WHO Poll

yngwies Cat 12:34 Tue Aug 1
Happy Birthday...to Me!
Spending the day delivering collecting and delivering urine samples.

Taking the piss and living the dream


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Too Much Too Young 12:23 Tue Aug 8
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
And me today, along with Julian Dicks..

Leo's are massive..

Claret Badger 1:17 Fri Aug 4
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Happy birthday rocker

mallard 12:01 Wed Aug 2
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
And there was me thinking it was only Jerry Garcia and David James!

Daughter took me out for some nice food.

Many Happy Returns fellow Birthday brothers!

yngwies Cat 11:24 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Pentonville 7:12 Tue Aug 1
.ha ha .

Fucken hell, I thought I was being original.

1st August as common as muck.

Family meal and getting thrashed as at pool

Hope you fella birthday whoers .are having a good time.

WHU(Exeter) 8:39 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
I am off for a Persian kebab.

Happy Birthday Leo the Firsts.

Crassus 8:15 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Bloody blimey
Seems a collection of us on the 1/8 birthday
Happy b/d boys

mallard 7:37 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Thanks Pents!

When’s your birthday? One of us will remember

Pentonville 7:12 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Always wanted to wish myself happy birthday on here but always felt it a massive cunt move to do so.
Still do. 🤣🤣

Happy Birthday Mate and to the others jumping on the bandwagon below 🤣

ray winstone 7:03 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους σας.

J.Riddle 6:56 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
defjam 6:31 Tue Aug 1

defjam 6:31 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Happy Birthday you cunts!

South Woodhammer 6:04 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Mine too …

ironsofcanada 6:02 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Fair play for making it happen on your own.

And best wishes to all that celebrate

North Bank 6:00 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Have a great day all of you birthday boys

Mike Oxsaw 4:13 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Have a good one. Which of your nine lives are you currently living?

Hammer and Pickle 3:04 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Sto Lat to a Good Hat!

Darlo Debs 3:00 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Happy birthday to.you.all. Have a good'un x

yngwies Cat 1:12 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Happ birthday fellow. Leo's.

Man With No Name 1:11 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
It's also my birthday today

mallard 1:02 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
…It’s my birthday too

Is this a WHO record??

WHU(Exeter) 12:55 Tue Aug 1
Re: Happy Birthday...to Me!
Mine too YC

Happy Birthday

*does Leo the lion roar*

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