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SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:28 Sun Jul 30
Egg and chips
Bearing in mind that egg and chips are great and spaghetti carbonara is shit, I wonder if we can get more than 117 posts on the subject?

Sausage or bacon additions allowed, but I don't want to hear some pretentious cunt suggesting porcini or somesuch. I'm looking at Swiss, IoC and the Polish twat here.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

BBondsBootlaces 8:32 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
118. Mods lock this thread.

Northern Sold 7:30 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
Have done homemade chips in the airfryer... not bad .... but a lot of effort... too be fair you are better off getting some McCains covering them with a nice sprinkle of chilli flakes and whacking them in the AF... come out superb

defjam 6:45 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
Hermit Road 5:02 - If you add going to a field and digging them up as well you might be onto something! :)

ironsofcanada 5:34 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
Contrary to what I post on here, I don't need to do everything cheffy
(Why add a post if you are just doing what everyone does.?)

That said, the Hand and Flowers was not miles away from where last lived in Oxfordshire and Tom Kerridge's triple-cooked cook are a cut above. The only thing I would say you don't need to do is use an apple corer, they can be slightly irregular.

Not complex but take time.

Hermit Road 5:02 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
You might be on to something there Def.

If I follow all those steps to make them from scratch, the effort involved might make them calorie neutral

daveyg 4:40 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
I tried many times to get egg and chips in Sydney.
They couldn't understand it. This despite having fried eggs and chips on the menu,with different dishes of course.

On a good night out at 3/4 in the morning there was nothing better than having a Gutbusters with chips. Brighton Fruit n Veg Market

defjam 4:21 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
North Bank 4:18 - Ag ag ag...Hang on are you calling me fat? :)

North Bank 4:18 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
defjam 4:06 Wed Aug 2 and you wonder why you've piled on the pounds

defjam 4:12 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
Hermit Road 4:06 - Oh man, Home made chips were the nuts but hard work as you say, peeling, slicing, then soaking to get the starch out etc
A different thread altogether but a cafe near me years ago did the best homemade chips ever, I was always against chips on a fry up till then.
I know that's nearly as old a thread on here as crisps :)

Hermit Road 4:06 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
I take my hat off to anyone still doing chips in a pan. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. Dunno how my mum stood there for ages doing piles of chips for all of us. I can understand why she didn't do it as much as we wanted though.

The frozen ones do the job for me

defjam 4:06 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
That's lunch sorted - Two fried eggs, Albert Bartletts homestye chips in the air fryer till golden, few slices of thin sliced, air dried ham, a touch of MAYO.


yngwies Cat 3:53 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
117 Fatties

iphammer 2:00 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips
Egg, Chips, and Mashy Pea's yum yum

young woody 1:51 Wed Aug 2
Re: Egg and chips

Does the job

percyd 11:54 Tue Aug 1
Re: Egg and chips
Egg & Chips, lived on 'em as a kid (Mum pan fried it all in lard). I cooked 'em for my kids (occasionally adding a sausage or baked beans), now I cook 'em for my 7 year old grandson who resides with me. Store bought chips, not on your Nelly.....thin handcut Agria spuds in hot oil. Eggs pan-fried or if craving excitement chuck them into the hot oil immediately after extracting the crispy chips.

Side of Ham 11:16 Tue Aug 1
Re: Egg and chips
Or the Karate Instructor is on holiday in Spain….

Willtell 10:17 Tue Aug 1
Re: Egg and chips
Guess what I had to eat last night? Yup. The Mrs said "I've got some boiled potatoes we could fry with some eggs...

Weird thing is she said the day after the Carbonara thread started that I was having Spaghetti Carbonara so I reckon she's a secret WHO reader....

Hammer and Pickle 11:18 Mon Jul 31
Re: Egg and chips
100 EGGS and some chips

jfk 11:16 Mon Jul 31
Re: Egg and chips
Loads of white pepper.

jfk 11:14 Mon Jul 31
Re: Egg and chips
Had toad for tea this evening,with mash.green beans and onion gravy.Got a massive crave on for fried eggs a chips so will be dining on that tomorrow evening.
Half decent quality eggs with twice cooked chips,hp sauce and anchor buttered thick cut white bread to accompany.
Runny snotless yolks essential.
Overcooked fried eggs are shite.

Gary Strodders shank 10:57 Mon Jul 31
Re: Egg and chips
Eggs over easy anyone ?

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