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Phall Throw 5:34 Mon May 15
SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Awight mukkas

Tried various forums and they are all cunts who cant help so thought I would try another forum full of cunts, at least you are west ham cunts to try and get some fucking answers.

Moving to a new build in 6 weeks and currently with SKY, realised after viewing the gaff has no aerial socket and no master socket for broadband/phone.

SKY no help as address is on postcode finder but not on openreach system and BT (who I may move to to stop hassle of having a dish and better prices) same problem, they have address but not on openreach yet.

Problem is I cannot organise a home move and services as there is no master socket for activation of services. Is it the service provider who organises this or me? I have tried "reaching out" to openreach with no luck as apparantly they only deal with service providers but service providers say I need to contact estate agent/building manager to sort

I am getting nowhere - I know transfer of services can take time BUT as soon as I can I want to transfer services whether SKY or BT so I can get fucking up and running ASAP with minimal delay.

Anyone had similar experiences or are SKY and BY justg being cunts?

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Iron Duke 9:34 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

Lee Trundle 7:56 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Yeah. They bought them and then just allowed them to continue running it how they were originally and just take the profits.

They were cheaper than BT for the same speeds, but I found them much more helpful than BT. Their call centre is based here then the UK in Yorkshire which is infinitely better than the generic call centres you get abroad.

This is how it was about 5 years ago when I had a landline anyway. It may have changed since.

Auntie Thermite 7:52 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Being a new build, I'd be highly surprised that there's no master socket for broadband/fibre/telephone.

Punch the new address postcode in any ADSL checker, try this for example:

Being a newbuild I'd hazard a guess that HyperOptic are available there, my first advice would be Hyperion>Community Fibre, then the next cheapest/fastest speed thereafter.

There should be a comms cabinet hidden away in the apartment, there almost certainly will be a comms cabinet serving the building.

Worst case scenario and there is no telco/BB/fibre set up, you'll be able to get a 3 [https://www.three.co.uk/] deal that will offer you a decent portable internet solution that will work anywhere regardless of phoneline etc.

The above is simple and straightforward enough.

cygnet 7:41 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Is Plusnet iowned by BT..?

charleyfarley 7:24 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
I reckon AI has seen hassle and interpreted it as Heysel and kicked you out

Phall Throw 6:28 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Mr. Burns 6:23 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

I am only renting but as far as I know it is one developer who has done the whole site. The estate agent said that SKY services are OK to have so it seems I will just have to push the estate agent on liasing with the developer to get openreach sorted out. I have 2 months before I need services there but would like infrastructure in place

Mr. Burns 6:23 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Is there a management company assigned to the 19 flats?

mallard 6:17 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
There’s a very good chance a fibre system has been installed and the company have exclusively which will not allow Openreach in.

Speak to the building company / Site Agent

Lee Trundle 6:13 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

Looks like from that you'll need to place an order, which is a bit shit.

Don't go with BT. Go with Plusnet if you have to have a landline as you'll have the same service, better customer service for a cheaper cost, from my experience.

Phall Throw 6:05 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Westside 6:00 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

Yep, one other adult but I would lose all my many years of VIP status but of course could be offset by cheaper deals as a new customer. Already have latest hub and Q box so equipment is well up to date.

BT have better deals for more services and no need for a dish either. My main concern is this master socket business more than anything.

I'll have to push the estate agent to contact openreach as apparantly they only deal direct with contractors and businesses and not individuals

Westside 6:00 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Phall, you say you are trying to use Sky's moving services?

Will you be in the new gaff with anybody, who isn't currently a Sky customer? If you are move in, then get them to order a new Sky service in their name. Did this with Mrs Westside, many years ago and was a piece of piss. And you get brand new kit, rather than having the old stuff moved.

Mike Oxsaw 5:57 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
If it was an old office block, the chances are that there is an entry point for cables somewhere (ask the providers to search the name of the original business occupant).

Quite often there is a cupboard/room in the basement/underground parking/service area from where cables/ducting would have/may still be routed to the individual offices.

The business must have had a phone service unless it ceased trading and did an Elvis before World War 1.

Can you get a gander at the site plans (via the estate agent)?

Phall Throw 5:48 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Lee Trundle 5:44 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

As am I!

It was an old office block converted to 19 apartments so surely those 19 new places need broadband services!

Phall Throw 5:47 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!

SKY said they need a notification on their system that openreach have installed services, BT slightly more helpful saying they would organise BUT cant do an order until they know openreach have services there - they have updated their system to ask for it whatever that means.

Also find it bad no master socket. Firestock not an option as want to record, live pause etc and a technophobe so want it legit with help at other end.

SKY been good with me and BT helpful on phone - all to a degree. Main issue is this fucking master socket!

tonka 5:47 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Get a 5G modem and an unlimited data sim from Voxi or someone similar.

Lee Trundle 5:44 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
To follow on from what RdUeSpSrEeLsLsed said, I find it pretty surprising a new build wouldn't have this stuff already ducted in somewhere.

Lee Trundle 5:43 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
Your provider will install the master socket.

You're also dealing with probably the 2 worst companies when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Have you ever thought about binning off Sky, getting yourself a moody firestick, and going with someone like Plusnet (who might be more helpful)?

RdUeSpSrEeLsLsed 5:41 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
If you have data points in your new builds I’d advise you to get a data person in ASAP as Sparkies get the work for it and it’s an abortion.

All new builds should have a new master point in them, it seems they’re getting worse. Some new builds I’ve seen have fibre brought in at some point either in a cupboard or outside.

I’d chat to the builders of your house for answers and if you get none look for an independent data/telecom engineer. Where are you based? I know some and can pm you

BRANDED 5:37 Mon May 15
Re: SKY / BT / New Build Property - Hassle!
I’d get a life. It’s your big opportunity.

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