WHO Poll

zico 4:27 Wed Jan 25
Funded Nursing Care Query
Have tried contacting every single sodding authority for an answer on this but none of them seem to have a clue so thought I would run it by the WHO experts to see if anyone has been in a similar situation and knows. Be gentle with me!!

In a nutshell, after hearing we could from a friend of mine, we claimed for NHS Continuing Healthcare for mum in her nursing home. The home never mentioned it before so it was me who instigated it. She didn't qualify for CHC but did for Funded Nursing Care (FNC) and the home receive that direct from the authority to the tune of £209.19 a week.

Needless to say on her next bill I was surprised to see that mum's bill hasn't been reduced to the tune of the same amount so the home are technically receiving £836 odd per month extra. Before I query it I have been trying to get a definitive answer from various advice groups and the authority on if the home should pass on the reduction but all I have got is the odd "oh I think it should be passed on but we aren't sure". The home is excellent so don't want to accuse them of anything untoward if it is just standard practice that they don't pass it on as a reduction. I just find it strange that no legislation is in place and need to know what the done thing is in this situation before I approach the home.

Has anyone experienced his themselves?


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gary Strodders shank 1:02 Thu Jan 26
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
Just another thought before you amend any payments
The fact they are paying this money direct to the home may mean that they are entitled to it additionally on top of the amount you are paying for care each month.
The management at the home should be able to clarify this but a local carers advice service (if there is one) are normally pretty clued up too.

Gary Strodders shank 12:46 Thu Jan 26
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query

The council eventually funded the care and paid the home direct less the residents contribution which was paid by standing order each month.
In February this changed and the council paid the full amount including the residents contribution.
We were unaware of this and didn't recieve any notification that this contribution had to be paid to them rather than the home until 4 months had passed.
The home agreed to return the amounts that was still being paid by the standing order and the SO was stopped altogether with the arrears being paid to the council.

As a word of caution the amount local authorities pay towards residential care is usually far less than the actual cost of the home
This becomes an issue when self funding residents fall below the 23k savings threshold and can apply for funding
There is normally a shortfall between the set local authority rate and the actual cost of the home.
The resident themselves cannot by law pay the difference themselvesv(apart from the mandatory contribution above) so the LA /home will ask for a third party top up usually from family.
If there is no-one to pay this the LA are then within there rights to move the resident to a cheaper home (although in most cases they dont exist) or negotiate with the home to provide the care at a cheaper rate.
This situation can be very stressful for residents who have been settled for a number of years when self funding and the relatives who are responsible for sorting the situation out.
With the average care home costing £5k per month any savings or proceeds from property sales can be quickly eroded.

zico 11:11 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
I just pay the bill via mums account each month as POA.

joe royal 10:23 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
My limited knowledge of banking is thus.

Direct debit, you give the bank permission to take as much money as they want out of your bank account- but they should have to give you notice of when and how much,

Standing order - you pay the same amount of money on the same date every month, you control how much and when..

Unsurprisingly most companies prefer the DD. option.

zico 10:10 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
Gary Strodders shank 9:00 Wed Jan 25

Did you do that? How did the home take it?

Gary Strodders shank 9:00 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
If you are paying by direct debit change the amount to reflect that being paid directly to the home by the third party
We had a similar issue in regards to my aunts contributions which had always been paid directly to the home but then changed to the local authority without them notifying us.
Care /nursing home funding is an absolute minefeld and ignored by successive governments.

zico 8:43 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
Yes Bruno but it's a non means tested contribution.

Spoke to several organisations this afternoon and whilst not law it seems that it is best practice to refund so will have to send the home a well worded email politely asking without trying to accuse!

Mods, you can close this.

bruuuno 6:09 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
Does your friend have more than £23k in savings?

ted fenton 5:19 Wed Jan 25
Re: Funded Nursing Care Query
Some info here Zico


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