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OneAll 4:53 Fri Oct 7
London stadium
LLDC has announced that they would now be willing to give West Ham the naming rights to the London Stadium. However, they would want the Club to pay an additional £4m a year for the naming rights.

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Johnson 8:05 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Move to the Emirates for two years? Bellend

Can’t dig down anyway due to the TOXIC LAND underneath.

Which you’d know had you paid attention to me and Gavros on the OS thread, instead of being a massive day dreaming OSer div FIST 97mde.

Get in the bin with Lard.

Wils 4:34 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
"A lot of the empty seats you see are just those who've never left the bar areas. Even the sunshine can't coax them into their seat!"

People doing this during the last 10 minutes of the game get on my nerves. Especially when there is clearly a goal left in the game. It's like the game is an annoying interval in a drinking session. Consumer behavior, not supporter behavior.

11MDE 4:16 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
In an ideal world, own it, keep the outside facade, dig down, move to the Emirates for two seasons and come back to a 70,000 seater work of art.

Come On You Irons 3:07 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
" Personally I prefer a few empty seats around me to tourists in half & half scarves who have a chat, play with their phones etc. Plus I can change seats at half time if I fancy it."

Completely agree. I prefer to have empty seats about and the option to choose to change location than the place be full to rafters but topped up by day trippers, tourists and 'casual supporters' with little interest in the game.

BRANDED 3:06 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Once we scored the atmosphere changed and got better and better. We do like to be playing good footy and winning. If we are not we are a fucking miserable bunch of cunts.

I took my Leeds supporting nephew who lives in the East End to the Spurs game and he made far more noise than all the regulars, except the standard songs obvs.

harold 3:00 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Wils, The tickets have been sold, but for one reason or another some people couldn't make it to the game.

oioi 2:55 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
I reckon that you get a lot of empty seats when the game doesn't quite sell out which means you can't list your seat for re-sale on ticket exchange. Personally I prefer a few empty seats around me to tourists in half & half scarves who have a chat, play with their phones etc. Plus I can change seats at half time if I fancy it.

The Mercernary 12:16 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
A lot of the empty seats you see are just those who've never left the bar areas. Even the sunshine can't coax them into their seat!

Come On You Irons 11:52 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
I noticed there were loads of empty seats over there yesterday. It was nowhere near full to capacity.

Also, it took an age to get through the security checks. They were extra slow yesterday for no apparent reason and I also noticed shitloads of OB standing around doing nothing. I found it all pretty odd given Fulham are so small time and are never involved in crowd trouble. I just put the shitloads of coppers being there doing nothing on it being a Sunday 2pm game, and a London Derby (of sorts) so a nice little earner for them all and their commanders on double time for doing fuck all.

stewie griffin 10:24 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
to be fair, 2pm sunday games are fucking shit

Wils 9:59 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
I put the huge gaps in the crowd at the Wolves game down to the train strikes. Were there strikes yesterday? Even the Tottenham game had noticeable gaps in the crowd which I thought was perhaps the August fixture with people still on holiday. But seems to be happening more and more. Strange contrast with last season when people crammed into the lower standing sections behind the goal.

Johnson 3:05 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Admiral Lard 1:33 Mon Oct 10

As usual you know fuck all about what you’re talking about. The seats that can’t be sold are in blocks up in the gods not scattered about you cretin.

If you actually went you’d understand this.

But you don’t and before you even bother starting we all know when you go Lard because you post a fucking thread on here about it.

The reason why there are lots of visible empty seats is because people haven’t gone and no one has taken the spares.

My seat was empty today because I’m at a work event and couldn’t give my spare away. Nothing to do with 5k seats up in the gods.

There is a difference between seats sold and attendance, ALL PL clubs report seats sold, not turnstile clicks.

This is basic stuff, doesn’t need you trying to belittle folk.

You’re a dickhead. Simples.

El Scorchio 1:49 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Train strikes for games which are televised anyway has led to more empty seats than usual but TBH it always looks pretty full from where I sit. Fucking sun was a pain today though.

Admiral Lard 1:33 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Wils, we have sold every seat for every PL game this season.
The stadiums now had 67,500 seats of which we can sell 62,500..... 5,000 seats we cannot sell... simples

Wils 12:41 Mon Oct 10
Re: London stadium
Lots of empty seats for our home games these days. We are struggling to fill it now.

Mike Oxsaw 10:26 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
What will push this is tabloid headlines saying that the NHS has no money to buy incubators for premature babies, but millions of Pounds to sponsor West Ham playing premiership football every 2 weeks.

All wrong of course, but Tevez DID keep us up single-handed in "that" great escape season; everybody knows (KNOWS) that.

And the board should simply tell the government to fuck off - and that's their final offer.

El Scorchio 8:49 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
We should definitely be the bad guys then and rinse them for as much as we can. We hold all the cards. You are right though. The current owners will never do it. The current setup allows them the sweet double dip of not having to think about improving it at all and certainly not to stick their hands in their pockets, but also blame the landlords for everything wrong with it and deflect anything from themselves. Absolute heaven for them. I’d love to think they will just take the most money they can and scuttle off and leave it to Kretinsky who may have a bit more vision and ambition for the place.

Mike Oxsaw 7:54 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
We'd be fucking nuts to consider buying it, unless they threw in a shit-load of surrounding land for free and built a railway station for the stadium, whether it be by extending the DLR or whacking up a couple of platforms where the railway passes closest.

Even then it would probably be far too expensive.

El Scorchio 7:48 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
Mainly because everyone always paints us to be the bad guys in the equation.

We approached LOCOG at the planning stage and were told to fuck off out of their hubris. That’s cost the country.

We were going to buy it outright and take on all the costs and spurs along with orient got it torpedoed just to try and get leverage to build where they actually wanted to. That’s cost the country.

LLDC were backed into a corner after the games due to poor decision making and spurs and had no choice but to offer us the ‘deal of the century’. That’s cost the country.

None of the above is our fault at all, and in fact we are virtually the only ones making it generate any profit yet we are the main victims of the witchhunt every time it comes around and if Kahn wants to try and score points against the former mayor.

It’s a pathetic blame game, but at every turn the administrators mismanaged and made poor decisions. They might as well just cut their losses and sell the fucking thing to us sooner rather than later. Yet when they do we will somehow be the bad guys yet again.

Mike Oxsaw 7:31 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
The icon oik is right: Coe & Co, dry-fucked so many people with their decisions that I doubt the country will ever begin to work out how much he's lost it.

⚒️ 7:28 Sun Oct 9
Re: London stadium
Spurs never wanted it. They used it as leverage so that Haringey council would give them planning permission to rebuild WHL.

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