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charleyfarley 1:55 Thu Mar 2
⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread


    London Stadium
    Thurs 16th March 20:00 GMT
    VAR Fedayi San SUI

Georgi Kabakov BUL
: (4) - 17 0

Areola, Johnson, Zouma, Ogbonna ©, Cresswell, Souček, Paquetá, Lanzini, Bowen, Fornals, Scamacca
Subs: Hegyi (GK), Anang (GK), Aguerd, Benrahma, Cornet, Ings, Kehrer, Emerson, Rice, Laing, Mubama, Potts

Pirić, Casas, Tomović, Gonzalez ©, Englezou, Ledes, Sanjurjo, Mamas, Jakoliš, Nikolić, Naoum
Subs: Toumpas (GK), Stylianidis (GK), Tričkovski, Faraj, Lopes, Miličević, Rosales, Pons, Christoforou, H.Andreou, Altman

West Ham 2/9: Draw 9/2: Larnaca AEK 12/1


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Sir Alf 7:37 Sat Mar 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Typically West Ham. This competition could arguably be seen as a curse since it’s highly likely kept an highly ineffective manager in his job.

It’s equivalent possibly to the old Fairs Cup ( old gits will recall ) but not even as strong since the Premiership has pulled away from a lot of leagues overall so the opposition coming 4-7 in these leagues are not comparable in terms of matching the English clubs in 6th or 7th like they were 40-50 years ago. Imho of course.

But Sullivan is an insecure little man who wears a Russian costume when going out and possibly has a young porn industry lady boy on his arm. He loves a bit of bling. He wants to be classy and be respected / appreciated but cannot earn it. He’s trying to be classy but just looks like a tosser in a “kiss me quick “ hat.

No wonder he loves the fake bling of a Euro competition even if it’s the “rolled gold” competition. He will lord it up if we win it and claim that he brought success to the club after 43 years and conveniently ignore the fact we got relegated should it happen

Tragic all round

RdUeSpSrEeLsLsed 5:00 Sat Mar 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
I’m seeing the win is being used as a platform for West Ham’s future greatness on various articles on newsnow. We’ve definitely turned a corner now we’ve beaten these giants of football who were down to ten men.

BRANDED 11:16 Sat Mar 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
I like the idea of a striker’s name being Divin

Anders 10:32 Sat Mar 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
RM10 5:12 Fri Mar 17

Totally disagree on Soucek, he was one of our best players. Was everywhere in midfield won everything in the air and so much better playing further forward.

Pacqueta on the other hand is struggling in the Premier League. He’s getting enough opportunity but just not showing it. His passing is often woeful.

Scamacca needs more game time, but his hold up play, vision and passing is sorely lacking.

Really glad for local boy Divin Mubama, pressed hard, plays with passion, loves celebrating with the fans. I really hope he gets more chances and becomes our new local hero.

El Scorchio 6:31 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Criminal he didn’t get 60-70 minutes. It’s not like there’s a game coming up he needs to be fresh for.

Stubborn arsehole is just trying to prove some sort of stupid point to the owner while cutting his nose of to spite his face.

ted fenton 5:28 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
If Moyes thinks Scamacca's fitness is wanting then why didn't he give him 90 minutes last night ?
The man's a Dick.

RM10 5:12 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Last night proved to me that scamacca and paqueta are just a waste, lucky toe poke goal no other chances, the other can’t pass. Soucek is finished. Bowen scored without trying and mbuama knows where the goal is.

Burnhammeronsea 4:24 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
I like the way Scammaca takes snap shots. Certainly catch out keepers as last night. Gutted to see him taken off when he needs time on the pitch. Not afraid to take shots outside the box too. He could be the difference in our survival .

Razzle 3:28 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Whoever plays up front be that Scam, Antonio, Ings they will spend long periods isolated and 20 metres away from the midfield under Negative Daves Defensive first tactics.
So disappointed in this season after the purchases, I honestly thought we would be more competative but no.

El Scorchio 2:58 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Haz 2:42

Hahahahaha! Totally true. Too young too enthusiastic tries to play too much.

threesixty 2:53 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
I bet Moyes would tell Messi his work rate is not good enough and play Antonio instead…

The one thing I’d say about Pelligrini vs Moyes is that MP would rather have class and skill than work rate. Moyes the complete opposite.

