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BRANDED 2:08 Wed Nov 2
Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
There are two things that genuinely impact upon your lives. The money you have and the people you have to share your lives with.

This is from the BBC

The number of people in England and Wales who were born outside the UK has increased by 2.5 million since 2011, latest census data shows.
The 2021 survey counted 10 million foreign-born people, among a population of 59.5 million in England and Wales.
Of these, India was the most common birth place, with 920,000 people, 1.5% of usual residents, born there.
The number of Romanian-born people in England and Wales rose 576% between 2011 and 2021 to 539,000.
Between 2011 and 2021, more than half of the increase in the population was caused by net migration, the census figures show.
The "natural" population increase of 1.5 million people, calculated by subtracting the number of deaths from births, represented 42.5% of the total increase.
It was outstripped by positive net migration, the difference between those who immigrated into and emigrated out of England and Wales, of two million people - or 57.5% of total population increase.
London is the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK. In 2021, more than four in 10 (40.6%) of the capital's usual residents were non-UK born.
In contrast, both Wales (6.9%) and the north-east of England (6.8%) had approximately one in 14 usual residents born outside the UK.
The Office for National Statistics has also calculated the average size of households in England and Wales, which remains about the same as in 2011, although the number of them has increased in line with the population.
The average household size in England and Wales in 2021 was 2.4 people, as it had been in 2011, but six in 10 are single-family households and three in 10 only have one person.
Census officials say the increase in the number of Romanians was driven by working restrictions for them being lifted in 2014.
Italy also entered the top 10 non-UK countries of birth, rising to 277,000 from 135,000 between 2011 and 2021, a 105% increase.
"The census tells us about the change over the whole decade - who was living here in March 2021, compared with March 2011," said census deputy director Jon Wroth-Smith.
"We can see Romanians have been a big driver in this change, while there have also been increases due to migration from India, Pakistan and Poland, as well as southern European countries such as Italy."

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riosleftsock 2:43 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Whatever anybody says doesn't matter, they will keep coming and be almost impossible to remove until we leave the jurisdiction of the ECHR and cancel the idiotic UN migration pact that Terry May signed up for.

Yorkammer 2:25 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
That's being a bit harsh on your Mrs isn't it Roby?

Roby 2:04 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Once they are here they won’t get removed.

Hardly any do.

They need to make it as unappealing as possible for them to want to come here.

Build 1950s style tower blocks in the middle of fucking nowhere and stick them there. No hotels, food stamps only or just have on site catering.

Make it clear they will never be housed at our expense.

twoleftfeet 1:47 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
I see that some immigrants detained at a removal centre near Heathrow armed themselves up last night and started causing problems.

This is exactly why they should be removed.

Rivers of blood.

Roby 1:23 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
All depends who you let in.

My wife is from Mauritius, came to the UK to study for her degree and PHD and lectures at a university.

We aren’t in a council property and she’s never claimed any benefits and pays more tax and NI than I do.

It’s quite obvious that there are far too many leeches and useless cunts coming over, what do all the Romanian and Slovak gypsies bring to the table? Big families all in council accommodation, benefits up to the eyeballs and begging for extra cash.

How many thousands of Kurdish barbers do we need, not a skill the UK needs and all working in a cash in hand industry.

Brazilian delivery drivers.

Got no idea what the Somali males do for work?

Bring in a good stamp system and you’d get the numbers down pretty fucking quick.

Mike Oxsaw 1:17 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
I'm quite happy to leave and make room for a few more immigrants - illegal or otherwise, I don't care as I won't be here.

Home office buys my drum at market price as I leave they can re-house 2 families of 8 right there.

twoleftfeet 1:05 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Let them all in, open the borders.

The country is fucked anyway.

I’ll go and live in Albania as all their criminals are here 👍

BRANDED 12:52 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
The source of the UK's immigrants

India 756,471
Poland 661,482
Pakistan 476,144
Ireland 412,658
Germany 311,286
Bangladesh 239,608
United States of America 222,201
South Africa 214,009
Nigeria 184,314
China 151,445

Auntie Thermite 12:38 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
It's great isn't it!
Wasn't it?

It's what your ancestors spilt their blood over over all these centuries for, and why I always have voted Tory!

eusebiovic 12:28 Sat Nov 5
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
It's the best way to divide and rule.

Same plan for everybody - it's the American way.

What percentage of that 10 million identify as white? There has always been a large percentage of Caucasian immigration to this and other similar countries in Europe and Australia/Canada/New Zealand/South Afrika.

I find it absolutely astounding that immigration is always put down to loony lefty tree hugging Labour supporters when unlimited immigration is a fundamental part of this economic system we live in.

Trouble is everybody still wants to have their cake and eat it and complain. Everybody filled their boots but now nobody likes the endgame.

Every country in the E.U is the same because they are obligated to follow the same post war economic concensus which was created by capital flight from Europe to the U.S.

I might have to find myself a filthy rich Chinese or Korean woman to look after me in retirement.

Apologies for the conceited fucking hypocrisy.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 5:04 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
And that is why the anti immigration lobby can’t stand Winston Churchill, Boris Johnson the Royal Family and Lions.

All beneficiaries of a foreign birth

Side of Ham 4:50 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
No remainer wants to discuss the fact that all the things they moan about are due to the foreign slave labour market not putting up with it no more and rightly so.......

master 4:45 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
2011-21 a decade where we had no control over who came, because of freedom of movement.

ray winstone 4:44 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Oh, those borders.....

Side of Ham 4:43 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Swiss is proper sly with his racist digs.......

Mr Kenzo 4:36 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
They phased the BCG out years ago due to the low cases in this country

Swiss. 4:34 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Look how Brexit is working. TB in our schools soon.

GoalLazio 4:21 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Civil War please - integration doesn’t work

arsegrapes 4:04 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
defjam 3:08 Wed Nov 2

I married an immigrant and nothing against them. It's not immigrants that are the problem it's the quantity of immigrants.

Thanking you please.

nerd 3:57 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Quick vote Brexit , oh

Mike Oxsaw 3:30 Wed Nov 2
Re: Number of foreign-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million
Hot Ghupta!

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