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joe royal 3:30 Thu Jul 20
joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Sciacca to be precise, those that know what goes on here - know.

It’s also stupidity hot, 37 degrees or 98.6 in old money, the truck is running two aircon systems and is struggling. The poor sods turning up tomorrow to unload it will not be getting paid anywhere near enough.

Hotel tomorrow, no more lorries for best part of two weeks.

How hot is it there?

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ironsofcanada 1:00 Sat Jul 22
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Supposed to also be 37 here in frigid Canada on Monday.

Measly 32 here right now but at least we got the wind.

Be interesting to see if we get +40 and -40 in a year at one point.

Darlo Debs 12:40 Sat Jul 22
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)


Leonard Hatred 4:16 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Why aye man pet.

Darlo Debs 4:00 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Len saying Champion at the end of a sentence....you've caught Northern :-)

joe royal 3:52 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)

We are in a hotel 10km away, pool, bar etc. 6 vans 4 mini buses and a VW 4x4 for some reason. Not bad between 13 of us .

Leonard Hatred 9:52 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
30Β° is my cutoff point where I start getting irritable.

Been out in Europe all summer doing the Beyonce tour and a few other things.

Was in the late 30s all the time, gave me the proper hump.

Got back home to Sunderland yesterday, it's pissing down and a bit chilly.


cholo 9:44 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Both my missus' paternal grandparents were Sicilian (Palermo). Would love to go some day but fuck that sort of heat.

Leonard Hatred 8:38 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
I did that gig in 2014.

Sat around supping ale by the pool for 3 weeks, it was GREAT.

However, it wasn't that hot then.

Sicily is supposed to be 48Β° this week.

And you won't be in a "hotel", it'll be chalets with no air conditioning..

Balto 4:37 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Joe, we got back from Sicily two weeks ago. It was hot enough but nothing like the heat wave you are enduring.

Stay cool, stay healthy. My Missus is half Sicilian and we went to visit her ancestors in Corleone. Got to be the hottest place in Sicily)

Matthew Holmes 1:27 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Get a granita Joe son.

Top notch

Can't eat more than one though. Too sweet

Crassus 1:25 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Well enjoy Joe
We were supposed to be flying there Saturday week, e mailed today - cancelled holiday
Which has pissed off the Duchess, so me by proxy for all the bloody grief
I didn't set fire to the bastard thing although you would think I did and having spent a pleasant week on the Wye fishing, just back and now have to sort an alternative

Gary Strodders shank 12:11 Fri Jul 21
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)

We used to have a couple of mates who worked at Wembley (arena,stadium & the old conference centre) through a local agency and if they were in the right place at the right time could slip you in the back door (so to speak) they were mostly employed in the bars or pop ups which was another bonus.

Darlo Debs 10:35 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Given his views on reggae I was surprised he did the gig or was invited to.

When I got burnt I had a red streak down the middle of of mead neck.and chest. I still don't know how I only got burnt there

joe royal 10:15 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Debs. That was Finsbury Park.was over two days with madness headlining both dates.

I went on the day morrissey pulled out.

Darlo Debs 10:05 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Gaz where was the gig even they had Morrissey in support snd people were lobbing cans and stuff at him?
I am.jel.that you go.to.go.backstage at a Madness gig btw

Gary Strodders shank 10:00 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Darlo Debs

I think I saw Madness there back in the day but only a vague recollection as was seeing them at Wembley arena where we ended up backstage (which is another story)

Darlo Debs 9:47 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Gaz it was called Lazy Sunday Afternoon. It was Weller headlining and a load of support acts.

Gary Strodders shank 9:43 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Darlo Debs

Back in 96 (Finsbury) Punk or the Fleah thing

joe royal 9:29 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)

The Aussie version was slip slop slap.

Sip on a shirt
Slop on the sunscreen
Slap on a hat.

Managed to get sunstroke in surfers paradise in 92, never been able to sit in the sun for longer than 30/50 mins since.

Darlo Debs 9:14 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Gaz right now a mac and some wellies will be more useful cantbsay it won't change by the end of August though..

You should pop.in for a cuppa gaz...we can vxhat music and West Ham :-)

I am..fairly olive skinned but .one of the only times I really burned was at an all day.open air gig in 1996 at Funsbury Park.

Gary Strodders shank 9:06 Thu Jul 20
Re: joe royal in Sicily 🀌🀌🀌 (and the weather)
Darlo Debs

What's the weather like up there. ?

I've got relatives in Newton Aycliffe and maybe going up there end of August

Will I need sunscreen ?

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