WHO Poll

bruuuno 4:04 Wed Jul 6
Does twitter turn people into cunts..
..or are cunts drawn to using it?

I’m interested in why everyone I meet who’s into twitter is a massive CUNT

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

White Pony 5:48 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
Twitter is where all the Mega-Cunts of Cuntsville hang out. They’re such cunts, even the other residents of Cuntsville hate them. They have a Cunt Rating of 1, the highest mark possible in the measuring of cuntishness. Someone should blow up Twitter and kill them all.

Leonard Hatred 5:07 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..

Mike Oxsaw 5:06 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
We're ALL cunts on here, so claiming such status is hardly a badge of honour or separates you from the riff-raff (like me).

Leonard Hatred 5:03 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..

That is a brilliantly foul-mouthed post that made me LOL.

Doesn't happen on here very often nowadays.

Woodford Green 5:03 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
I'm loving the meltdown on there caused by the whole will Lingard sign or not saga.

Vexed 4:31 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
I'm not on Twatter but yet I am a cunt. My cuntiness is entirely independent of Twatter. I'm like a fucking unicorn. A Galapagos Island cunt.

BRANDED 4:31 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
I’ve never understood twitter. There seems to be no room for nuance.

In the deepest corners its a bit more normal.

yngwies Cat 4:28 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
Yes I believe so. Although plenty of cunts on it before, who are just bigger cunts now.

bruuuno 4:26 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
Good point that Mike. I also think there is a mob mentaility that encourage the pushing of such boundaries, they see others pushing the cunty envelope and it emboldens them. Much like how people do things in a riot that they would never dream of doing on their own in the cold light of day. Like a virtual intellectual riot

Mike Oxsaw 4:15 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
Once people work out that there's no cuntiness limit on social media, they start pushing at boundaries that don't exist and more than a few go full-on "over the top" into Cuntistan.

Hermit Road 4:07 Wed Jul 6
Re: Does twitter turn people into cunts..
Yes, it does.

I’m much more cunty when I’m on it than when I’m not.

On the flip side, you do see actual news stories on there which the media refuse to cover for some reason.

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