.

At least they ain’t wops, I suppose.

Fo the Communist 7:11 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
I'm not sure that in recent times The Boleyn ever saw two consecutive seasons as good as the last two. It may not have been jumping every single week but I'd hazard a guess the atmosphere would have been better than at the last two European games for sure.

The simple reason is that, the failure to develop the East Side to match the expansion of the West aside, The Boleyn ground was designed for football whereas the LS isn't. It's' that simple.

No use trying to turn the clock back and all that but the notion that the last two seasons would not have generated a superior atmosphere in Upton Park than the LS is rather fanciful.

And while I'm at it, the idea that the Boleyn could not have been developed into a belter of a stadium is possibly the most consequential lie GSB have so far forced on the fanbase.

goose 7:06 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
so for every 20 home games only 1 had a decent atmosphere?

you must have some bad luck picking games to go to.

swindon hammer 6:54 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Yes Sold, and I said an awful lot of those games I did attend were against the likes of Spurs, Liverpool & Man Utd and the atmosphere wasn’t particularly special.

So wouldn’t it be fairly safe to assume that a lot of the games I didn’t go to against Leicester, Burnley, Villa etc wouldn’t be anything special either?

That’s not hard to comprehend is it and quite a few others have said similar things about the atmosphere at UP.

Someone on here summed up the atmosphere at UP perfectly,

“Mostly shit but sometimes good”

Northern Sold 6:37 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
“but to pretend it was like that every week is completely absurd”.

Don’t think anyone is?? I just pulled up someone on here as they stated only 5% of games they saw at UP had a decent atmosphere… so basically one game a season…

goose 6:22 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
"Not sure where they came from"

i'm gonna guess they came from the home counties.

rumford 6:14 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Side of Ham
Good point mate.

Side of Ham 6:04 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
rumford, that may be down to them not qualifying for Europe and the day-trippers & fair weathers staying away so the real supporters can get tickets.....there is a downside to having a good team that gets into Europe it seems.....and an upside if you don't.......

⚒️ 5:59 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Too many home county cunts in our support these days. Posh middle class wankers.

Not sure where they came from but they need to fuck off back to Arsenal/Palace/Fulham.

rumford 5:52 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Percy Dalton4:57 Tue May 3
I tend to agree about the different clientele these days but I normally do Arsenal away and its normally shit but to be fair this season I thought the atmosphere was ok, from their point of view.So with time things can change.

brick_lane_batty_boy 5:21 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
The very obvious difference between Seville and Lyon/Frankfurt is that Seville was a cup final - the other two were not - the outcome of the first leg, as we established against Seville didn't really matter as long as you didn't get ironed badly 2 or 3 nil.

I genuinely think people want to get behind them - but subconsciously the mentality between first and second leg is completely different.

We do have our moments, but lets be honest, people in the south generally have more going on in their lives than northerners. Football is the bedrock of society up there.

RM10 5:04 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
I was more engrossed in the game against Frankfurt perhaps many others were, it’s easy to create an atmosphere when you are on top

Jim79 5:00 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
brick lane, agreed. UP was never the same once they built the Rio stand. The distance to the pitch down each side was not dissimilar to what we have now at the OS. Yes the final ever game there was immense but there were many very average atmospheres for games in the last 10 yrs there.
That said I would still have expected better last Thursday than what we got. Lyon was 100 times better and Saville was 100 times better than Lyon.

Percy Dalton 4:57 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
I don't think it's unique to West Ham.
My son in law is a devout gooner and he says the atmosphere at the Emirates is shit since they moved from Highbury.
Likewise at Man City and a few others.
The clientele is not your rough and ready dockers that used to frequent Upton Park it's more your solicitor Librarian types.

brick_lane_batty_boy 4:51 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Wils 4:33 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed

Pretty much bang on.

Fact is - we only ever really sold out UP for big games against United, Liverpool, Arsenal Spurs. So where did we think the extra 20-25k fans would come from? Reduced ticket prices make it appealing for people to come and get some entertainment at a more easily accessible venue.

I know loads of people that bought tickets who rarely went to Upton Park and are distinctly fair weather - the club is not rooted in their soul. They are highly unlikely to make noise at home games. This is what a bigger capacity brings a club like ours unfortunately.

There are also some serious rose tinted glasses in here when people talk about the atmosphere at Upton Park - dgmw - We had some amazing games there over the years - but to pretend it was like that every week is completely absurd.

Jim79 4:42 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
That's a good analysis Wils and most likely has a good degree of accuracy. I myself have moved out to the Essex countryside having grown up in Romford/Dagenham but still feel a huge emotional connection to East London and part of that is expressed in my love for West Ham. For those 90 mins that we're at the match they are my focus and my passion, not chatting about work or the like and I want to throw myself in to that experience, not telling others to sit down during a European Semi Final.

Wils 4:33 Tue May 3
Re: Ashamed
Jim79 wrote...

"... i just felt that after Frankfurt went ahead it wasn’t the time for everyone to sit down and quietly watch the match. That was the time we needed to make ourselves heard and create some noise."

I agree with this, the problem for West Ham is the fanbase is drawn from the cockney diaspora. We are not a living community as such. We no longer drink together in pubs around Mile End or along the Barking Rd. I doubt even Dagenham and Chadwell Heath even have a 'mob' these days. We don't know each other's families or recognise each other in the stands from those pubs. Largely we are scattered around the southeast of England and part of our motivation for turning up at games is nostalgia and perhaps a subconscious longing to belong to something that no longer exists.

So the dynamics are very different to other clubs that still draw their fans from a coherent local culture and community: Leeds, Newcastle etc. We are more removed, more like observers than in the moment. The passion and spontaneity needed to respond in the way we did in the past is harder to replicate in our modern fanbase. You can see it in the lack of originality in our songs. They used to be more original and wittier.

Anyway. Most people probably stopped reading all this by now so I will get off my soap box and shut up.

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