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iphammer 11:55 Sun Jul 10
Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Has anyone on here given up drinking alcohol, caffeine, or even both lately? If yes what do you drink instead?

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PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:16 Thu Jul 14
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
arsegrapes try the keto diet for GERD , you can have some gins and slim lines and lots of meat - you will notice the diffrerence

Aberdeen Iron 12:45 Thu Jul 14
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Had my last alcoholic drink the day of our last game at the Boleyn. Had about six in total the previous four years to that.

True story.

gph 12:38 Thu Jul 14
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Not tried alcohol-free "beer" for ages, as, when I did, it was fucking nasty.

Too lazy to put on my reading glasses, I recently bought some Rawson's Retreat alcohol-free red wine by mistake.

It tasted like grape juice that had gone off.

I suppose you COULD argue that wine IS grape juice that has gone off, but proper wine has "gone off" in a good way.

Mickey Rat 12:59 Wed Jul 13
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I prefer the AF Big Drop Paradiso Citra IPA nicer than most lagers or alcoholic IPA's, it's no cheaper but makes having AF nights no problem for me.


simon.s 5:58 Tue Jul 12
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Had some excellent AF beers, and AF gin last week in Spain, also lots of good options over here now too.

Even an AF brewery in Walthamstow, no surprise there I suppose.

CanningTownWA 1:57 Tue Jul 12
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
In my opinion Erdinger alcohol free tastes better than a lot beers. Very refreshing, certainly does the trick on a hot day.

Manuel 1:09 Tue Jul 12
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Dicko - Impressive works with the 10 pints on a Saturday :-)

Swiss. 12:23 Tue Jul 12
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
arsegrapes 7:30 Mon Jul 11

You're a medical mess then. No wonder you are a miserable bigoted old git...Cabbage Savage.

Dicko75 11:03 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
First and foremost it’s fun - I could never imagine giving up altogether. But it’s important to moderate.

I’ve always loved a binge drink but found through lockdown onwards a regular 10 pints on a Saturday was being supplemented with regularly drinking 4 pints on 4/5 other days of the week. That was only going to end one way - alcoholism followed by early death.

For the last 4 months I have cut to only having alcohol on one day of the week. If I’m out at the pub or dinner I will still have a good drink, but if I am at home no more than 3 pints and only 1 day of the week.

My energy, mental health and mental sharpness has improved hugely in this period and I don’t think it’s coincidence.

tonka 9:16 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
HMRC collected £10.5 billion in alcohol duty last year, 2% of total UK tax receipts.

arsegrapes 8:58 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
FC, yes it is. I've now resorted to propping the legs of my bedhead up 6". The gradient is supposed to help, jury still out. Apparently the acid coming up can get in the lungs and affect breathing. Not sure if that is the cause of my bad breathing problems but having a lung function test tomorrow at hospital to try and get to the bottom of it.

Fifth Column 8:27 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I haven't had a drink for 25 years. It's easy if you're not an alcoholic to start with.

Giving up sugar I've never managed.

Far Cough 7:49 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
arsegrapes, GERD is a fucking cunt, I suffer from it, I sometimes wake up coughing and spluttering as I've inhaled some food I ate earlier in the day

Far Cough 7:45 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
250,000 cigars in a day is some going

arsegrapes 7:30 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Was diagnosed with a malfunctioning liver and suffer from GERD can't tolerate alcohol so tried non and low alcoholic beverages but couldn't tolerate them either due to to carbonated gas. Wine low or non alcohol tastes nothing like the same, like drinking grape juice. I drink apple juice and orange juice although lots of sugar, cranberry, pomegranate juice best but expensive. Water but tasteless and boring all the time.

Coffee rarely as I've always been a tea drinker so decaffeinated Tea and Coffee.

I've had to change my diet as well but I won't bore everyone with the details, but basically I'm 90% vegetarian.

I would be lying if I said I don't miss eating and drinking what I want, but I've also had other health issues, I suppose 15 years of smoking and 45 years of booze have caught up on me.

BRANDED 7:30 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Churchill smoked 250,000 cigars, drank all day. Mostly whisky and champagne. Ate like a horse. Lived into his nineties.

Living well is the answer. Moderately pissed all the time. Dont overdo the cigars.

nychammer 7:17 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I drink too Much, I know I do. I like to have 3 or 4 GTs in the evening after work, but it’s every day. I don’t day drink and I can stop during the week if I want to, but I enjoy it. Not sure you’d call it alcoholism but it’s a habit for sure. You do wonder what the long term impacts are on health tho, it’s hard to imagine going totally without alcohol, but then I once thought the same about tobacco.

Mike Oxsaw 7:17 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I think you're all being very selfish here!

How on earth is the new Prime Minister going to cut taxes if you stop paying tax on the alcohol you consume? He won't have anything to cut!

Not only that - tax on alcohol probably funds several woke-lead LBGWXYZMGBGT investigatory trips to places like San Francisco and The Maldives.

You'll be oppressing minorities if you stop drinking.

zico 7:13 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Plus I got fed up with having to endlessly piss throughout the night after an evening on the booze!

zico 7:10 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Mad Dog 6:44 Mon Jul 11

Absolutely right MD about others pressuring you.. It was last year when I suddenly realised after 30 years that I actually hated the taste of beer! So I quit which was no bother at all. Might have the odd brandy and coke or a Black Russian at a card night or on holiday but that's rare considering I now can't afford card nights and holidays! Some of the guys have headed off to Brighton for nights out of which I have politely declined which is pleasing considering they only moan that they feel shit the next day and spent over £100!! We go to a mates for a BBQ from time to time and you do get the pressure to drink which I can only assume some drinkers don't like it when others don't. But I have a good enough time on Coke Zero and then drive home saving on a taxi fee! Now I just need to quit the cigs!

Mad Dog 6:44 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
When you do give up drinking you become acutely aware of the severe drinking culture in this country.

You also get a lot of shit from people who insist you HAVE to drink. The same wouldn't be extended to someone giving up the tabs or crack. They'd be sympathetic.

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