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SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:39 Wed Mar 29
Carlton Palmer
Heart attack during the Sheffield half-marathon.

Funnily enough, he was on the wireless the other day saying it would be easy and just a warm-up for the London marathon. Anyone who knows Sheffield (and Carlton does) will know there are NO flat bits. 57 is quite old to be attempting it, even for an ex-pro athlete.

Anyway, get well soon, you useless, lanky streak of piss.

I say that in an affectionate kind of way.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Eastside surge 9:46 Thu Mar 30
Re: Carlton Palmer
Reminds me of listening to Robbie savage on five live once ( and no I'm not husband biggest fan ) but so.e guy was ripping into him telling him he was everything that was wrong with premier footballers and that he was an awful player etc.
He simply replied I bet I'm better than you though mate ! Did make me chuckle

zebthecat 6:50 Thu Mar 30
Re: Carlton Palmer
We had some shocking players in that era.
Andy Sinton and Geoff Thomas spring to mind.
I remember the latter shanking a shot out for a throw-in.

bruuuno 6:45 Thu Mar 30
Re: Carlton Palmer
I’d say Carlton Cole was much worse a player than CP and he played for England

Swiss. 6:34 Thu Mar 30
Re: Carlton Palmer
Emile Heskey 7 goals in 62 games for England. That's 1 in 9 approx. I mean Crouch scored 1 in 2 for England and we had Owen and Rooney over this period. How come he played so often?

dax47988 6:56 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
he was saying the other day that Luke Shaw is not up to international football and is a very very poor defender

absolutely obliterated my irony meter, smashed it into next week

BubblesCyprus 5:51 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Random video on You Tube naming the worst 11 players to get an England Cap...........Palmer was first name on Team Sheet

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:46 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Timmy Breacker 5:18 Wed Mar 29

I was sure it was Barnes, but I might have misheard. To be fair to Campbell, he's taken jobs at Macclesfield and Southend, so 'entitled' doesn't seem right.

Yarmouth 5:23 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
When I saw the name of this post I was going to trash him for the sitting on the fence garbage he talks on talkshite along with Danny 'I love Liverpool' Murphy, Martin 'the diplomat' Oneill, White & Jordan 'heads up Moyes's arse', Martin 'monkey head' Keown, and that utter wanker Gabby 'the obligatory Brummie' fkn Agbonlahor.

But - seeing's he's had a heart attack, best wishes for a recovery to the lad. With due respect though - how the fuck did he become a professional football player let alone play for England?

Timmy Breacker 5:18 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
I think he said that about Sol Campbell.

If ever a footballer could be described as "leggy" it was Carlton Palmer, he seemed to go box to box in about 10 strides.

Council Scum 5:06 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Probably the vaccine innit

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:36 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Moncurs Putting Iron 12:53 Wed Mar 29

I was being sincere, mate. As Pentonville put it, better than me, awful footballer, nice man.

On the same show he was being interviewed on last week, they were discussing the lack of black managers in English football. I didn't agree with much that he said, but everything he did say was calm, reasonable and totally without chippiness. You have to warm to a black man who, when asked about John Barnes, replies, 'To be fair, if I was a football club chairman, I wouldn't employ John Barnes either - he comes over as way too entitled'

Eastside surge 3:16 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Remember Martin Allen nearly cutting him half one game v sheff wed and as he lay prostate on the turf right in front of us in the chicken run within a few seconds a rendition of " if carlton plays for England so can I " felt quite bad at the time but that soon passed.

torino hammer 3:07 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Northern Sold 2:47 Wed Mar 29

I was at that match at Hillsborough

I remeber the comment that Carlton was a very fit player as it was so far to get to his second touch!

El Scorchio 2:58 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Side of Ham 2:41

'it wasn't his fault he got chosen'- Absolutely. And as a pro you'd never say 'No boss, I'm not good enough.'

TBH, that's a bit like how I am feeling about Soucek for us right now. Not his fault Moyes is persisting with him despite it being wrong for the team, and basically letting him be a scapegoat for his own failings.

Kearley 2:58 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Sold, I was at that game. What a sickner.

Got home that night to find out my nan had been taken seriously ill and she was gone within the week.

Shit day all round.

Northern Sold 2:47 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Remember going up to Hillsbrough .. going 1-0 up Mike Small… and them him (CARLTON) and David Hurst (IIRC??) scoring two goals in injury time… to beat us 2-1… knew then we was gonna get relegated

Side of Ham 2:41 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Geoff Thomas was the worst for me.....but POB is still a very good shout.....hope he get better....it wasn't his fault he got chosen.....

Kearley 2:36 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Had heart surgery a few years ago, so not completely out of the blue.

El Scorchio 2:32 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Willtell 2:03

Absolute Moyes player!

cholo 2:10 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
To be fair Carlton could run and one stride for him was about 5 for any normal player. Did well against us for Wednesday in the early 90s when we somehow scraped a draw at their place.

Get well soon Carlton.

Willtell 2:03 Wed Mar 29
Re: Carlton Palmer
Wasn’t Carlton Palmer once described as the worst footballer to ever play for England?

He could run and run and run though. So much so that Moyes would have loved him!

I don’t wish him harm though and hope he slows down now he’s had a warning.

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