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charleyfarley 12:35 Mon Oct 3
⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
........... V

    London Stadium
    Sat 12th Nov 15:00GMT
    VAR Chris Kavanagh

Jarred Gillett: (6) - 24 0

Fabiański, Kehrer, Dawson, Zouma, Cresswell, Rice ©, Souček, Bowen, Paquetá, Benrahma, Scamacca
Subs: Areola (GK), Johnson, Coufal, Fornals, Lanzini, Downes, Ogbonna, Aguerd, Emerson

Ward, Castagne, Faes, Amartey, Thomas, Soumaré, Maddison, Tielemans ©, Dewsbury-Hall, Barnes, Daka
Subs: Iversen (GK), Evans, Mendy, Praet, Ndidi, Albrighton, Pérez, Vardy, Iheanacho

West Ham 1/1: Draw 12/5:Leicester 5/2


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Dutch Iron 4:21 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
My big worry is that the board will back him until the end of january, then realise he cannot turn things around. We blew the opportunity of bringing a new manager before the WC with all the time to work with the squad and too late to bring a few reinforcements in. We will be a less interesting option for any available manager at that moment. We all know Moyes is not capable of this transistion we need with the players we have. We are 3 months in the season and we are not getting better, we are getting worse. Dont delay the inevitable. Put him and us out of our misery!

Gary Strodders shank 3:13 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Are the players still putting in a shift?

Do they need / miss Noble to give them a kick up the arse?

Are they being given to easy a ride by management and fans?

There was a lot of concern from some of ours when Maddison went down injured, baring in mind we were 1.0 down at the time shouldnt they of been more bothered about that than an opposition player who had just scored?

fraser 2:54 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
WC makes no difference, we're still 16th of 20 teams who have players with the WC on their mind.. It isn't exclusive to us.

Sir Alf 2:54 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Agree Scorch

But it will mean not playing Dawson, Soucek and Cresswell as first choices. Could also mean getting in another forward because we only have Scamacca ( Antonio is a wide man as evidenced by last 12 months) , a left wing back if he doesn’t trust Emerson, even another central midfield man if he doesn’t think Downes is up to it and being prepared to play players in their best positions. That means Paqueta deeper as a number 8 as he was at Lyon and is for Brazil, Downes if he does play as a CDM alongside Rice, Antonio wide right to rotate with Bowen, Fornals as a number 10 central.

And the realisation that with Dawson going, Oggy finished. Cresswell on his last legs, Lanzini finished, Coufal 30. Ext birthday, Antonio 33 next birthday, Fab 38 next birthday that we need to invest in 4 or 5 more quality players for tge squad asap.

Will Moyes do any of the above? Does he even recognise the problems that most WH fans see? We ain’t been professional players but u don’t have to have been. Basic understanding of the game and 2 eyes.

And remember chief tactician Nevin is away with England leaving Nolan, McKinley and Warbarton as the coaches because I assume Moyes is just there in general management role and general strategy ( an assumption that is hard to quantify).

We are heading down based on form and what we see and the paralysis of the owners and intransigence and insecurity, ignorance and arrogance of the manager

pdcwhu 2:45 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
I think the WC is the Problem,Players not going the Extra Yard

El Scorchio 2:23 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
The World Cup has come at a good time for a reset. Assuming seen as he’s not gone already that Moyes is there for the time being. Guess they give him 3 games or so after the tournament to turn it around. He’s GOT to adapt his tactics. High press and more uptempo in possession like most sides. It was clear on the rare occasions that when we pressed yesterday, it worked. When we sat back it was easy for them.

We never move it quickly and get favourable numbers in attack. So many times we aren’t up the pitch fast enough and have to turn back allowing the other team to get men back behind the ball completely stalling our progress.

There is a lot that needs to change. He’s got to be open to it and up to it.

People were pointing out yesterday how Brentford went with no fear to a Man City. The opposite of what we do. We need that mindset rather than almost conceding games before they’ve even kicked off.

Anyway. We’ve said it to death. We can all see it.

I will say this as well. Paqueta really REALLY needs to step up and show something. He’s simply not been anywhere near good enough.

