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RoyalDocksGK 12:13 Thu Jul 13
The Dele Alii interview

Interview with Gary Neville opening up on his life. From the snippets I've seen, that's some awful upbringing. From being abused at 6 years old, having an alcoholic mum, drug dealing and being hung off a bridge at 11 to then having to play for spurs.

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billywhitehorse 11:24 Tue Jul 18
Re: The Dele Alii interview
I had an instinctive dislike of him.

I was driving near where I live one day when another motorist made a point of slowing down to let me pull out in front of him I waved to thank him and saw that it was Alli.

It surprised me.

A few months later I saw him talking to the park keepers as he was leaving the local park. I spoke to them after he left and they said he visited the park cafe most mornings. They were all completely in agreement that he was a nice modest bloke and always had a chat with them and remembered their names etc.

twoleftfeet 6:02 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
I’m with you Joe.

Surely this would have had more of an impact and helped others when his career was at a high rather than on the downward trajectory it is now.

This just smacks of him looking for excuses as to why he has been so shot for the last 3/4 years.

joe royal 4:33 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview

Maybe it’s an age thing but every kid these days seems to be autistic or ADHD or suffering from mental health issues.

It used to be that special needs was the exception not the norm.

But I’ll repeat what I said earlier .

He didn’t seem to have any issues when he was banging goals in and playing for England.

Personally I never rated him as a player, seemed a bit spiteful and not that interested in the game .

Maybe he’s made his money and just can’t be bothered so pulls the mental health/abuse card

Or maybe not.

No one seems to have ‘issues’ when things are going well.

cholo 1:22 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
joe royal

OK, but apart from being guilty of being not very good at football lately and playing for Tottenham, he's hardly trying to avoid jail time. I mean, lying about feeling sad to get off doing bird is one thing, but I doubt he'd stoop so low to pretend he'd been abused a s child as an excuse for being a bit crap.

joe royal 12:56 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
ak37 10:14 Sun Jul 16

4 charges to start with; possession, possession with intent to supply, money laundering and something else that I can’t recall.

Her defence was an ex boyfriend stored it there unknown to her , when she kicked him out he kept the keys and had no knowledge of it.

The other charges I’m guessing are normal with that amount of money and quantity involved.

Luckily she could prove where every penny of her income came from and certainly didn’t lead the life of a drug dealer

Plea bargains happen all the time , they dropped 3 for a guilty plea.

About 30 years ago I was up for ABH and affray . Was going to plead not guilty. Got to court and was offered to drop the charges in exchange for a section 5 public order offence.

After a quick chat with the barrister I took it. Was still convinced I was not guilty but it had cost me about 2k by then and would have cost another 2k to go to trial.

Brief reckoned it was 50/50 at best

Willtell 10:29 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
wd40 11:22

Entirely agree with that. When we see those ancestry programmes how would modern generations have coped 100 years ago.

ak37 10:14 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
£200k worth of gear that’s possession!!!

joe royal 10:06 Sun Jul 16
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Always a bit skeptical about revelations like this. He never seemed to have any issues when he was playing well and getting England caps.

Mate of mine got done for possession, pretty girl in the dock, few tears, a shit load of mental health issues about how her dad left when she was a kid, abusive relationships, depression and anxiety etc. walked off with 60 hours community service and a £1000 fine.

Not a bad result for 200k worth of coke & H.

Went for a beer after in the cuckfield and asked her about the issues.

It’s all BS, the silk briefed me in what to say and do - it worked.

Will add tho, the trial was fresh out of lockdown and three charges were dropped if she agreed to plead guilty to possession.

Got the impression a lot of cases were leniently dealt with tho just to clear the backlog.

Gary Strodders shank 11:53 Fri Jul 14
Re: The Dele Alii interview
I read about this on the BBC website who put up a warning of graphic content at the top (of which there was none)
A shit upbringing but sounds like his adopted parents turned his life around.

wd40 11:22 Fri Jul 14
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Jesus can everybody in the world stop talking about mental heath problems

go on just for a day give us all a well learned break.

The Ghost of Sven 11:19 Fri Jul 14
Re: The Dele Alii interview
He said he didnt want to talk about all this but the tabloids had found out he had been in rehab and were going to splash it all over the press obviously without all the detail he has revealed explaining why he was there.

General tone of .....
Lazy junkie millionaire cunt Alli drying out after being on a bender for years cheating our lovely Sun readers who have to shell out to watch him play like a twat

Noah 10:52 Fri Jul 14
Re: The Dele Alii interview
PwoperNaughtyButNot 1:42 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Nice one Hammer Oz

Would you swap his experiences if you could have his successes?

Excellent question PNBN

Dr Matt 7:30 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Will the FA investigate him admitting to selling drugs?

They seemed interested enough in Bowen tweeting something when he was like 3.

Vexed 4:25 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Maybe if he wasn't such a cunt people wouldn't have wanted to stick their finger up his arse or turn to drink. People never think of it that way round do they?

Eastside surge 3:21 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Wouldn't have a book coming out by any chance would he ?

Fifth Column 2:16 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview

The last 6 words in your original post. Absolutely laughed my bollocks off.

stewey 2:10 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Got sucked off by huw when he was 8

arsene york-hunt 1:43 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
No matter how much you have gone through in your childhood, there is absolutely no excuse for the pat-a-cake goal celebration with the chinaman when spurs scored against us.

Lato 1:42 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
On a personal level no one deserves to have to go through that (Spurs or not).

As a Professional Footballer his fall from being at the top of his game under Poch to where he is now is equally as bad. As with Morrison a huge waste of talent!

PwoperNaughtyButNot 1:42 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
Nice one Hammer Oz

Would you swap his experiences if you could have his successes?

Hammer Oz 1:35 Thu Jul 13
Re: The Dele Alii interview
So how way of dealing with it was to be an obnoxious prick?
All have had issues, deal with it privately don't use it as an excuse.
Wasn't a problem when he was winning, shouldn't be a problem now.
Bored of the sympathy vote mentality that is about now

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