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zico 4:14 Wed Oct 19
Best ending to a film ever?
Watched 1978's Invasion of the Body Snatchers last night for the first time in years. The creepy and sinister ending has to be up there with Charlton Heston's Planet of the Apes as a possible tie for the best film ending I can remember. Am I right or wrong?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

RBshorty 10:51 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
MMG 9:25

A truly horrific movie. In more ways than one. John Carpenter a film maker who knew how to close out a film. Halloween. The Fog. The Thing. Christine. Big Trouble in Little China. And They Live. All great endings. And he isn't a bad musician and composer either.!

martinbritt_63 9:46 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Lindsay Andersons - "If" - 1968

The violent shootout at the public school - filmed at Cheltenham College if I recall.

Given the political climate of the time Anderson created a masterpiece on a limited budget.

Saw it in the cinema with a then girlfriend, and the ending rendered us almost speechless.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 9:25 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
zico 9:19

Wasn't resolved. One of them certainly was, but what fate awaited them?

zico 9:19 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Re The Thing. were they both human at the end or not?

MaryMillingtonsGhost 9:05 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Fuck me, this has really got into my head now.

The Thing (Kurt Russell)
There Will Be Blood

Someone mentioned Primal Fear. Great shout.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 7:49 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
RBshorty 1:22

đź‘Ť, although also rate JFK (especially the Directors cut) highly.

RBshorty 7:18 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
’dm. By far the best moment in any Star Wars movie since the original trilogy. And especially since George sold up to the Mouse House.

dm 4:30 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Rogue One

To be pedantic, not the absolute final scene, but near enough when Darth Vader appears in the spacecraft's corridor.

mashed in maryland 1:30 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?

mallard 6:52 Fri Oct 21

Django Unchained is a great shout. Also once upon a time in hollywood.

Say what you like about Tarantino he makes fantastic films

RBshorty 1:22 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
M&P. Both of you are correct. I was mentioning to Northern about the ENDING of the film’s he put up. A classic film. Stone’s masterpiece.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:13 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
PwoperNaughtyButNot 11:31

Defoe is shot by Berenger, however he survives and is eventually gunned down by the VC, witnessed by Sheen from the helicopter.
Sheen kills Berenger in retribution.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 11:31 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
RBshorty 6:47 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Northern. Dafoe wasn’t killed at the end of Platoon. It was Berenger’s Sgt Barnes who was killed off. Still. It’s a classic. And always worth a mention in a film thread.

If memory serves me right, Barnes shoots Ilias in the jungle and then as they are retreating on helicopter Charlie Sheen looks out and sees Ilias running from the tree line chased by VC and he drops to his knees whilst being repeatedly shot and killed.

paul6565 10:57 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
The first ever Saw movie was a great ending but favourite has to be Seven.

martyboy 10:05 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Bob Hoskins in the Long good Friday.

BRANDED 3:24 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
The cook, the thief his wife and his lover

Alfs 12:17 Sat Oct 22
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Chinatown's another

Takashi Miike 11:35 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
old boy (original version)

Takashi Miike 11:27 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?

zebthecat 11:13 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Pulp fiction is a weird one with its structure but both the actual and chronological endings are a redemptive arc for two protagonist. Both Jules and Butch get to ride off into the sunset for new lives having done good things.

One I love is Ravenous for very different reasons..

Kandu 11:02 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
The Dead Zone-Christopher Walken
Unbreakable-Samuel L

mallard 6:52 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
Takashi Miike 5:07 Fri Oct 21
Re: Best ending to a film ever?
pulp fiction

Good shout!

A lot of the Tarantino films have good endings, Resevoir Dogs, Inglorious Basterds, Hateful Eight and my favourite Django Unchained

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