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BRANDED 10:34 Sat May 13
Right. One of the great cultural highlights of the year. In Liverpool no less.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Cheezey Bell-End 3:35 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision
That shit about Edgar Allan Poe.. wtf were they thinking?

Side of Ham 3:23 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision
Over cooked the CHA-CHA’s there Bobby….

bobbymoore 2:45 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision

North Bank 2:37 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision
A Eurovision thread without ooh Morley Morley is like scones without clotted cream

Northern Sold 1:33 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision

Razzle 1:28 Mon May 15
Re: Eurovision
No "just stop oil protesters" oe "extincton rebellion" coincicence?

13 Brentford Rd 7:29 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
Didn't watch it but listened to the winning song, a couple of others and the Israeli song which should have won as it was the most catchy, would have also pissed off the scousers massively.

100% rigged.
The final in Sweden next year on the the 50th anniversary of Abba. The Swedish song was shit.
last year Ukraine wins, then because they needed someone else to host it we suddenly come 2nd, then back to 2nd last this year.

The Ghost of Sven 7:28 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
5Live yesterday morning were asking for comments on the BBC's wall to wall coverage & some bloke messaged in to say 'Now I know how non-football fans feel during the World Cup'.

Imagine the viewing audience is split between GAYS & Women .
And men who cant be bothered to (or are too scared to) tell their partners that its a load of cock wash

Sydney_Iron 3:49 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
State of the Swedish women that one it? Would imagine it’s carnage when she wipes her arse with those nails!

Swiss. 3:29 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
I see Steven Tyler from Aerosmith won it. Didn't know he is Swedish.

Fonz spot on about the Israeli bint,,,grrrrrrrrr

Willtell 12:51 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
I watched a few minutes and wife agreed that it was shit so turned to recorded programmes

El Scorchio 12:45 Sun May 14
Re: Eurovision
Load of old shit. People just vote for what they are told is the favourite and therefore beforehand as well. Every year.

Not that it’s even about the song half the time.

goose 11:33 Sun May 14
The one with the beard?

Eurovision is gayer than Northern Solds DVD collection.

Dr Matt 11:28 Sun May 14
Israel’s performance was very good.

Sweden correctly won.

The UK wasn’t second worst but wasn’t in the top 10 - so got what it deserved.

The Fonz 11:12 Sun May 14
Didn't watch it but there is nothing gay about the Israeli bird.

Massive grrrrrrrrr

Moncurs Putting Iron 10:53 Sun May 14
Been everywhere and unavoidable this week, not interested, glad it's over

(Gave me some insight into how non football feel when to be fair)

goose 9:48 Sun May 14
BBC news landing page:

Bendervision x3
Story about Indonesian trans muslims

It’s not even subtle anymore.

Alfs 2:37 Sun May 14
I see the Russian cunts have bombed the home city of the Ukrainian entry.

Alfs 2:28 Sun May 14
2nd from bottom. Back to normal, then.

Pedro 2:13 Sun May 14
Easy money that.

BRANDED 2:10 Sun May 14

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