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13 Brentford Rd 10:45 Sun Sep 18
Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Not for me, don't like it and never done it.

When & how did this become a thing?

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GRiM71 3:43 Mon Sep 26
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Clive Bissell in the Firm was the first time I can remember seeing it

Browno22 9:23 Sat Sep 24
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
It's been around for donkeys. Just more cameras around now

nychammer 6:08 Sat Sep 24
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
"but interesting point that we are lucky to be able to signify our club so easily. spurs would have a problem"

Yes indeed, hundreds of spurs fans giving each other the massive wanker sign in public would do at all

Mike Oxsaw 11:15 Sat Sep 24
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Just doff yer cap to the gov'ner (i.e. everybody else in the world) and get back in your fucking place.

Roger Mellie 11:02 Sat Sep 24
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
It started on the X-Factor.

nerd 5:07 Wed Sep 21
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
I think it falls into the category of who cares ,youngsters like it and us old grumpy gits will be gone.

scott_d 4:23 Wed Sep 21
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
First I recall seeing it was Freddie Sears when he scored on his league debut.

panamahat 9:13 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
I like it personally , no cringe for me at all but I live in the Caribbean & am only back home maybe 1 month a year so see it far less than most .
My daughter when she was about 4 went up , doing the pose ,to a Hammer on the train at Hove on his way to a game ,the joy on his face was a thing of beauty .

⚒️ 5:33 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
It’s complete cringe. No wonder OTB thinks it’s brilliant.

He was probably doing it at Eurovision, the cunt.

essexmaniacinexile 5:30 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Leeds fans are not banging their fists on their chests. It's different and more akin to a fascist salute. Unique amongst UK fans.

Huffers 4:34 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...

That is the old photo

Wilko Johnson 11:29 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
On The Ball 10:32 Mon Sep 19

Fair dos, the Leeds salute is massive amongst their support. I've never seen another set of fans anywhere in the world use the same thing.

goose 10:42 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
I blame Ray Winston for making it popular.

On The Ball 10:32 Mon Sep 19
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Wilko Johnson 10:22 Sun Sep 18

Had to Google that! Then watch it on YouTube. All I see is that banging on the heart that's done the world over in a million different settings - I'd never link that to Leeds in any way. It certainly isn't unique - players bang their chests all the time, but you wouldn't get another player in Britain doing the 'arms.

I appreciate the 'arms' might also be something to do with Wonder Woman et al, but to me it's unique in British football.

bruuuno 10:43 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
It’s gay

Wilko Johnson 10:22 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
On The Ball 4:39 Sun Sep 18

Leeds fans have been doing the 'Leeds Salute' to each other for many years.

Wilko Johnson 10:20 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
1:39 Sun Sep 18

The photo is of Slater and Dolan.

chav_corner 8:05 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
Me and a few mates started doing it 30 odd years ago,hope to god it aint down to us.Makes me cringe now.-Hate it,sort of thing I would expect from Palace.

Northern Sold 7:19 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
First time I ever saw it was a CFC mate that used to work for the post calling me out in his post van.... after that we caught on about a decade later... PERSONALLY I think its cringe... but each to their own... proper X factor for me...

Wils 6:27 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
It's cringe. Never done it. Dunno when it started really.

On The Ball 4:39 Sun Sep 18
Re: Crossed arms Hammers pose...
I love it. I can't think of anything else like it in football - what other fans can signal each other from a hundred yards? It's completely unique, it's not some silly made-up thing - it's brilliant.

First player I remember doing it is also Chris Powell (always wondered where he'd seen it, but he was a Hammer as a kid), but I remember the last time we had this thread someone dug up a picture along the lines of what Huffers said.

gph - that was something to do with Wonder Woman, I believe.

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