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Aberdeen Iron 8:54 Tue Sep 6
Knee Pain
Been suffering from knee pain on and off the last few years. Finally saw a doc and she advised it was 'wear and tear'.

Not repairable but can be made less painful with various treatments including physio which I'm being referred to.

Any of you found a solution that helps for this?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 2:24 Sat Sep 10
Re: Knee Pain
Charoo 5:17 Fri Sep 9.

Thanks - I'll probably get myself a pair after I've had my next chat with my doctor & the specialist team at QMH.

Charoo 5:17 Fri Sep 9
Re: Knee Pain
Mike Oxsaw

I like them Mike, I think to be properly effective you need to jump in them post training while the blood is still flowing that seems to give a better refresh.

Probably a lot of money for what they are but I like them and think they are of a benefit.

I need to stretch and roll a lot more - I love balls to wall training but always been hopeless at warming up, cooling down and stretching. Now approaching 42 I’m starting to change my approach - wellness, flexibility and good all round health, feeling good is more important.

I think the compression sleeves are worth a go, I looked at it that if I wasn’t keen then I’d get half back on eBay and my cost would only be 5-6 physio sessions.

Therabody give you 30 days to return as well so get them, use them and if not helping send them back.

Any small percentage that helps recovery is worth it in my opinion. I think it’s been positive in my broken leg recovery.

Hope that helps.

slartibartfast 5:16 Fri Sep 9
Re: Knee Pain
I bollocksed my shoulder in February, and I can honestly say that having physio and then following it up with some PT sessions has been amongst the best health decisions I've ever made. Mainly because the PT has corrected my form to the extent that my shoulder and body generally feels better than it ever has done. Can't recommend it enough.

lincslink 5:04 Fri Sep 9
Re: Knee Pain
I too suffer with knee pain due to years of sport. I bought some corrective insoles which are used when walking some distance, they straighten my leg allowing me to walk miles pain free.

Razzle 11:42 Fri Sep 9
Re: Knee Pain
Lose weight
Use a foam roller on your legs especially focus on IT band
Strengthen (squats of one leg squats about 8-10 cms from the kitchen cabinet so your knee touches it)

Knee stuff happens when you dont look after your muscles. Muscles get tight, pull on tendons pull on skeleton then you have a problem.

I have had 3 knee ops, platelet injections cortisone in the foot, hamstring tendinopathy...It took a while to understand and why i was suffering.

I have done a lot of sport in my 50yrs and do what i can to manage my body and expectations - i'm not a 20yr old whipper snapper although my mind tells me that sometimes!

wmc3205 12:57 Fri Sep 9
Re: Knee Pain
take this daily for my knee

1500mg Glucosamine
1000mg Hempseed oil

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:42 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Not random at all.

It signifies a step down and forces us to face up to milestones that we had put off accepting.

Thing is they WILL happen regardless, adapting and keeping a PMA gives some illusion of control and self management and that keeps the grumpy old man label at bay for a little bit longer.

You play, you pay I had a good run, particularly between 38 and 50

Aberdeen Iron 2:56 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Randomly, the acceptance of having to cut down on stuff is as bad as the pain itself.

I'm not ready to be 'old'. (lol etc)

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:35 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain

Yes mate. Same.

52 and until recently would run, cycle and boot camp so active and high impact most days even continuing to do obstacle course racing regular as long as I managed my ankles...

....left knee started to niggle on a run 3 months ago got worse until I had a bakers cyst on my knee on a flight back from Spain in June.

Got my results back and its ligament damage from wear and tear and the early onset oesto arthritis in that knee.

So time to act my age a bit cut out the andrenalin rush high impact stuff go for low impact on the legs, bit more yoga and focus on long term wellness.

I have started drinking tumeric, ginger and honey drinks on the daily, taking CLO supplements and when I do overdo it Glucosamine.

I had a good run at trying to be king of cardio and beating people 20 years my junior for 12 years, time to throttle back, be less competitive and focus on the wellness not the adrenalin bursts.

Swiss. 1:45 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Had some arthritis in my knee winter of 2000. Took cod liver oil and it disappeared in a month and not had trouble since.

mashed in maryland 1:22 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
In addition to my earlier reply, there's a chap on Instagram/YouTube called "knees over toes guy".

