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LeroysBoots 8:22 Wed Jun 15
Estate Agents
Any of the vermin post on here ?

I know many years back BM06 was one

Is there any other occupation that does feck all but expects to be paid an inflated wedge ?

Current trend, totally dismissing people viewing properties unless they are cash buyers, wtf ?

You need zero credentials to be one, perhaps that's why they are shocking,needs better regulation

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Nutsin 9:06 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents

Henry Ford said,

“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is why so few people engage in it.”

You should try it some time.

collyrob 9:00 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Being a mechanic is easier than being an estate agent 😂😂😂

Nutsin 8:12 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Now that I think of it Estate agents should be charging more…. Most homeowners wouldn’t have the first clue on how to find a buyer for their home and those that do would only find exposure to a handful of potential buyers, probably losing them thousands in the sale price.

If I’m selling a property I’d want as much exposure as possible so I can get maximum value….

Pretty fucking obvious you pay the guy with the most qualified buyer who is willing to pay the highest price his fee.

I wouldn’t have the seller dictate to me what my fee should be if I found him the highest bidder, that’s for damn sure.

Nutsin 7:37 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Can u define real work please?

Does going out networking and marketing and finding business count as real work? OR does that not count? Who pays for the cost and time spent for this in your world?

Westside 7:20 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Nobody would do it you mean, surely!

Quite possibly, as the prospect of doing some real work and being paid according to that work, would not be an enticing prospect, for many in the job.

Nutsin 7:02 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
West side

Nobody would do it you mean, surely!

Then who’s gonna help you sell your house.

Nutsin 7:02 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
West side

Nobody would do it you mean, surely!

Then who’s gonna help you sell your house.

Westside 6:48 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
The reason estate agents will never switch to an equitable hourly charge, plus costs basis, is it would show up how little they do.

BRANDED 5:46 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
I just want huge penalties in the contract with them if they fail on certain metrics. Sure, they’ll accept that innit?

eusebiovic 5:25 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
It always baffles me just how square headed most of them are...

A lot still insist on wearing a suit and a tie and every office seems to have a portly looking geezer in a badly fitting navy blue suit and white shirt with black brogues - rarely are they any other colour.

Has somebody told them that in 2022 you can look much smarter with a casual outfit than a cheap suit?


Nutsin 4:39 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
West side

The more you argue the sillier you sound….. Let it go mate, It’s a bad idea a total non starter.

Not everyone wants to go to school and can or want to take and try to pass the bar exam or can or want to pay for an education.

Which is why it’s important to have commission paying jobs for the less fortunate that have some ambition and drive, take that away then you have a society where only the rich and privileged make all the money and the lower class have an even harder time to progress in life.

In addition to this the current system allows the seller to use his equity to pay for all services rendered by the agent, not his hard earned savings, a big difference. Your silly idea would be a head wind for real estate sales.

Not every home owner can afford to save, most of or all of their wealth is tied up in their property with equity.

Using equity to pay for a real estate transaction is the easiest way to pay and using equity which is Unearned income makes all the sense in the world if you want to encourage commerce.

goose 10:58 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
As price goes up there are less ppl able to afford it, no argument about that.

The most searched price bracket on Rightmove is around £300k apparently.

The higher the price the more it becomes reliant on the agents ‘contacts’. Therefore who the agents is (and how good they are) becomes more important.

claypole 10:35 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents

Westside 10:30 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
And bigger more expensive homes are harder to sell which is why the agent makes more.

Absolute rubbish.

A two bed terrace in West London, costing £1 million+, will be easier to sell, than a four bed detached, in some northern shit hole, costing £250k.

Who are you or anyone else to set a skill level for any job?

Professional bodies, the government, the public. Many jobs require years of studying, exams, job experience etc.

if that was easy everybody would do it.

And everybody would be lawyers, accountants, mechanics etc, who charge by the hour.

Westside 10:24 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Anyone can be trained to be a mechanic, I would say that has very little skill.

A damned site more than an estate agent.

BRANDED 9:32 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Property in the UK has increased around 3-5 times in 20 or so years. This is infinitely more than other costs. They are living off the debt required to fuel this nonsense. They are scum.

Nutsin 3:59 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
The incentive has to be for the agent to sell the property to get paid, sooner the better for everyone involved, otherwise agents will string out deals for more hourly billing time….. which obviously won’t work.

Nutsin 2:29 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Apples and oranges.

The art and skill is going out and finding the right buyer, if that was easy everybody would do it.

Who are you or anyone else to set a skill level for any job, especially when an agent is needed to locate a qualified buyer and bring both sides together to agree terms and then prepare and execute the contract. And bigger more expensive homes are harder to sell which is why the agent makes more.

Anyone can be trained to be a mechanic, I would say that has very little skill.

Current system isn’t perfect but what you propose would be a disaster.

Westside 1:30 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents

You’re a communist.

Fuck that!
Sounds like you want to cap the income potential and make everyone live in poverty, What a terrible system that would be.

Not at all!

Just want people to be charged for the skill, work and costs involved. not an arbitrary fee, which isn't linked to those items. A fairer system.

Would you pay a mechanic to service your car, based on a percentage of its value, rather than based on the labour and parts involved?

Why should two owners, selling a house for the same value, be charged the same fee, when one sale might take 200 hours work and the other 20 hours work?

nychammer 1:07 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Selling Agents here want 6% of your sale price as commission. They do a good job mind, they probably get you the sale at the price you want, just price their fee into your sale price. It’s the taxes that REALLY take the piss.

Rental brokers are the ones who take the piss. They want a months rent for showing you an apartment. Daylight robbery.

bruuuno 12:45 Sat Jun 18
Re: Estate Agents
Ffs don’t wake bolty up

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