Scamaca is class. You HAVE to get others to work around him or what’s the point. You can tell just by the amount of strikers outside the area what this guys about. Antonio has 1 goal outside the area for us.

I dunno… I just think the guy has joined the wrong team if Moyes is gonna stay with us.

Haz 2:42 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Scorch - you said

'He’s a bit of a Moyes wet dream of a player as well. Fast and strong. Got to get on to those balls booted from deep….'

The trouble is he ain't 31, so won't get a look in whilst Moyes is there.

El Scorchio 2:19 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Agree. I think he probably needs to develop that a little bit but we really haven’t fed him much either or had sustained play in the oppo box at all this season for him to even demonstrate that sort of thing. I think he can also chip on with a lot of assists by coming a bit deeper and springing runners beyond him. Some of the clips I saw of him in Italy showed that a lot. Criminal we haven’t played him with Bowen and Antonio flanking him.

OccupyGreenStreet 2:01 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
FCJ/Scorch agreed on his skill set being nearer a version of Kane’s than it is standard central strikers. Even as a young player though, Kane always looked as if he lived to score, and Scamacca needs to develop his temperament/attitude along those lines. Obviously, having Moyes as gaffer doesn’t help in the least.

Big prospect though.

El Scorchio 1:36 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Full Claret Jacket 1:28

Yup, don’t disagree. But with more pace and more skill with the ball at his feet.
It’s criminal what we’ve done with him- just like Haller before him. It’s interesting that lots of people are seemingly now coming round to with Haller it was ‘us not him’ that was the problem.

He’s going to be a hell of a player but almost certainly somewhere else. If we stay up and Moyes gets the boot, that’s the only way I see him playing. Otherwise he’s gone. It’s ridiculous the way he’s been treated. Like leaving a Ferrari in the garage every week and going out in your dump truck instead. The actions of a mad man. No doubt a certain other striker has been behind some of this but the manager is a fucking idiot for being handed a really, really good player and simply not attempting to get anything out of him.

El Scorchio 1:30 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Pav BML 1:04

Agree. It was lovely to see and he’s got a lot going for him. Well spoken lad too. Hope he makes it. If we do unfortunately get relegated, he could have a big role for us.

He’s a bit of a moyes wet dream of a player as well. Fast and strong. Got to get on to those balls booted from deep….

Full Claret Jacket 1:28 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Scamacca has the potential to be the Italian Harry Kane. He strikes a ball as well as him, has good vision and movement but like Kane can be anonymous for long periods in a game.
Unlike Kane I think he is young a bit immature and emotional. Freezing him out is poor management.

If Moyes cannot see that and nurture this level of talent then he is thick. He has to play, he has to be encouraged, we need to learn how to create space for him and feed him. Spurs got lucky with Son building a great relationship with Kane when he was on form. We need someone to do similar with Scamacca.
He would be frustrating in some games but would 100% be our top scorer and win us matches if we trusted in him. Massive talent. Dig me out in a few years if I'm wrong.

Razzle 1:05 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
I couldnt be bothered to watch this non-competative fixture after the 1st leg. Just dire standard.

Pav BML 1:04 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
Great to see Mubama get his goal, you could tell how much it meant to him and was rightfully enjoying it with the crowd. looks like what we've been missing, strong quick and eye for goal which fits more into Moyes 'tactics' than someone like Ings.

El Scorchio 12:57 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread
He did acknowledge the fans. The both did. He did look a bit down though and rightly so. Shouldn’t have been hooked.

God knows what he and Paqueta were talking about. ‘This manager- fucking joke’. ‘Where do you want to play next season after he’s relegated this club?’

By the way I know the opposition wasn’t great but it’s clear to see Scamacca is by far the most complete striker we have at the club. Doesn’t have the limitations either of the other two have. Ings is clearly more wily and Antonio has more physicality but he’s got more than either of them. Just a shame the manager doesn’t know how or just refuses to use him properly or gameplan to get the best out of him rather than trying to shoehorn him into the shit system that doesn’t work.

If/when he leaves, he’s going to rip it up somewhere else and we are going to look like fucking idiots.

Moncurs Putting Iron 12:32 Fri Mar 17
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Larnaca AEK - Official Match Thread

Not quite. It was clear that he was not happy at being hoiked off and Paq was having a chat to try and get him to lift his head a bit but I was in 146 and he definitely acknowledged that corner with applause back.

His post match interview also acknowledged the fans.

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