Be warned: his content is very "American" (ie deliberately eccentric and dramatic to get attention) but look past this and his videos are useful for simple, low impact exercises and stretches you can do anywhere, and his methods work.

SecondOpinion 12:03 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Some knee jerk reactions from posters on this thread

southbankbornnbred 11:49 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Don't overdo the collagen, though. Take a few a week, tops. Some docs believe it can cause kidney stones if you hammer it.

southbankbornnbred 11:46 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
There's some decent advice on this thread, so I won't add to the medical bits.

But also take a collagen supplement. Preferably the marine/fish bone version. Helps keep tendons and ligaments strong/healthy and will help support your knee as you get old and even more mental.

Many boxers take it for their hands, as well as to help with their running, these days, too.

I was struggling with calf and achilles injuries while running a year or so ago, and a professional boxing coach advised me to start taking a collagen supplement. Wasn't expecting startling results, but haven't had a major calf/achilles injury since. Now that I've said that, of course, I fully expect my achilles to snap next time I do a 10k (later today)!

Hope the knee-knack improves.

Mike Oxsaw 11:23 Thu Sep 8
Re: Knee Pain
Charoo 1:12 Wed Sep 7

I know it's wandering a bit from the original subject, so apologies to the OP, but how do you get on with the Therabody leg compression sleeves?

I had a look on their website and their compression boots look like the perfect solution to me dealing with/managing my oedema.

On The Ball 3:56 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
I'm hypermobile and have arthritis so am accustomed to a life of joint pain, but my knee pain and back pain have both miraculously cleared up since I lost a fair amount of weight. Coincidence, I'm sure!

aldgate 3:53 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
What a lot of others say - keep dodgy joints moving as much as possible and build up strength and flexibility around them. I've used flexiseq cream on my graunchy left knee as well which seems to help

Full Claret Jacket 1:50 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
If it's proper done wear and tear then knee replacement is the only answer long term.
I have arthritis in both knees, hips and back. I have a daily cocktail of anti-inflammatory, nerve numbing and anti-acid drugs.
I'm trying to lose some weight to take some stress off them and the right exercise can be useful to manage it. Pilates or Yoga can strengthen muscles if like me you can't do any impact work.
Swimming and Cycling are supposed to be ok but Cycling is more dangerous than sky diving without a parachute around my way so stayed away from it.

zico 1:47 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
. . 2:34 Wed Sep 7

Totally agree with that. A decade ago, I was getting on a bit for the old football and had a nagging groin injury for over a year. Just whacked money at physios of whom I assumed they knew what they were doing to no avail. Eventually nagged GP for a scan. Sent me for an X ray and was diagnosed with arthritic hips. One was shaped like a star with jagged bits sticking out so not surprised it kept seizing up. Quit football and concentrated on golf. 10 years on they aren't too bad. I guess the jagged bits wore down. Will probably wear down to nothing eventually but yep get a diagnosis before you start throwing money at physios.

zico 1:47 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
. . 2:34 Wed Sep 7

Totally agree with that. A decade ago, I was getting on a bit for the old football and had a nagging groin injury for over a year. Just whacked money at physios of whom I assumed they knew what they were doing to no avail. Eventually nagged GP for a scan. Sent me for an X ray and was diagnosed with arthritic hips. One was shaped like a star with jagged bits sticking out so not surprised it kept seizing up. Quit football and concentrated on golf. 10 years on they aren't too bad. I guess the jagged bits wore down. Will probably wear down to nothing eventually but yep get a diagnosis before you start throwing money at physios.

arsegrapes 1:06 Wed Sep 7
Re: Knee Pain
Charoo advice worked for me, although less of the knees, but caused by running so stretching tight calves, hamstrings, glutes, IT band, back pain and sciatica. I learnt that everything is connected and has a knock on effect. Sitting behind a desk and or sedentary lifestyle magnifiers the problem. Stay active, keep moving, exercise leg and core muscles with exercises and weights. Sit down/stand up electric desks are good if you need to use one. Surgery is great when it works. Knees, hips are higher success rate than backs 50/50 as high risk of hitting a nerve going in. Good luck.

bad knees can be caused by tightness in hips, glutes, hamstrings, IT band and calves.

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