Manuel 2:02 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
It's not a coincidence that we have gone backwards since the new players come in, even though we should be improving, it's taken Moyes out of his comfort zone with the different options. That said, rewind to Brighton away last season and his comments after and during the earlier months of the summer he kept repeating how much we needed new players in and a lot of them, but now he has them he's making a load of excuses and taking no responsibility and now even digging out the fans. He wants it both fucking ways. He needs to go.

zico 1:56 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
To be fair the players are going to publicly back him. Rice's comment though seems to miss the fact that Moyes may have taken the club from where it was, but he has also taken it back to where it was when he started and that's near the bottom!

If the football was good and he had an injury crisis going on you could give him a bit of a break, but generally the football is turgid, and he has spent £170 odd million on players that seem to have taken us backwards. That's not including the fact that very few players are actually improving under his tutorship. Antonio, Johnson, Soucek, Coufal, Bowen, Fornals all going backwards or just staying the same inconsistent level they were when they arrived. That's bad management, how can you not improve players as a coach, unless they aren't very good to start with so therefore that's bad recruitment.

Tactically he doesn't learn. He isn't flexible apart from a little dabble with three at the back. As someone said below, he didn't get his original targets so seemed to end up with a desperate scatter gun approach to the signings, the only plan seemingly to just shoehorn them into his way of playing, rather than trying to play to their strengths. The similarities Scamacca/Haller - Anderson/Paqueta are frightening, so you have to ask if it's the players or if it's Moyes? Either they aren't good enough or he isn't using them right and either way it's down to Moyes.

Sir Alf 1:35 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
I think we can comfortably say over the last month results have confirmed we are the worst team in the league? Name a team playing worse and getting worse results? Everton ?

Relegation an absolute possibility now. We’ve seen the film many times before and this is not a recent problem. We have been in this descent for 10+ months. The owners, players all clinging onto past achievements and crumbs of comfort in Europe which all a massive excuse for inaction. Sitting on your hands hoping for the best usually results in disaster

master 1:14 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Static strikers in the box. Probably coz they have no idea when the ball is actually going to come in, and also coz the coaching doesn't instruct him to do the right thing.

Stowie.40 12:49 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Recent success, sick of hearing about credit in the bank & how he deserves time to turn it around. We reached a semi final, well done Dave. But that’s it, we didn’t win fuck all. The way it’s portrayed you’d think we’d won the double.

AKA ERNIE 12:46 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Paqueta yesterday had 3 chances to play a simple through ball and each time fucked it up
Scamacca never attacks the ball in the box hes always standing there waiting for the ball to come to him

Feed Me Chicken 10:43 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
It’s not even a debate and he should have gone ages ago yet here we still are, i can’t wait for all these Dave cunts to fuck off!!!!

Manuel 10:39 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
I think one of the things also working against us now is that the quality of sides (and coaching) seems to have gone up a notch now, take Forest for example wrote off by most but beat Liverpool and yesterday beat Palace who beat us comfortably last week. Brentford beating Man City, B'mouth looked shit but won 3-0 yesterday, when was the last time we won 3-0 in the PL, now probably have Bielsa coming in. Who knows how things will work with Soton and Wolves with their new gaffa's, but there's a chance they will improve.

I highly doubt we will go down, but can see us being in a dog fight at this point.

Eerie Descent 9:16 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Missed the game yesterday, but I don't even need to read what happened, absolutely inevitable result and no doubt performance, it's been the same nearly every week over the last year.

Same as it ever was...

irisiris95 8:47 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread
Admittedly only watched the 2nd half but my immediate impression was that the team look rudderless.
I don't know what the game plan is at West Ham right now?

In the summer Moyes wanted Lingard, Onana & Broja.
Now he has Scamacca & Paqueta who I fear he has no clue how to get the best out of.

It's been evident this season that we don't do much in possession. All I see is our midfield players getting the ball with their back towards the opposition goal. We then play compensatory triangles backwards to keep the ball but we have absolutely no killer ball in behind the opposition.
It's all way too slow.

Benrahma is the one trying to run at the opposition but by the time he gets the ball he has 3-4 defenders in front of him. It's equally predictable that everything has to go via Rice in midfield. Bowen needs to step up & take responsibility in build up play. An improvement on Soucek seems to be imperative now.

Also on the rare occasions we do get past an opponent our crosses rarely hit any target & even our corners hit the first defender. Infuriating.

