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Geoff 7:16 Sat Jul 16
Doom And Gloom Forums
About a week ago I discovered one of the worst Hammers related forums I've ever come across. Don't know if anyone else knows about Hammers Chat but I went there after watching one of their you tube clips. That was pretty bad but, boy oh boy, the forum !!! There's not too many posters on it but every one of the is there having a right old grizzle. Go have a look see for yourself, it's worh a laugh if nothing else. Particularly the bloke with a PIN for his user name and a bloke who obviously thinks it's funny to keep telling people different ex players have been seen buying burgers or drinking coffee somewhere in Essex.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

panamahat 1:32 Mon Jul 18
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Good lads Geo & Gonzo , keep up the good work .

Geoff 11:16 Sun Jul 17
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Don't often go on forums tbh but I've always found KUMB not too bad for discussions but , boy, way over moderated. I guess you get negativity on all of them but that Hammers Chat one reminded me of one of those tacky old time boozers in the day time with a few old boys sitting around the place moaning about the world and crying in their beer.

Geoff 11:16 Sun Jul 17
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Don't often go on forums tbh but I've always found KUMB not too bad for discussions but , boy, way over moderated. I guess you get negativity on all of them but that Hammers Chat one reminded me of one of those tacky old time boozers in the day time with a few old boys sitting around the place moaning about the world and crying in their beer.

marty feldman 8:14 Sun Jul 17
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Nothing beats KUMB for negativity. I’ve never seen so many unambitious numpties on any other site .

Nutsin 4:43 Sun Jul 17
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
I just went on to give it a gander, looks pretty pony.

Sydney_Iron 3:46 Sun Jul 17
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
You have been on WHO when we lose a game or 2 Geoff? Or even when we dont there are plenty who have a moan, take look at the transfer tthread.........

the Moyes or Board out threads really come to life after a loss as do the cunting of the players threads, Masuaku, Cresswell etc etc take your pick, even Noble has a few threads slagging him off.

And here you are having moan about the moaners???


gph 2:54 Sun Jul 17
Glory And Gloom Forums
1-0 victory, and WHO's full of joy.

1-0 defeat, and WHO's full of despondency.

Gets "better" with bigger wins, worse with bigger defeats.

Leeshere 10:06 Sat Jul 16
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Someone having a moan on a forum about other people having a moan on another forum!

Pub Bigot 9:55 Sat Jul 16
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Geo and Gonzo seem like alright lads to me. I met Geo and his bird at Burnley last year and had a good half-hour conversation with him. To be fair, I think he was relieved when I fucked off.

Never seen the forum, though. I get all the doom and gloom here from the resident cunts. And while they may be cunts, they're our cunts.

nich the d 9:44 Sat Jul 16
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
Can't be all bad - normannomates posts on it...

bruuuno 7:24 Sat Jul 16
Re: Doom And Gloom Forums
It was this one wasn’t it?

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