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brundal 11:40 Sat Oct 1
The Rail strike
Thank you GMT for fucking up mine and millions of others Saturday.

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SnarestoneIron 6:43 Wed Oct 5
Re: The Rail strike
Northern Sold 5:36 Mon Oct 3

Far easier than parking at Upton Park, even with the increased numbers, from my experience.

brundal 3:09 Tue Oct 4
Re: The Rail strike
Yes you right that 12k probably what the cheap illegal labourers are being paid

Ron Eff 5:52 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
Probably something to do with a large number of train services offering a reduced service until around 5:30pm and us being the only game kicking off at 5:30pm, I would imagine.

Northern Sold 5:36 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
Too be fair I didn't see too many empty seats at a lot of the other prem grounds... where as ours?? Is it harder to drive and park up at the shit hole compared to Arsenal and Palace etc??

J.Riddle 5:08 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
Kenzo, I considered cycling but don't have the required Khan stab vest.


Mr Kenzo 4:55 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
Riddle - Should have hired a Khan Bike and cycled

J.Riddle 1:55 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
I went out Saturday, 6 mile 20 mins round trip turned into 2:5hrs. Gridlock, empty buses, everyone got off and walking as quicker. I went through 7 sets of traffic lights and noticed the traffic light sequence had been changed so only one car could get through at a time on every set. Reminded me of the Italian job. Khan I reckon deliberately causing chaos coming out in sympathy with the strikers. I'll make sure I'm not driving when the strike is on again, better of cycling if necessary.

White Pony 12:19 Mon Oct 3
Re: The Rail strike
I don’t think many people are getting a pay rise that keeps up with inflation right now ,are they? So, good luck with that.

bobbymoore 10:15 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
you mean all the self employed tax dodging construction cunts who all earn "£12,000" per year.... sure.

Side of Ham 6:41 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
brundal, I don’t see how you came to that conclusion from my comments….and I don’t care what Labour have to do as it will only be more of the same as the current wankers in charge….round & round & round it goes…..

13 Brentford Rd 6:14 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
You mean the Jordanian flag without the star, adopted in 1964 by the Egyptian Arafat?

Very true, it's the same reason me and one of colleagues left UCU and joined a different union.

brundal 5:33 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Side of Ham
I take it by your comments you expect a labour government to be in power soon, well they need to get the average self employed construction worker and small businesses on there side and change there policy on immigration because most have seen a reduction in wages since the cheap labour arrived from Europe and when the Labour Party stop waving Palestinian flags and start waving the country’s flag they are supposed to be representing they might win back the working class votes.

Bernie 4:23 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Why is it rail staffs fault or responsibility that NHS staff are so underpaid?

Side of Ham 4:22 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Health & Education have to deal with sick & young people and feel a duty of care…..the railways have to deal with constant mincey whiny cunts like you…..and to top it off you want someone there to whine at…..which won’t be an option in the near future….

13 Brentford Rd 3:51 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
What glass House is that?
What it has to do with Healthcare & Education is that those sectors have had continuous redundancies and cutbacks to a point where everyone still working is working flat out and at full capacity and still being asked to do more, yet they won't strike willy nilly like rail staff who are heavily unionised and will not accept modernisation or efficiency savings, appearing to believe they have the right to a job for life and to be paid more than their peers in other industries.

How much should cleaners earn exactly?
Most of the barrier staff I see aren't vital, there's usually 2 or 3 standing around chatting to each other.

Mike Oxsaw 3:49 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Doesn't really matter what job you do as long as it pays enough for you to live - not exist, but live - on.

It's natural for an employer to look to minimise costs wherever he/she/they can, but there does need to be a limit on how low they can go in paying staff.

Tying income tax to inflation would help focus the government in cases like this - the basic (monthly) rate of income tax drops by 1% for every 1% rise in inflation. No delay: finance markets can calculate trading rates in microseconds, so the technology is already in use to do this - inflation goes up 1%, your income tax drops by 1%.

They want to keep "their" tax take, they keep inflation down.


Iron Duke 3:36 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
What do support staff in the NHS or education have to do with it? Strange comment

Side of Ham 3:31 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Brenty does like to whine from his glass house….

13 Brentford Rd 3:17 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Right, so barrier staff and cleaners are earning the same or more than heavily overworked support staff in the NHS and in Education, yet an 8% rise over 2 years isn't deemed good enough.

Sven Roeder 12:36 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Not surprised that that is the case.
Also with more people able to WFH these days its harder to make the strikes have a real effect and imagine the bosses are emboldened by the attitude of the new swivel-eyed PM.

Iron Duke 12:25 Sun Oct 2
Re: The Rail strike
Withamexile 11:59 Sun Oct 2

Well said. Meanwhile, bosses give themselves pay rises in excess of.200% on top of the massive tax boost handed out by the Chancellor.

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