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Everton On The Brink
northbankboy68 8:33 Tue May 7
Other articles by northbankboy68 ...

This does not bode well for the Toffees. Also, the sooner a regulator is appointed, the better.


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Leavemyarcelona 3:56 Wed May 8
Re: Everton On The Brink
The guardian 😂

RBshorty 12:58 Wed May 8
Re: Everton On The Brink
They ain’t going under. Some Yank fund will pick them for a bargain.

Mike Oxsaw 12:45 Wed May 8
Re: Everton On The Brink
I think the only issue is "What does Everton offer to Brand PL"?

In the pre PL days, the Liverpool derby was (marketed as) a massive thing, so on that basis alone they may decide that Everton must stay, but they've not really offered much to the PL since selling Rooney, so the powers that be may decide Burnley, Nottingham Forest or Luton offer more to the brand next yea -none that well known in the bigger markets but may represent more profitable (and predictable) cannon fodder for the "Big 6".

pdbis 12:34 Wed May 8
Re: Everton On The Brink
I have never liked Everton at all.

Fauxstralian 9:02 Tue May 7
Re: Everton On The Brink
Maybe they could stay up, get a massive points penalty next season and be financially crippled having to sell anyone of value
Would quite like to see them do a Sheff Utd impression next season with Dyche playing centre half & Southall returning in goal

goose 8:54 Tue May 7
Re: Everton On The Brink
They could go into administration now and still stay up.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them forced to give away a share of the ownership of the new stadium to some of their creditors.

North Bank 8:50 Tue May 7
Re: Everton On The Brink
Any ideas who has funded their new stadium and how that would be effected, with all of their financial commitments?

Going into administration could be the best thing they do, it didn't hurt Leicester City as many pundits predicted.

Gaffer58 8:42 Tue May 7
Re: Everton On The Brink
What a shame!!

Fauxstralian 8:41 Tue May 7
Re: Everton On The Brink
777 have loaned Everton £200m to keep them going
Presume if the takeover falls over they'd want that back QUICK SMART

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