WHO Poll

Crassus 2:21 Fri Apr 29
Advice required - Laptops
I'm in the market for a new laptop
With my lack of knowledge matched by lack of patience with spotty yoots in Currys, the obvious route is to consult the Great Oracle that is WHO
So any recommendations chaps?
It will be used for usual home style stuff, not work, the odd game if my lad uses it and I will want to plug it into the tv periodically to use that as a monitor
All rather straightforward and expect to spend around £1000 I suppose
Oh and not a Mac, it's taken me this long to turn on a Windows device so I'm not heading down that path .....
Thanks in advance

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Westham67 5:52 Wed May 4
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Casio calculator watch

Heath Hammer 8:28 Mon May 2
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Not sure I agree with mex - I didn’t find it particularly intuitive when I got my MacBook Pro….

…that said, that was 12 years ago. I just had a new hard drive and battery put in for £200 and it’s as good as the day I brought it. Fantastic laptops.

Mex Martillo 9:55 Sun May 1
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Not want you asked for, but you really wouldn't have much trouble changing from windows to Mac. It's much much easier to learn to use a Mac than windows. Mac's are kind of obvious, you try want you think is needed and usually it works.

BRANDED 12:30 Sun May 1
Re: Advice required - Laptops
I’d get a mac book pro

Colchester Sid 6:18 Sat Apr 30
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Does this help?


Dan M 10:42 Sat Apr 30
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Very true. Bought a Mac Air for 750 quid in 2013. Still going strong (and fast) today. Just does what you want it to do without handing out any hassles or frustration.

Wils 8:21 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
"All rather straightforward and expect to spend around £1000 I suppose
Oh and not a Mac, it's taken me this long to turn on a Windows device so I'm not heading down that path ..."

A Mac Air for about a grand is the best money you can spend. If you get a Windows for that price you'll find that you will spend another grand to replace it many years before you would have if you bought the Mac.

Crassus 7:21 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Thanks chaps
I'm bloody useless with this techy stuff
Mike, nice idea but need be a single laptop with an HDMI port for the telly. Just a case of which one now and from whom

Keep dreaming 6:57 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
If you want to play games you will need a i5 CPU, a decent graphics card, 16gb ram and 1tb disk.
This will give you the answer

Mike Oxsaw 6:32 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Can you split the requirements?

Probably get a decent desktop & monitor for the lad at 5-600 sovs and yourself a basic laptop for what is left over.

riosleftsock 5:01 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops

Its a Microsoft machine (model 1943 I think). Good size SSD (120Gb) and memory and an i5 processor. Works well for what I use it for. Cost around £500 in john Lewis

SecondOpinion 4:42 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Get a Mac....oh, no, sorry

Crassus 3:39 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
Thanks lads

He plays FIFA, not so much the shoot 'em up stuff
The odd strategy game
Whats this Surface machine Sock?

riosleftsock 3:22 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
As Trundle said, its all dependent on what games your son plays. A gaming spec laptop will set you back something like 2-3k for a lot of stuff teenagers play now.

if its just basic stuff and a decent laptop for everyday use, the Surface one I just bought is about £500 and is excellent. Asus make higher spec ones, but not sure you need it.

ted fenton 3:11 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops


Lee Trundle 2:29 Fri Apr 29
Re: Advice required - Laptops
It will depend on what games your son plays.

If high end graphics aren't needed, then you could get away with spending probably half of that and it'll easily be enough for what you want to do.

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