This impacts Scamacca who today looked lost once again. 2nd half Kehrer got a chance out right & whipped a ball into the box but Scamacca didn't show any killer instinct and get to that far post.
Really surprised by that.
Any striker of worth would be busting a gut to get to that kind of ball.
Scamacca was hyped up to be some sort of Ibrahimovic style of player but the latter could take the ball & go past players and ask questions.
I still can't understand why Antonio out right hasn't been tried with Bowen more central to help Scamacca? Antonio would create openings for those two.

Paqueta just doesn't fit in at the moment.
I see him get stuck in a lot & doesn't mind the physicality so just wonder whether he'd be better replacing Soucek alongside Rice??

It's just a mess right now.
There was a chance last January window to get a few players in whilst we had momentum but the dithering & added summer dithering just seems to have killed it all.
I didn't think we looked ready for the season against City & it seems to have snowballed from there.

british is best 8:01 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread - Preview
If Moyes stays watch the club's revenue go down the toilet. Next summer's season ticket sales will be closer to 25 000 than the current 55 000.

Texas Iron 7:41 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread - Preview
What good is remembering recent successes if we are relegated...???

Manuel 6:36 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread - Preview
Okay, I am absolutely sick to death of having to read these never ending, patronising soundbites. Last week Noble, now Rice. At what point does this recent ''success'' get confined to the history books?? They are taking 62000 fans as absolute mugs, it's just a big fucking boys club..

Rice said Moyes' job should not come under pressure.

"It's nonsense," he said. "If you look at what he's done for this club, how he's brought us back from where we've been...

"Every team is going to have a blip and of course there's always pressure in these moments, but no way should there be pressure on the manager because he's been unbelievable for us."

Moyes began his second stint with the Hammers in 2019 and, after steering them away from relegation that season, has guided them to sixth then seventh-placed finishes in the league.

They have also competed in their first Europa League under Moyes, where they reached the semi-finals in 2021-22, and are going well in this year's Europa Conference League, finishing top of their group to qualify for the round of 16.

Moyes said he could understand the boos and the external pressure, but that he hopes fans will remember their recent achievements.

"This club is used to being in the top six or seven the last couple of years so I can understand that [boos]," Moyes said.

"It's always fair [for people to say he's under pressure] - I'm a manager and have been a manager for a long time but sometimes it's easy to forget what we've done. Obviously if you're not doing so well then you're always under pressure."

master 12:03 Sun Nov 13
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread - Preview
Noticeable difference with Aguerd is that once he'd pass the ball to, for example. Cresswell, he sprinted into an area of space to make sure he was on for the return ball. He's not caught the static , stay in your position and don't move bug yet. Will soon be coached into him by this idiot in charge.

Sir Alf 11:59 Sat Nov 12
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Leicester - Official Match Thread - Preview
Read Moyes post match interval and it’s still too much of the same excuses. “Chances not going in”, “teams have ups and downs”, “we’re used to being at the top” and loads of references to last season early on and how we were in and around the top 4 and made the semi finals etc. lots about overseas players taking time.

We must be the club that has fallen furthest and fastest over the last 10 months and the speed of our descent is picking up pace. Not once have I heard reference to how it will be addressed other than waiting and hoping.

Incidentally while Soucek is not the only player underperforming who starts each week he is still the biggest problem and easiest players position to try something different with. We have a ready made replacement! Try it in the league for tge love of god etc !! If it doesn’t work and no difference or makes things worse fair enough but don’t know unless you try it.

One small crumb of comfort was Aguerd. Yes he is not 100% and got outpaced by Barnes as he tried as a CB to keep pace with him. But just his distribution alone was such a pleasant change. Was finding players with accurate passes out of defence. But Moyes has to see we need all players to be able to keep the ball and pass accurately. You only need 1 or 2 not up to it and you’re punishing. Fornals for tge second goal trying to play a cross field ball ball that was not on and I think their first was wheee we lost it cheaply up front ?

We will stick with Moyes which is a mistake but if we do that then someone needs to see we get some additions in Jan. A wing back or two, another smaller but quick and strong striker.

Of course if Moyes sticks with playing Soucek, Dawson and Cresswell then it will continue to hold us back IMO. Cresswell was ok today but his crossing has gone to sh*t and he will always be vulnerable to pace. Dawson has been great for us but his inability to control a football and pass accurately are now a problem. Same as Soucek.

Got to hope Cornet is back after the WC break too as we are desperate for some more options upfront

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